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To give terrible feedback...?

44 replies

MarcelineTheVampire · 06/04/2017 15:30

I had another consultant appointment today for my pregnancy and it's the second time I have seen this particular doctor (not the lead consultant). The first time he made me cry, questioning why I was on anxiety medication in a really inappropriate way and being a bit of a sexist, arrogant buffoon.

I didn't make any kind of complaint last time although he did really set me back on terms of my mental health.

So, today I go in and he immediately was dismissive of my anxiety and questioning why I was on medication- I explained the reasons and said my GP, the lead consultant and my mental health consultant all agreed that it was better to do so. This seemingly was not good enough as he rolled his eyes several times and said 'but do YOU feel that you need it' - it has changed my life, I was having up to 25 panic attacks a day and now some days I don't have any so yes, he rolled his eyes again.

I then explained I was getting pain, he dismissed it and said he was not worried. I asked about the growth of the baby as the sonographer had said the baby was big and they may test for diabetes. He just waived his hand dismissively and didn't answer when I asked about that. Well, put it this way, he laughed at me and behaved entirely inappropriately throughout and DP fully agreed that he was terrible both times.

Anyway, at the end he asked me to complete a feedback form for him - this apparently was meant to be 'anonymous' but he wanted me to complete it in front of him. I pulled up my big girls pants and despite being a tad anxious I gave him really low scores with feedback about how he had made me feel. --I then ran out.
DP thinks I'm ruthless and I should have just given him decent scores as we will likely see him again but I feel justified- I don't want to get him in trouble but it's not okay to treat people like that in my mind. So, who is BU - me or DP?

OP posts:
diddl · 06/04/2017 16:20

"'you don't need anxiety medication woman - you look absolutely fine' "

Good grief-he needs retraining just for that!

TooManyTrolls · 06/04/2017 16:21

you don't need anxiety medication woman - you look absolutely fine' and then told me how it would harm my baby

Really? That sounds unbelievable. 😳 If he talks like that I suspect he will have had other complaints.

muffinbluffer · 06/04/2017 16:22

YANBU...Good for you...often these consultants get given god-like status and patients feel too intimidated to speak out so well done for sticking up not just for yourself but for all the other patients he will treat this way.....Flowers for you

diddl · 06/04/2017 16:23

Sorry about the previous double post.

I'd also take it further.

He sounds awful.

ChrisYoungFuckingRocks · 06/04/2017 16:26

I went to my GP when I was 8 weeks pregnant with twins, with terrible constipation. She prescribed suppositories. I went home, read the insert, and it said it had an extremely high risk of causing miscarriage in early pregnancy!!!! I changed GP surgeries immediately. I have wished since then that I had put in a formal complaint.

Now, I would've done what you did, except I would not have given him the feedback form, as he probably shredded it. I would've handed it in at reception, so someone else was aware of the problem.

Sorry you had to go through this Flowers.

SillySausage34 · 06/04/2017 16:28

Blimey what a twat?

What was your medication, out of interest? I get conflicting information on mine as to whether it's safe in pregnancy.

I would be wanting a different consultant.

MarcelineTheVampire · 06/04/2017 16:31

TooManyTrolls they were his exact words to me- I was gobsmacked at the time and then burst out crying when I left his office.

SillySausage I'm on sertraline.

OP posts:
iloveeverykindofcat · 06/04/2017 16:38

Not at all, good for you! Arrogant and sexist doctors need to hear it.

UnbornMortificado · 06/04/2017 16:42

FWIW I was on sertraline with DD1, 12 years ago. She came at 40+6 completely fine and is brighter then me if I'm being honest. We joke she's adopted.

Is he from a different culture? I'm not remotely racist but my consultant used to when discussing having sex during the pregnancy tell DH not me.

I was a bit Hmmbut even the nurse said afterwards not to take it personally.

Mummyoflittledragon · 06/04/2017 16:43

Well done! You should be really really proud of yourself for refusing to be bullied by a supercilious tosser.

ChrisYoungFuckingRocks · 06/04/2017 16:55

Is he from a different culture? I'm not remotely racist

I was wondering this also Unborn. I went to a dentist once who treated me horribly. He really hurt me and even damaged one tooth so much I had to have it extracted later. He was a Muslim man, and I was a white Christian woman. I do think this had a lot to do with it Sad, as all his male patients said how great he was. And I'm not remotely racist either, but this did happen, and it does happen, unfortunately.

elephantcuddles · 06/04/2017 16:57

What worries me most is your DP not being supportive of how YOU feel and what you experienced. This doctor sounds awful. If anything, he will make your anxiety worse. I hope you never go back to him and can find someone better. Asking you to fill out the form in front of him I'm pretty sure is against how it is supposed to be done. That's supposed be anonymous. How is it anonymous if he's sitting there in the room while you complete it? Make sure you add this when you make a complaint about him.

arbrighton · 06/04/2017 17:31

oh good god- sertraline is the med that the dr i saw after 12 week scan said was perfectly fine and I shouldn't be afraid to continue with if needed. As it happens, my mood is still the best it's been in years but I would use it if needed.

SillySausage34 · 06/04/2017 17:59

Ah see that's the one I keep getting told is definitely safe.
Mine is citalopram. Some GP's say it's not as safe as Sertraline and others say it's just as safe.

Moreisnnogedag · 06/04/2017 18:52

It'll probably be one of his revalidation 360 feedback forms. It goes to a central unit and has to be discussed at his next appraisal. His appraiser looks over all comments and goes through them with the Doctor.

however you only have to return 20 out of 30 and it's a confidential meeting (and you can pick your appraiser). Personally I'd follow up with a formal complaint to PALS.

isadoradancing123 · 06/04/2017 19:01

Well done You did the right thing

Therealslimshady1 · 06/04/2017 19:05

Ah, good on you, but he will have thrown that form in the bin I imagine

Questioningeverything · 06/04/2017 19:16

Please submit a complaint to PALS. I agree with pp, there's nothing to stop him shredding your feedback form.
Fwiw I was also on sertraline my entire pregnancy. I was later diagnosed bipolar so they added quitiapine. My baby is thriving, and so am I thanks to decent Drs and their knowledge of how to properly care and Medicare a pregnant woman. Unlike your buffoon of a dr

Questioningeverything · 06/04/2017 19:16

Medicate! Damn autocorrect

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