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To go to these lengths to find a house?

2 replies

Kalizahara · 05/04/2017 16:28

Having narrowly missed out on our ideal house. I am now considering posting flyers through letterboxes hoping that someone will sell to us.

We've got a fairly specific search area and nothing much is coming up for sale at all.

I'm considering posting notes through all the doors of a few streets asking if anyone is thinking of selling to get in touch, but dh thinks this is a bit weird.

Has anyone had any success this way? How best to go about it? Or is it daft?

OP posts:
JustBeingJobless · 05/04/2017 17:35

I asked on my local Facebook selling group and had someone contact me who was about to market the perfect house at a price I wanted to pay. Saved her paying estate agent fees and worked well for me.

user1489677782 · 05/04/2017 17:25

I knew a couple who did that and it was successful for them.

I am in the process of getting my house ready for sale though not being obvious about it at the moment. I am summoning up the strength of character to cope with Estate Agents and viewers. If I was to receive a note through the door I would certainly contact the people. Probably best by mobile number or email or give both on your note.

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