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to 'make do and mend'

122 replies

Blinkybell · 19/03/2017 18:39

We've had some friends to stay this weekend. Arrived late afternoon on Friday and left this afternoon and they've managed to really upset me.

On Saturday morning, DD was bunging her uniform in the washing machine when she asked if I could mend her blazer and PE skort. The pocket on her blazer had a hole in and a seam on her skort had come undone.

Friend said 'mend? Really? Why not just buy a new one?'

Because blazers are £35 and both jobs will take 10 minutes max

She said you could buy skorts in Matalan for a fiver, so I said yes, but it'll take 2 minutes to fix the seam and about 2p in cotton.

Her and her DH then fell about laughing, calling me Granny Blinky, saying 'make do and mend' in silly voices and just generally carrying on like they're the next big thing in stand up comedy.

Then she said - seriously though, aren't the kids embarrassed? I suppose you darn socks too (actually, yes, if it's just something simple like a hole in the toe, I do repair socks and tights).

DD asked what she should be embarrassed about Hmm and they went quiet.

I'm quite crafty and have made lots of stuff in our house - curtains, cushion covers, quilts for the kids, etc.

I'm knitting a big cuddly blanket at the moment. We were going out for breakfast this morning and while waiting for everyone to get ready, I knitted a couple of rows. Comments about granny Blinky again and how it's a 'real war effort round here' while standing there laughing at me.

When they left they said they were 'only joking' but I'm quite hurt by it. I don't mind a bit of banter, but this felt unpleasant - was all laugh/laugh/funny/funny at my expense.

I won't be inviting them back ever anytime soon

OP posts:
kalinkafoxtrot45 · 19/03/2017 22:16

What cheeky, wasteful arses! It's perfectly normal to run minor repairs. I used to be laughed at by my former colleagues for mending things and - gasp - admitting to using up leftovers and boiling bones for stock. These might be things I learned from my granny, but they're useful life skills and can save you heaps of money. I'd never invite these rude idiots back.

Notcontent · 19/03/2017 22:13

I am terrible at sewing but I have taught myself basic darning skills when I had DC - for obvious reasons! Btw, I have quite a high paying professional job, but there is no way I would throw something out just because it has a small hole or a missing button!

MamaHanji · 19/03/2017 22:13

They were twats! Not only is it economical, but so fulfilling to create your own things!

I saw a really adorable wool dress in a kids shop that I thought would be really versatile and warm for my toddler...£48 erm no thanks. I spent £9 on alpaca wool (which is so bloody soft and silky) and crocheted her and even cuter version! With enough wool left over for some booties for my baby.

I often examine clothes in shops for how the seams work and what sort of shapes they have, and then create my own at home for fractions of the price.

And why on earth would you buy something new when you can spend 5 minutes sewing a seam or button on...its stupid.

QueenOfTheCatBastards · 19/03/2017 22:12

I'll have a bash at mending anything, be it clothes, tumble dryer, or tenner I've managed to rip because I'm a clumsy arse. I can't darn, so socks tend to get lobbed. I've altered curtains, patched jeans, knitted scarves/hats/hoodies/tank tops, and crocheted blankets. I'm lucky that I have been taught these basic skills as I've grown up, and I've passed on some of my basic knowledge to others too.

Your friends were probably embarrassed by their ineptitude so ramped up their attitude. If I were you I'd just let them fade out of your life.

Right. I'm away to build a bookcase. I've been putting it off, but between this thread and the spring cleaning one I've realised I should put some effort in 😂

Hippymama · 19/03/2017 22:10

Your so called friends sound like idiots. Mending things is a perfectly normal and sensible thing to do. There's not a chance in the world that I would throw away a £35 blazer simply because there was an easily fixable hole in the pocket. More fool them if that's what they would do!

As for mocking you, how rude and classless Angry

DeadGood · 19/03/2017 22:06

"They were out of line.

Although I'd have probably said something along the lines of "well yes i suppose if you're entirely fucking useless then i guess you would be better off going to matalan to buy new skorts"

And then my frugality would have extended to the next meal I served them."

Love this!

OP, I'd be tempted to go down the "I feel a bit embarrassed for you" route if I were you! They clearly feel they have something to prove - money trouble, perhaps? People who fall over themselves to show how much money they have seem a bit pathetic, and not very convincing, imo

ItShouldHaveBeenJingleJess · 19/03/2017 22:06

Only twats do 'banter'.

Tisgrand · 19/03/2017 22:04

So, these gobshites invited themselves to stay in your house, then thought it was OK to mock you in your own home in front of your family? What nasty people they are. I despise those people who are downright rude but when called out on it, say "it's only banter" - eh no its not, its actually hurtful.

Fair play to your DD, love her response to them and I'd like to think it made them realise what massive twats they are (doubt it though, once a gobshite always a gobshite!). I bet your daughter already had them sussed.

IMHO, if you have the room for guests why don't you charge them to stay? I honestly believe that people generally don't value anything they get for free. Why not start charging the going rate for B&B?

Then if you do have to talk to the gobshites again, you could be all PA and say, it's thanks to you pair that I started my (v successful) business ...

CanaryFish · 19/03/2017 21:55

I agree with MiddlingMum and I wouldn't be one to play the jealousy card normally.
They sound awful.
Never have them back.

MiddlingMum · 19/03/2017 21:52

We mend stuff here all the time. It does tend to be divided into traditional roles but who cares? I'll repair clothes etc, DH is better at repairing mechanical things, although he can sew when necessary.

Sorry about your ex friends OP, they are probably just jealous.

elQuintoConyo · 19/03/2017 21:48

They are dickheads.

Today i have:
Patched three knees and a bum on some of DS' trousers (with cracking Superman patches! Thanks H&M).
Re-hemmed a £1 tshirt of DS'.
Embellished a tshirt and bit of red cotton fabric to make him a Superman costume.
Made a kimono for me out if two old tshirts.


It took about 2 hours. And we went to a birthday party. The house is a tip Grin

Tomorrow i have to finish some bunting for a friend's tent. I'll then be doing laundry, sweep, mop, register DS for swimming lessons... And i'll be crying inside cos i'm not sewing! I'd love to be able to make my own clothes - a whole wardrobe that fits!

My knitting is dodgy and i have never been able to master crochet Wine

crazycatbaby · 19/03/2017 21:46

I wish I could mend things! I did textiles at school and I'm still rubbish Sadbut after reading this thread I'm going to attempt to mend a changing bag that the handle has come away...wish me luck! Grin

gandalf456 · 19/03/2017 21:33

I mend stuff like this all the time. Unfortunately I never learnt to darn though I would like to. I always feel slightly pleased with myself if I manage to fix things

UpTownFuck · 19/03/2017 21:32

At 22 years old I take my clothes to my grandmas to get them mended Blush
I'm hoping she will show me how to as it would make life easier and I want to be able to mend DS's school pants etc in the future!

BeyondThePage · 19/03/2017 21:28

I had a friend round last week when my new dishwasher filter mesh (£8) arrived - apparently she had replaced her dishwasher (£230) when the filter had disintegrated - and she wonders why we can afford to go to Florida on holidays....

I also have a mending pile. Button on DH shirt, slit at back of DDs favourite skirt needs reinforcing before it grows up the back, work trouser pocket needs replacing... nothing too hard, I'll sit and do it all of an evening whilst watching telly.

HandbagCrazy · 19/03/2017 21:23

Another one here who prefers to mend things than buy new. I too have people who find this funny - mostly my family who could fill a landfill site on their own. It infuriates me because there is sense in mending things but none in replacing things if you have the ability to fix them (which my mum can).

I also like to make thing and have taught myself to crochet. Family are quick enough to request toys for their children / blankets / scarves / hats etc but then make jokes at my expense if they see me actually making them.

Your 'friends' aren't friends. If I were you I would tell them how much they upset you and that as guests, they should be grateful for you hosting them, not making fun of your in your own home!

WellyMummy · 19/03/2017 21:14

I love making things. I make blankets, pillow cases, cushion covers and personalised things, mainly as gifts or for my children.

I hate mending things, but I do it a it's a sensible thing to do. Next up is restitching the bottom of my duvet cover.

Smurfpoo · 19/03/2017 21:14

They are a pair of twats.
It might not be how they do things but they shouldn't be rude.
I have a go at mending but I'm not great, it's just wasteful not to

MadameCholetsDirtySecret · 19/03/2017 21:13

They are why land fill is such a problem.

skincarejunkie · 19/03/2017 21:11

I am so envious of you. I would love to be able to mend. I would buy new but because of my rubbish abilities. I'm great with food scrimping though. Keep making and mending. Smile

Falafelings · 19/03/2017 21:10

They're a bit thick aren't they?! Sending stuff to landfill and wasting money when they could do a minor repair. More fool them

PlymouthMaid1 · 19/03/2017 21:06

Cooked not dooed arg


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n0ne · 19/03/2017 21:05

I'm crap at sewing but I'll still attempt to mend clothes rather than bin and buy new ones. Waste of time and money, and terrible for the environment. Mending stuff is normal behaviour! They're seriously weird.

PlymouthMaid1 · 19/03/2017 21:05

They were ignorant and rude. I am definitely in your camp as today I have mended hand knitted socks, crocheted some blanket, doomed soup, pies and marmalade. I bet they don't have any practical ski!ls themselves.

VeryBitchyRestingFace · 19/03/2017 21:05

Her and her DH then fell about laughing, calling me Granny Blinky, saying 'make do and mend' in silly voices and just generally carrying on like they're the next big thing in stand up comedy.

I couldn't sew on a button and would incinerate toast. So I suspect I'm far more of your "friend's" ilk in my approach to repair versus buy a new one than you.

That said, your friend is one rude 🐮 and being as gormless as me her about routine household matters is hardly something to be proud of.

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