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To hate being a working parent?

30 replies

GeorgeandPeppa · 16/03/2017 17:01

I just do. I don't really know how I could make it better.

I'm already very part time, and I have pretty good hours.

It was ok when I only had one child, but since number 2 it's such a struggle.

All of my money goes on childcare, even though dh and I split the bill we're still no better off for me working overall. This will change eventually but it's so frustrating right now.

It's hard to even get out of the house in the morning. My toddler fights me over every little thing from getting dressed to going in his car seat so it all takes so long. I struggle to even get ready myself because he's into everything. There's nowhere really safe to put him anymore because he's such a climber. He usually does a poo or starts taking his clothes off just as we are about to leave the house.

The kids are constantly ill so I end up rushing them off to grandparents when really I want to be caring for them myself.

I'm exhausted because toddler doesn't sleep, actually me and dh are both exhausted.

The house is messy.

Toddler is clingy and tired after nursery and I struggle to even throw a meal together.

I already get everything ready the night before.

I keep telling myself that giving up work is a bad idea, it gives me some financial independence, some adult conversation, and I'm sure it will pay off eventually.

Anyone else? How can I be more positive.

OP posts:
flownthecoopkiwi · 16/03/2017 20:15

I have two young children and work three days a week and love the balance. No wish to be a stay at home mother and I suspect I'd find life with a toddler more stressful if I did! Yes it's busy but worth it - loving my job and on OK money probably helps tho

NoLotteryWinYet · 16/03/2017 20:17

I'd say hang in there, working part time and keeping your career going is the golden ticket with small kids - I know it's knackering but you don't want to spend 5 years trying to get back to the same level you're at now once they are at school. Of course it's ok to want to SAH for a while, I completely understand but your kids already see a lot of you and you have your career ticking over, the tiredness will gradually get better. I sympathise I have a rascally toddler too but it is a short phase really.

GeorgeandPeppa · 16/03/2017 20:36

Donttouchthemoustache, I'm really sorry to hear you're struggling. I really hope things get easier in some way Flowers I assume you've checked any entitlements you might have as a single parent. Help with childcare or anything.

OP posts:
Trainspotting1984 · 17/03/2017 07:17

donttouchthemoustasche Flowers

japanesetea I love your post

Dashper · 17/03/2017 07:39

22 months is a challenging age. As you know, it will get better.
How long have you been back at work after having your DS?
FWIW I recently went back to work PT after 3.5 years off with DS, and I've found the following positives:

  1. Intellectual stimulation
  2. Adult company
  3. Financial security of my own and knowing that if DH couldn't get work, I could go full time to pay our bills.
  4. It's got rid of my anxiety.

Would getting a cleaner be worth it for you? And batch cooking? Both frequently trotted out on MN but they help
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