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To be physically tired by this routine?

34 replies

ohdoadoodoo · 14/03/2017 21:55

Or am I just unfit/lazy?

6:30am - wake up, walk dog for half hour
7-7:40 - get ready for work
7:40-8 - walk to work
8-12 - work
12-12:20 - walk home
12:20-12:40 - walk dog
12:40-1 - walk back to work
1-5 - work
5-5:20 - walk home
5:30-6:15(ish) - walk dog
6:15-10:15 - TV/chores/make dinner
10:15-10:30 - walk dog

Feeling constantly tired. Realise others have a lot more on their plate but feel like I spent my life walking!! Confused

OP posts:
RatherBeRiding · 15/03/2017 11:42

I would look into getting an electric bike or even a moped if you have somewhere you can keep one seeing as you're in an apartment - is there a secure bike store?

I have a little moped - it's a lifesaver. What would otherwise be a 15 minute walk to work is now a 2 minute ride and if, like you, I want to nip home at lunchtime to take my dog out it doesn't really eat into my day or my lunch-hour. It costs £15 a year in tax, just over £100 in insurance and I put about £4 worth of petrol in every couple of weeks! You can pick second hand ones up quite cheaply.

That is a LOT of walking and whilst it will be doing wonders for your heart and general health it does take up time that you could use for relaxing.

ohdoadoodoo · 15/03/2017 11:36

Thank you so much for the kind comments. It means a lot to me Smile

To answer some questions:

I live in an apartment so unfortunately can't let him out in a garden. This is why I take him out so frequently.

If I didn't let him out at lunch time he would go from 7:30-5:30 without a wee which I don't think is fair and TBH I'm not sure he would hold it (he's a rescue and his house training isn't quite 100% yet).

I also like to come back for him to break up his day and let him stretch his legs. It's the lunch walking to and from work that I find the most boring and probably the one that I could do without though!

A dog walker could be an option but a big part of me thinks that I can physically do it so I should just suck it up/not spend money where I don't have to!

I have used Borrow My Doggy before (I was the walker!) but I'd be concerned about reliability/giving someone I don't know a key etc.

He's a Staffie and quite high energy so he does like a fair bit of exercise - I think I'll look into cutting back the time on a couple of the walks and giving him one long one after work.


OP posts:
skerrywind · 15/03/2017 05:54

It's a difficult one.

I think most dogs need two long walks a day- morning and evening is fine, but that would leave your dog alone for 10 hours a day.

Which would be very unfair to the dog. Dogs a re social creatures and pack animals- it would be very unfair for a dog to live such a solo existence.

KoalaDownUnder · 15/03/2017 05:04

Schnitzel, it depends very much on breed and age of the dog, surely? And, to a lesser extent, how much room they have at home.

I have friends whose dogs would refuse to do 2 hours' exercise per day. They'd lie down and refuse to move!

I do agree that most dogs are under-exercised, though.

NightWanderer · 15/03/2017 04:58

I meant cycling to and from work

NightWanderer · 15/03/2017 04:57

It's seems about 2 hours of dog walking a day plus 1 hour 20 min commute walking. It's a lot especially if your job is active. How about cyclical by to and from work? I used to have an electric bike and it was great.

SchnitzelVonCrumb · 15/03/2017 04:53

I also think the reason I see so many Ill behaved and overweight dogs is the lack of exerciseZ

We do have collies though!

SchnitzelVonCrumb · 15/03/2017 04:52

I personally think dogs need over 2 hours of exercise a day.

Ours are working so they get at least 6. Out one pet dog is utterly depressed at only get two half hour walks a day while I am heavily pregnant.

You do need to sort out a routine that allows you to relax but your dog to still get exercise.

KoalaDownUnder · 15/03/2017 04:01

Or actually, perhaps the morning or evening one? So she's not home alone too long.

highinthesky · 15/03/2017 04:00

OP you are physically tired because you are bored. All the walking is great exercise but are you eating enough (e.g. no mention of actually eating breakfast or at l/t).

Is it not possible to walk the dog for an hour in the evening and avoid the walk home and back at l/t? That way you can have an hour to yourself, away from domestics.

KoalaDownUnder · 15/03/2017 04:00

My dog gets one walk a day, for one hour. Vet says she's fit, happy & in the rudest of health. (She does have a dog door with access to a large-ish garden, though).

The midday walk is excessive, surely. Can you cut it?

EmeraldScorn · 15/03/2017 03:22

My dogs get two walks a day (more like running than walking to be honest), could you maybe reduce your dog walks to twice a day? I don't think your dog needs the 12.20 or 5.30 walks. What sort of dog do you have? Mine are boxers and I take them out for a morning walk and an evening walk.

Joffmognum · 15/03/2017 00:37

If you live in the countryside or just near a grassy field (or have a really big lawn), I'd replace one of those walks with throwing a tennis ball from one of those plastic ball throwers whilst having a sit down. Is that possible for you?

llangennith · 15/03/2017 00:17

Your day sounds very boring and that can cause depression which leads to fatigue. Does your dog really need that much walking?

Graceflorrick · 15/03/2017 00:04

I know this isn't helpful, but we'd been thinking about getting a dog and your post has made me realise we're not up to it. You're a great dog wonder OP Flowers

arethereanyleftatall · 15/03/2017 00:03

You spend over 3 hours per day walking. I'm sure you're not unfit, and I'm not surprised you're knackered.

TestingTestingWonTooFree · 14/03/2017 23:59

That's a lot of dog walking. You don't seem to have much down time. Not surprised you're tired.

bignamechangeroonie · 14/03/2017 23:54

My dog wants to come and live with you

To be physically tired by this routine?
SheRaaarghPrincessOfPower · 14/03/2017 23:46

Why does your dog need 4 walks a day?

WrittenandGrown · 14/03/2017 23:35

My day is similar although I have a 45 minute commute so get up earlier and get home later but I have a dog walker at lunch time. If you can arrange it I really recommend it, the dog gets a lovely walk and I get a text report about what they did together.

My dog sometimes wants a little walk just before bed but it's literally just a trot around the block

ScrumpyBetty · 14/03/2017 22:09

Try BorrowMyDoggy- a website where you can find people who might want to walk your dog for free just for the love of it!

NapQueen · 14/03/2017 22:09

If you hired a dog walker then could you walk with the dog to work and have the sog walker collect them there and return them home? Then at teatime collect them and walk to work to handover and you walk the dog home?

So two 40 mins walks a day (7.40-8.20 and 4.40-5.20)?


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ageingrunner · 14/03/2017 22:09

I'm assuming you're work in a hospital ward, WheresTheEvidence?

ScrumpyBetty · 14/03/2017 22:06

You are definitely not being unreasonable to be tired! You need time to relax in evenings, not just doing chores. Have you got a partner who could walk your dog a few times a week for you? Could you hire a dog walker, even just once a week to give the dog a longer walk and give you a rest?

I have a similar routine to you, up at 6 to walk dog before work and then do a long walk every evening too- on top of looking after dc and chores. The only reason I cope is because I have a lovely dog walker once a week, plus DH does a few of the evening walks for me. I find a bit of rest is really important

LouKout · 14/03/2017 22:06

Get bus to and from work?

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