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To be heartbroken at yet ANOTHER fave product being discontinued?

889 replies

InMemoryOfSleep · 05/03/2017 09:14

I have just discovered Thorntons have discontinued their strawberry fondant chocolate pigs, and I am quite frankly devastated. These have been my fave little treat since I was about 12, and now they are no more!

It's the latest in a long line of favourite products being discontinued - does anyone else get unreasonably irritated by this?! I'll start a list, feel free to add to it...

  • Thorntons strawberry fondant pigs (sob)
  • Benefit 'So Hooked on Carmella' perfume
  • Lush Aqua Mirabilis (my thighs will never be the same again)
OP posts:
MissCharleyP · 02/08/2018 09:56

Oh, I also loved Benefit Playstix, used to get loads of compliments on my skin and so easy and quick to use. Still not found another stick foundation that even comes close 🙁

MissCharleyP · 02/08/2018 09:55

Haven’t RTFT but:

Cadbury’s Icebreaker, Pacers, Pyramint, Cadbury’s Silk bars, Terry’s strawberry cream yoghurt, Nero Lemon & Poppyseed muffins (their Sicilian lemon one is nowhere near as good), Wizard mousse, Breezers (no one ever remembers these), Cadbury’s Chunky (only out at Christmas, not the same as the one you get in the US), Cadbury Nut Crisp, Cherry 7up, ordinary 7 up without sweeteners, strawberry Poppets, mint Wispa.

Body Shop Fuzzy Peach & Dewberry fragranced stuff, ditto their ‘Calypso’ perfume. Boots used to have a collection that was sweet-themed; mint choc body scrub and a strawberry swirl moisturiser were particular favourites. Haven’t seen Anatomicals in the shops for ages (John Lewis used to have them).

WilburIsSomePig · 02/08/2018 09:31

I still haven't got over the loss of the Mint Cracknel.

Crazybunnylady123 · 02/08/2018 09:25

Mine are
Body shop honeymania, fuse bars (omg I loved them so much), Marks and Spencer indigo collection (prob never shop there again) and eyeko’s fat balms. 🙁

pissingglitter · 11/08/2017 14:33

Benefit Perfect 10 Sad

msgilbertblythe · 11/08/2017 12:53

Polo Sport perfume by Ralph Lauren. So fresh and lovely.

DownstairsMixUp · 11/08/2017 12:50

Lemon aid by benefit Sad

CockacidalManiac · 11/08/2017 12:37

Also was gutted when sports mixtures changed the black one from liquorice flavour to black currant

It was worse when Starburst amalgamated the Lemon and Lime sweets into one, and introduced the blackcurrant ones.

DisorderedAllsorts · 11/08/2017 12:35

Kettle crisps in Louisiana hot sauce flavour. Anybody remember those? They were lovely, really hot & spicy. They were around in the early 2000's

eatabagofdicks · 11/08/2017 10:12

Black Magic (in Australia anyway, can't get it here anymore)
Lux used to make a neroli and ylang ylang body wash that I loved

Sunshinegirls · 11/08/2017 09:56

Also was gutted when sports mixtures changed the black one from liquorice flavour to black currant

Sunshinegirls · 11/08/2017 09:54

Aveda used to do giant glass bottles of a clear botanical moisturiser which was completely lovely. I really miss it.

Moomichi · 11/08/2017 09:13

Muller corner rhubarb crumble Blush and my mum is currently Angry about the fact she cannot get Cracker Barrel cheese in the uk.

TheWernethWife · 11/08/2017 09:08

M & S lamb lollipops, only sold during "summer". They were fabulous, used to buy them in bulk and put them in the freezer.

bakedbeansandtuna · 10/08/2017 22:57

And Starbucks stem ginger muffins 😡😡😡😡😤

bakedbeansandtuna · 10/08/2017 22:56

I wish Tesco et al would stop messing with their sushi and sandwiches every year. They always change the ones I like. Ditto boots meal deals 😡

pissingglitter · 10/08/2017 13:03

Thorntons chocolate orange shortbread and caramel bites & M & S Minced Beef Crispbakes before they "improved" the recipe. I always find "improved" recipe means not improved!! Grin

CoughingForWeeks · 10/08/2017 12:16

Corn Silk
Le Feu d'Issey
Castaway alcopops
Revlon shampoo (the smell was amazing)

InMemoryOfSleep · 10/08/2017 11:20

I've just seen this on the Daily Fail Angry (led there by a google search). I know there's nothing to be done about them skimming stories from MN, but I'd like to take this opportunity to tell the 'journalists' from this vile, bigoted, offensive rag to fuck right off. Thank you.

OP posts:
ASongOfRiceAndPeas · 10/08/2017 09:37

Prescriptives foundation.

You can still get Savlon liquid in random odds and sods shops.

Talith · 10/08/2017 08:10

I loved the Body Shop Japanese mung bean scrub. I liked eating the grains Grin

I also miss the chicken mango sarnie from Gregg's.

ChiefClerkDrumknott · 09/08/2017 23:51

LagunaBubbles Oceanus! I think that's the one I'm remembering - I knew it was water related! It was lovely, I haven't found a scent quite like it


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BlueUggs · 09/08/2017 23:48

Burger King mushroom double Swiss

Guerlain Champs Elysees Perfume

Rancheros crisps

Toffos - the mixed flavour ones

Caramacs before they changed the recipe

ChiefClerkDrumknott · 09/08/2017 23:37

ChocolateRicecake I just sniffed the can It's such a fab scent, nothing has come close to it Grin

rabbitcakes · 09/08/2017 23:33

Aldi apple purée. You can get it all over the place on the continent but it's a chuffing long way to go.

Dragon instant noodles in chow mein flavour.

Waitrose garlic bread chips snacks. Like oven baked bread pieces. Just fabulous.

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