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Cheeky Fucking Stanger

29 replies

LouBlue1507 · 01/02/2017 08:26

As I've left the house this morning I've noticed that my bin hasn't been emptied, it was full but the lid was closed. Some cheeky fucker has put 2 bin bags next to my bin Angry and as a result my bin had not been emptied and won't be now for another 2 weeks!

I suspect it's a neighbour but have no proof! If I did, I'd kindly return their bags to their doorstep.

There's street cctv right outside my house (council) which is making me more frustrated because I can't view it 😅

Any ideas how to catch the turds?

OP posts:
MelOrSue · 01/02/2017 12:59

Many years ago when I was a student I worked with my local environmental health department and got to follow up fly tipping complaints - There was always incriminating evidence. 😂 It was most enjoyable confronting the flytippers.

I'd be rummaging.....

GeorgeTheHamster · 01/02/2017 12:51

This happened to me too - get your rubber gloves and apron on and root through until you find something with the address on. I did. Then you can dump it on their doorstep.

NeverTwerkNaked · 01/02/2017 12:50

Call the council. Ours you can call about a missed delivery collection the same day and they will usually sort

Aki23 · 01/02/2017 12:50

Not at all placemarking - if it was me I would go through the bins and upend them in the front garden of the perpetrator

Kiroro · 01/02/2017 12:48

dig through the bags looking for letters or something else with their address on it. Call the council and report fly tipping - with the name and address of the perpetrator.

youngestisapsycho · 01/02/2017 12:41

Shouldn't the bin men have still emptied the bin, but just left the extra bags??

Sparklingbrook · 01/02/2017 12:36

Ooh. This is way more interesting than a parking thread. List some rubbish so we can judge.Grin

TheTantrumCometh · 01/02/2017 12:36

Alwaysthepessimist how rude of you definitely not doing the same Grin

Natsku · 01/02/2017 12:36

Oooo bin bastards!

Julia001 · 01/02/2017 12:36

it's your CIVIL Duty to report the bastards for fly tipping, I bet this isn't the first time that they have done it either, it happened to me, every bin day some bastard used to dump badly wrapped crap (rubbish, not actual poo) in front of my car. I donned my marigolds, found the incriminating evidence and dobbed their arses, complete with pictures, into the council! Fuck em, then need to learn !

alwaysthepessimist · 01/02/2017 12:34

blatant placemarking

WizardOfToss · 01/02/2017 12:27

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Huskylover1 · 01/02/2017 12:16

Someone dumped about ten bags worth of rubbish, on the seafront last week. My DH found a medicine bottle among the pile, with the offenders full name on it Grin

GoesDownLikeACupOfColdSick · 01/02/2017 12:13

I honestly don't get how anyone could be enough of a selfish cunt as to dump their stuff in/near/on someone else's property. What's the matter with people?!

PJBanana · 01/02/2017 11:56

Someone did this to our bin on 23rd December. The worst possible time of year for the bin not to be emptied Angry

I was raging! Same as other posters, they were daft enough to have addressed letters in it so I shoved them back in their (numbered) wheelie bin and shoved some of our bags underneath too so that theirs was completely full. Don't care how petty it sounds, it's so blatantly inconsiderate and causes a real problem with festering rubbish, not to mention the pile of Christmas rubbish we had sat in the house for weeks.

childmaintenanceserviceinquiry · 01/02/2017 11:41

^^ good idea - fly tipping carries fines and if the CCTV is working - the council should be able to identify the culprit. It will stop them doing it again - cheeky buggers.

Wigbert · 01/02/2017 11:35

I would call the council and report that someone has fly tipped rubbish outside your house. Let them root through the rubbish to find out who it is.

SasBel · 01/02/2017 11:24

Bin thread! Parks arseGrin

user1477282676 · 01/02/2017 10:57

Yes! Have a look! And make sure you report back to us!

Gallavich · 01/02/2017 10:56

Find out who left it and wheel your bin over to their house, return their rubbish and your own and tell them to take it all to the tip.

xStefx · 01/02/2017 10:53

I would be tempted to open the bag and find a letter to see who it belongs to, then explain what they did has now meant your bin is still full !! and can they please take it to the skip to empty it! Cheely sods

CripsSandwiches · 01/02/2017 10:51

Yeah I'm a vengeful MF. so I'd be rooting through the rubbish with a pair of rubber gloves and contacting the waste department to see if they could view the CCTV.


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jerryfudd · 01/02/2017 10:51

I'd have to have a look so it could be returned

Niskayuna · 01/02/2017 10:50

When it happens to me I open the bag and have a look. That last two times they've been utter thickos who've left me a nice addressed envelope right on the top, and in the other some medication with their name and address on, so I could dump it on their doorstep.

Treaclex · 01/02/2017 10:14

With some added dog shit Grin

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