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To ask you for your best money saving tips and advice as I'm not returning to work from mat leave

29 replies

bippitybopityboo · 22/01/2017 23:33

We don't have rent or a mortgage to pay. Our monthly bills come to £500 and our monthly income will be around £1500 yet I'm panicking that we won't manage on that and that I'll need to return to work in march when my leave ends but I desperately want to be a sahm untill my son is around 2.

What do you do to bring the cost of living down any little tips or advice I'm worried we will struggle and don't want my son to miss out because we can't affOrd things but at the same time the things, milestones and memories I will miss when working 12 hour shifts are things you can't buy back!

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toomuchtooold · 23/01/2017 17:58

Lifted? Kitted!

toomuchtooold · 23/01/2017 17:58

eBay clothing bundles for your son - it works out especially cheap because the bulk buying saves on postage costs. I lifted my two out for about 40 quid a season until they got to 3 and started getting fussy and wanting to pick all their own clothes.

OhSuckItUpDucky · 23/01/2017 17:34

If you eat meat get it from your local butcher
It's better quality but they usually have offers on

mygorgeousmilo · 23/01/2017 17:09

Sorry was just asking because as a family of five, and we have fun and all of that, our main bills don't come to £500. Gas/electric/water is £100 council tax £120 and phones are £50, sky and broadband £40. I'm wondering if just as a start, you look to changing providers or haggling for a better deal on these things. I would say finding stuff on eBay has been an absolute godsend, I just wouldn't be able to buy beautiful stuff at the rate I do at full price. I try to buy stuff out of season too to get it cheaper, and we all look fairly decent I hope! I look for sellers with perfect feedback that have described the clothes as immaculate or perfect, as you get sanctioned and/or bad feedback if you say that and it's not true, which means if someone with perfect feedback says something is in pristine condition then you can usually believe them. Most of my kids petit bateau velour sleepsuits, rain jackets etc have come from eBay at 99p or thereabouts. We are all in love with our grub in this house but have cut back on eating out and subsequently got funkier with the meal ideas, I do an online organic ASDA shop and think about what we'll be having across the week. You can freeze pretty much ANYTHING so cut down on food waste. I think £250 a week left is good, you can eat a beautiful diet and save for holidays and stuff with that, you certainly won't be in dire poverty - but you do have to keep an eye on buying crap. Sell stuff on eBay or gumtree too if you don't need it, some stuff that I buy from there such as cots etc I've kept in great condition and then just resold, sometimes for either what I paid for it or more, so your money circulates back to you for each next thing that the baby needs.

Headofthehive55 · 23/01/2017 11:31

The other thought is - could you go very part time. It's an insurance as it's ever so much easier to work more if you need to, and you keep your skills up to date. It's a difficult task to get back to work when you are out of work. Even if you got this job easily, you may want to go back part time - it's far easier to negotiate with an employer that knows you than one that doesn't.

OneForTheRoadThen · 23/01/2017 10:22

Maybe give some thought to the implications stopping work for a while will have on your pension. I'd definitely be putting some money aside each month towards that.

bippitybopityboo · 23/01/2017 10:16

Baby clothes! I'm terrible with this!
Also friends in the same boat fab tip thankyou

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Headofthehive55 · 23/01/2017 10:07

Don't buy clothes.
Buy fewer baby / clothes and just wash them more. They grow out if them quickly!
Bake stuff rather than buy pre prepared stuff. Anything you do make will be half the cost!
Make friends in the same boat. They are more likely to want to meet up for coffee at each other's houses rather than going out for lunch.

specialsubject · 23/01/2017 09:59

You need to save like hell now, especially with only one income. No job is safe.

All baby kit second hand except car seat and cot mattress. Stop buying adult clothes , adult presents, baby presents ( kid doesn't know or care) magazines, books ( use library), cosmetics until you run out, toiletries ditto, takeaways.

StrawberryShortcake32 · 23/01/2017 09:54

Boots Advantage Card.Points earned when purchasing in Boots which basically gives you free money to spend in Boots! They also have the Boots Baby club which gives you double points when you buy from their baby range. Join the Boots Baby club to get double points on all baby related stuff.

Buy in Bulk - Nappies, nappy sacks, wipes etc. Especially where the brand names are concerned, I have found it cheaper (and frankly less hassle) to buy these things in 1 or 2 months supply at a time. I usually get mine from Amazon but there's also the good ol cash and carry.

Breastfeeding - Not really a hack but worth mentioning. This is of course a very personal choice that nobody should be making for you. However if you do decide to breastfeed it will save you money on formula.

Mailing lists- Various online baby clubs will sometimes offer free samples and money off coupons. If you don't mind alot of email spam (consider creating a separate baby related stuff only email address).

bippitybopityboo · 23/01/2017 01:25

Yes sobey I was thinking I read some advice that you should have at least 3 months worth of income in savings we don't have that I do worry a little

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sobeyondthehills · 23/01/2017 01:05

If you are not already put money aside just a just incase fund.

Nothing worse then when you are coming to the end of the month and you have to replace the washing machine/fridge/boiler.

And then that wipes you out for the next few months.

bippitybopityboo · 23/01/2017 00:40

Just had a quick look on money saving expert and look to be some fantastic advice so will have good read through tomorrow. Thankyou for all of your great tips seems meal planning is top of the list

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doleritedinosaur · 23/01/2017 00:32

Keep a note of what you're spending on now & you'll see what's going wrong.

Cut down your direct debits to what you actually need.

Meal plan as much as possible this has saved us as I'm not working & we had further income cuts.
So I plan from Sunday - Sunday & batch cook, shop around for best deals.

I also regularly stick things on eBay & do surveys for money/Amazon vouchers which helps with presents for people.

Meal planning is definitely the easiest way to save money though.

bippitybopityboo · 23/01/2017 00:30

I hate flying so holidays abroad aren't a priority especially when our son is so young. I'll check out money saving expert thankyou

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User1234567891011 · 23/01/2017 00:25

If you see something on sale and think ''I wouldn't buy that at full price'' DO NOT buy it. You obviously don't like it that much. Buying stuff because it is on sale is a major money drainer because you think you have to get it before it goes.

ExplodedCloud · 23/01/2017 00:18

Make sure you understand where your money is going. Proper meal planning and picking a couple of good value things that make you all feel like you have a good life.
So if Good coffee makes you happy, make sure you budget for it. Don't go into unsustainable frugality because you'll fail.

TheABC · 23/01/2017 00:18

Shop online for food - the running total keeps you in check!
Look around charity shops and boot fairs for children's clothes and toys. Plastic toys can be cleaned with vinegar whilst anything soft that can't be washed in the machine can be stashed in the freezer to kill off pests.
Do a big declutter every three months and EBay anything decent that you no longer use.
Ring and haggle with your suppliers. Money saving expert is your friend here - they have a list of saving tips that can literally knock hundreds off your household spend. For example, you don't need to spend more than £10 on a mobile phone contract. So a standard £20 phone bill slashed is £120 a year saved.
Use the train to bag 241 deals and days out.
Consider camping or caravanning for holidays. There are a lot of bargains to be had now in January and you can book outside of school holidays.

bippitybopityboo · 23/01/2017 00:12

Definitely need to sit and write everything down it could vary but our bills etc will definitely always be around 500 a month but that's not including food or fuel for car.

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FairyDogMother11 · 23/01/2017 00:11

My partner and I have a joint income of around the same as yours after we take off the mortgage and we're fine. We could afford for me to stay at home when we have DC, we'd have less left over than you say you will. Meal planning is important, not making random purchases on food saves a fortune! I'd suggest writing down everything you spend - I started jotting down everytime I bought a bottle of water when I was out. It was much cheaper to buy a proper refillable one so that saved me money (basic example). Use comparison sites and ring up and see if you can save any money with your current outgoings. It's really just about planning carefully and not being caught out.

Twinkleheth · 23/01/2017 00:08

Ok sorry, just saw your update. Definitely do a weekly shop and only have one or two top up shops for milk, bread etc. Budget for coffee shops/meals out, so you know what you are spending. Xx

EmeraldScorn · 23/01/2017 00:07

I don't mean this in a patronising way but are you absolutely certain that there will be £1000 a month left after the bills have been paid?

If that is accurate then I really don't think you need to worry at all; With £1000 surplus you will be more than able to feed the family and still be able to afford outings/treats etc.

I don't have anything near £1000 left each month after everything else has been deducted (mortgage, food, bills, savings etc) but if you do then you will be absolutely fine.


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Twinkleheth · 23/01/2017 00:06

I have an old fashioned notebook system. Write down all the bills and then work out how much we have left every month. Are you claiming all benefits you might be entitled to? I started my own business over 4 years ago and have been able to stay at home with my girls (I went part time after a year) over a year now. Is there anything you could do from home, flexible hours, if you did need extra money? Xx

bippitybopityboo · 23/01/2017 00:04

Its not so much that we would struggle I just want tips as we seem to waste so much money and just won't be able to do that if I don't work

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bippitybopityboo · 23/01/2017 00:01

500 is the bills Inc phone bills and car insurance.

The meal planning is definitely somethung we need to do as we're exactly the same spending stupid money on silly shops!

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