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To think Boris should be sacked

36 replies

GladAllOver · 18/01/2017 22:33

Since we have to resign ourselves to this wretched Brexit business, we are going to need all the friends we can get both inside and outside the EU.

Boris seems to think he can swan around the world, shooting his mouth off without caring who he offends.
Mrs May made a serious mistake in making him foreign secretary. It's time she realised that and sacked him.

OP posts:
Lottapianos · 19/01/2017 16:40

I have a friend who loves Boris and thinks he's hilarious. I just cannot talk to her about it anymore, or about politics in general, so we stick to safer topics.

As a host of Have I Got News For You - very funny. Outside of that, he's an utter disgrace and an embarrassment

MagicMarkers · 19/01/2017 16:28

I realise I'm setting a low bar here, but he's better than Trump.

Amethyst81 · 19/01/2017 16:24

YANBU the man is an absolute liability, I'm afraid I have never been able to see anything charismatic about him, what am I not seeing here? Like a pp said its a disgrace that he and toadface Farage were able to get away with their lie about the 300 billion or whatever that would go instead to the NHS, in fact its been all over the news how much of a worse crisis the NHS is in currently. Plus those two fuckers ran away from any responsibility once the brexit result came in, all that campaigning and then what, they both stand down! He should absolutely be sacked and not be given any important political role at all, the mind boggles how he ever got to be foreign secretary in the first place.

ExplodedCloud · 19/01/2017 16:22

hopelessly yes. He's out on his own with plenty of rope to hang himself with. It's making sure he isn't plotting at Westminster and making sure he gaffes himself out of contention for the top spot for a long time. He should probably resign from the cabinet but whether his ego will let him is anyone's guess.

DJBaggySmalls · 19/01/2017 16:21

Its shocking that a company can be prosecuted for false advertising, but a politician cant be prosecuted for flat out lying.

Servicesupportforall · 19/01/2017 16:16

He's no more embarrassing and idiotic as Jeremy corbyn though.

Depressing for Britain isn't it? Xxx

CaoNiMa · 19/01/2017 16:12


To think Boris should be sacked
scaryteacher · 19/01/2017 15:33

Museum, so, why then froth about it being directed at M. Flanby then, who after all, is on his way out and will have no influence, unlike Trump who tomorrow will become one of the most powerful men on the planet?

hopelesslycynical · 19/01/2017 14:27

Theresa May won't sack him. He's her biggest rival; if Michael Gove hadn't stuck the knife in, he'd probably be prime minister, god help us. Being Foreign Secretary keeps him on a plane 24/7 and when he's not on a plane he's in foreign capitals irritating the locals, all a long long way from the tea rooms of Westminster, plotting and fermenting unrest.

lurkinghusband · 19/01/2017 14:25

His use of the phrase "punishment beatings"

Is an insult beyond words to anyone who ever suffered one. Or (in my fathers case, as a 12 year old child) forced (along with the rest of the town) to witness one carried out in the town square.

Anyway, this all s,mall potatoes. Aren't we supposed to be concentrating (perhaps I could have chosen a better word Hmm) on uniting behind Theresa May ?

Although, reading this thread, it's possible it's the "wrong" sort of unity ?

lovelearning · 19/01/2017 14:18

Russian state television is reporting that Boris Johnson, currently in India, has compared the EU to a concentration camp.

MuseumOfCurry · 19/01/2017 14:15

I want to know what Hollande had said in the first place to elicit that response from Boris. Had Boris said something like that about Trump, would you all be frothing quite so much?

Of course not!

EssentialHummus · 19/01/2017 14:09

I supported him as London mayor (and worked right next to his office, so saw him doing his thing quite a bit). As Foreign Sec? I'm embarrassed by him. But I'm embarrassed by most of our government at the moment, along with some of the opposition, so removing one buffoon is neither here nor there.

justicewomen · 19/01/2017 14:06

His use of the phrase "punishment beatings" is even more ill-advised given his involvement in the infamous phone call with his friend Darius Guppy where they discussed the latter beating up a particular person as revenge and Boris agreeing to provide contact details. Whilst the beating never occurred, it shows Boris in a terrible light, more interested in covering his tracks than deterring Guppy

SukeyTakeItOffAgain · 19/01/2017 14:03

Could she not have made him Welsh Secretary or something then? (no offence Wales, but the position is pretty meaningless since devolution).

pithivier · 19/01/2017 14:01

The only reason he was made Foreign Secretary , was because TM knew how much trouble he would cause as a back bencher. As a Cabinet Minister everything he does and says is out in the open. TM can tackle it. As a backbencher he would have been a nasty,deceitful, sly M.P. Whipping up weaker people to do his dirty work for him

lurkinghusband · 19/01/2017 13:57

I wonder if the people of Lidice and Oradour-sur-Glane were impressed. Sad

Eolian · 19/01/2017 13:53

I know someone who was a big fan of Boris. Until they went to hear him speak at the Oxford Union. He was an absolute shambles apparently - rambling, disorganised, not at all prepared for the speech etc. Showed a total lack of respect for the audience. She was so disappointed and lost all respect for him after that.

AnUtterIdiot · 19/01/2017 13:52

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

SukeyTakeItOffAgain · 19/01/2017 13:48

If by "the truth" you were referring to his Saudi comments, I take back my first three and a half lines.

But why did TM appoint a foreign secretary who goes round blurting out the truth if that's such an undesirable quality, and one which she keeps having to disassociate the government from? Baffling. Foreign secretaries are usually chosen for their tact, diplomacy and often "grey man" qualities.

SukeyTakeItOffAgain · 19/01/2017 13:44

What he said was the truth.

What, his allusion to punishment beatings? That wasn't "the truth", it was his use of language. People seem to have an odd idea about what the truth is nowadays. Since when does " being charismatic" mean you're good at your job? He's not a circus performer or a member of a boy band: he's supposed to be foreign secretary. And the nature of that job means you cannot go round blurting out the first thing that comes into your head with a trail of exasperated aides waiting to mop up your damage - it means being diplomatic and having some self control.

"Charismatic" FFS. Hitler was charismatic. Stalin was charismatic. Being dazzled by charisma is partly how we and the USA have ended up in the ridiculous mess we find ourselves in.

PaulAnkaTheDog · 19/01/2017 13:40

He's a monumental twat bag. A bumbling buffoon.


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scaryteacher · 19/01/2017 13:39

I want to know what Hollande had said in the first place to elicit that response from Boris. Had Boris said something like that about Trump, would you all be frothing quite so much?

GplanAddict · 19/01/2017 13:39

I liked what he said about Arms and Saudi. That was quite brave.

user1471451259 · 19/01/2017 13:34

YABU. He's amazingly charismatic. I think he's a cracking Foreign Secretary. He speaks his mind rather than the party line crap we normally get from politicians. What he said was the truth.

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