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I cooked a turkey on christmas day but only had one half a slice of the breast meat

38 replies

NormaSmuff · 28/12/2016 13:32

it was purposefully a small one since we are economizing.
did manage to make a curry
however the best part of the whole bird Has to be Soup!

my soup contains the christmas veggies, ie, a handful of pre cooked sprouts, parsnips, chesnuts, leeks, swede and carrot with the only fresh vegetable being celery and another leek, and was made out of the boiled carcass.

imo it is about the only reason to buy a turkey.


OP posts:
NormaSmuff · 28/12/2016 16:32

thank you emnetta.
i shall definately get larger portions next time.

OP posts:
LyingWitchInTheWardrobe2726 · 28/12/2016 17:26

If you're economising OP, now might be a good time to search out another turkey perhaps? There is always an overstock of turkeys around after Christmas.

Munchingmummy · 28/12/2016 17:48

Am making turkey noodle soup right now!

NormaSmuff · 28/12/2016 17:52

well i am very keen on leaving the buying of the turkey until christmas eve.
great bargains to be had.

OP posts:
SwedishEdith · 28/12/2016 17:55

YABU as the best meat is from the legs and thighs.

KurriKurri · 28/12/2016 18:31

I don't eat turkey.

As Yoda would say...

If it's got a wattle
Eat it I'll nottle.

whyohwhy000 · 28/12/2016 18:33

I never have any parsnips left afterwards.

WritingHome · 28/12/2016 18:43

I don't really understand the AIBU in the OP?
Why did you not divide the meat equally between all the plates?
Why did you not take more and bulk out the curry with extra veg or ham or something?
I don't get the martyr thing at all.

We cooked a small free range aldi turkey on 26th when we got home from visiting family. We had a full turkey dinner that night, turkey sandwiches for breakfast yesterday, turkey reheated with gravy and fresh veg for dinner last night and turkey sandwiches this morning. Ours is gone now! Dogs are polishing off the scraps

I am cooking the ham in coke tonight!

PenguinsandPebbles · 28/12/2016 18:48

Don't like cranberry but will allow other people to have it.

How very good of you Grin cranberry should however be saved for Brie sandwiches Grin

I don't get the martyr thing either, why let others but cook get served turkey first in our family and everyone gets equal amount of the good stuff. Unless it's some sort of MN chicken equivalent where one turkey lasts a year :)

YABU for not telling the others to back off the turkey and get your reward for all the hard work of cookinh

DixieNormas · 28/12/2016 18:56

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haveacupoftea · 28/12/2016 19:07

We are having turkey and ham pie tomorrow although I am slightly suspicous of how edible the turkey is at this stage Confused

MrsLion · 28/12/2016 19:16

Turkey and ham pie in our house. Chunks of meat mixed with the leftover gravy, veges and a dash of wine and cream.
Almost better than Christmas dinner

GlitterGlue · 28/12/2016 19:19

We had chicken as I'm not a turkey fan. Clearly a magic mumsnet chicken as had three meals out of it.

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