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To ask you to share your children's misheard lyrics?

126 replies

ladyjadey · 01/12/2016 21:52

A few years ago I was driving and listening to Ballroom Blitz by The Sweet. My DD1 announced she loved the song and was singing along heartily. It was about halfway through the song when I realised she was singing

"And he fell into a bowl of mix"

I cried laughing.

DS told me recently that she had been listening to Alanis Morrisette and her DD was singing along then she asked why did he give her a cross-eyed bear?

As in " and I'm here to remind you.........of the cross-eyed bear that you gave to oughta know!"

Please indulge me and share your giggles

OP posts:
stillwantrachelshair · 01/12/2016 22:23

When DD was about 4, I realised that DD thought "Mary had a little lamb" went:
"Mary had a little lamb
It's feet were white as snow
And everywhere that Mary went
It's hands were sure to go".
If you have made the first mistake, I can understand how the second one occurred but don't understand where DD thought the rest of the lamb might be...
I was at a carol concert with a 30-something friend who suddenly realised the Little Donkey was on a dusty road & didn't have a dusty nose!

LikeTheShoes · 01/12/2016 22:25

Our junior choir have been singing "Oh Taliban" Rather than "O Tannenbaum"

Ironfloor · 01/12/2016 22:28

'Shut up to my eggs, you are really quite the mess'

Guess the song...

Testarossa1 · 01/12/2016 22:29

My sister thought the line "I called you last night from Glasgow" from super trooper was "I called you last night from tescos" Grin

I on the other hand thought Shirley Bassey was popping her clogs not a Cork in Big Spender.....

MrsBobDylan · 01/12/2016 22:30

You're so lame...another Carly Simon classic.

BigBlink · 01/12/2016 22:32

My 6yr old DS is always doing this. Two of the moat recent one are...

_George Esra - Budapest (chorus)
^You ooh, you ooh, a divvidooo

_Little Mix -Shout Out To My Ex (chorus)
Shout out to my vest, you really are a van


Flumplet · 01/12/2016 22:36

'Double dicks, double dicks no trouble!! Double dicks, double dicks no trouble'....

Epic Mia-hearing of Meghan Treinor. Blush

TheUnexpectedMorrisDancer · 01/12/2016 22:37

My favourite was my DDs version of the alphabet. According to her it goes H I J K and the letter P!

mushroomsontoast · 01/12/2016 22:38

My 6yo tells everyone her favourite song is 'I love cats'. She thinks lovecats by the Cure is just about someone who really, really loves cats!

MissDuke · 01/12/2016 22:39

Ds was singing 'we will rock you' after seeing pixels in the cinema. He sang 'threw mud at your face' instead of 'you got blood on your face' - I had to google the lyrics to convince him he was wrong Grin

RubbishRobotFromTheDawnOfTime · 01/12/2016 22:42

DD aged 2 loves singing Frozen songs but is not too hot on the actual lyrics.

"we used to be best buddies" is "you used to be my bunny"


"say goodbye to the pain of the past" is "say goodbye to the pain of your pants"


CauliflowerSqueeze · 01/12/2016 22:44

In a dance lesson at primary school we had to dance to Bananarama's Love in the first degree.

My friend thought the chorus was: ....'cos I'm guilty, guilty, guilty as a cocoa bean!!!

Have a listen - exactly 1 minute in:

shockthemonkey · 01/12/2016 22:45

"I shot the sherrif, but I didn't shoot him dead, you see"

(instead of "but I didn't shoot the deputy")

JustSpeakSense · 01/12/2016 22:45

'Your socks are on fire' (your sex is on fire)

I never corrected them, I let them belt it out full volume (they were so sweet and innocent)

harrypoooter · 01/12/2016 22:46

Mama mia- daughter sings ' there's a fireman in myyyyy soul! ' ha ha

FaithAscending · 01/12/2016 22:47

DD (3) learnt a new song at pre-school. She loves it and sings Woah the hokey dokey! frequently! When she was tiny she always sang Old Macdonald had a farm, ee-ei ee-ei ho ho ho (I was a bit sad when she dropped the ho ho ho!).

ShoeJunkie · 01/12/2016 22:49

Ds1 singing Breakfast at Tiffany's "and I said what about breakfast activities" Grin

NoCapes · 01/12/2016 22:52

We still call the Meghan Trainor song 'ba ba biss' in my family after DD used to sing (over and over and over)
"Coz you know it's only ba ba biss ba ba biss, no trouble" Smile

poisonedbypen · 01/12/2016 22:55

A very old one & not quite in the same vein, but when I was little & we used to sing "I will make you fishers of men" at Sunday school I thought it was "I will make you vicious old men".

han01uk · 01/12/2016 22:59

Sia and cheap thrills....

"It's Friday night and it won't be long til I hit the...

DUMPSTER instead of dance floor as my 7 year old merrily sings!!

ILoveAntButHateDec · 01/12/2016 23:10

Oh God! This takes me back to when my dd was 7. School put on a concert (Something about American Independence as far as I can remember). Dd's crowning moment was when she sung "John Brown's Body Means a Soldier in a Rave". She could be heard well over and above everyone else's correct version. I received lots of pitying looks from pfb's mums....... The shame.... Would it be dreadfully remiss of me to remind her of that singular episode every Christmas?? [Evil cackle]

AngelBlue12 · 01/12/2016 23:11

Me and my sister used to sing Armadillo instead of Oh Vienna (I taught the DCs to do it as it winds DH up!)

Also managed to convince a friend growing up that Abba were singing 'want the loo' instead of Waterloo! Grin


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BadgerIsGrumpy · 01/12/2016 23:24

Rehearsals for the Reception Nativity are in full swing here, with 'little OLD Jesus asleep on the hay' Grin

TheBadgersMadeMeDoIt · 01/12/2016 23:25

On a long drive to visit family a few Christmases ago, DD (then 2) kept asking me to change the music and put "Baby Leorgie" on. I racked my brains and went through every song on the Nursery Rhyme CD but had no idea what she meant.

We were almost there when I realised it was Away in a Manger. (Baby Leorgie = Little Lord Jesus).

ItWentInMyEye · 01/12/2016 23:28

6 yo DD has watched Frozen a bajillion times, but is still adamant Elsa sings "the past is in the hast" Grin

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