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Aibu to believe my 4 month old is saying 'hello'

32 replies

Beansprout30 · 26/11/2016 18:01

What age do babies normally pick up words? I swear to god my lg Is say 'herro' after daddy has been saying it over and over.. along with mama. I didn't think this could happen for months yet??

OP posts:
LolaTheDarkDestroyer · 26/11/2016 23:55

And she is doing it in a Chinese accent? Kudos to her!

judybloomno5 · 27/11/2016 00:40

Mine said 'mum' at me at 4 months. Now she's got a speech delay 😬🙁

KayTee87 · 27/11/2016 00:46

My 4 month old mimics sounds, babies are so clever. They've no idea what they're saying though, they just like to 'chat' to you.

DustyMaiden · 27/11/2016 00:53

My DD definitely said hello at 5 months. We owned a general store at the time and she said it to all of the customers.

YouCanStandMeUpSpartacus · 27/11/2016 10:44

YANBU! Mine said it at 10 weeks Smile. I have video evidence.

someonestolemynick · 27/11/2016 12:47

Can't comment on babies, but between them our cats have an impressive vocabulary including "breakfast", "bedroom", "out", and "milk".
DP insists one of them is saying "thank you" when he lets him in, but I haven't heard that one and can't imagine what would motivate him to say it.

KurriKurri · 27/11/2016 14:12

My babies weren't geniuses in this respect (in other ways they were obviously) but I had a cat that said 'Merde' when he was annoyed, and a dog that said 'Miaow' and could do the Can Can.

As my MIL used to say - all our ducks are swans Grin

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