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to not go to my school reunion?

33 replies

Blumkin · 14/11/2016 21:44

I hated my very naice school, it was 3 years of utter misery plus 2 years of moderate unhappiness. I was one of the unpopular kids and just don't have many good memories of the place.

I've had an invite to the reunion for leavers including my year group. And I don't want to go. I'm in touch with a few school friends via Facebook, but have no desire to prance around the old dining hall reminiscing about pervert teachers and rugby matches or seeing my old boarding house or admiring the new science block or any of that.

However, I was chatting to a friend who said I should go, just because my life has turned out pretty well. She's picturing an American movie type scene of me strutting in wearing fabulous clothes, smiling with my no longer shit teeth, showing off pictures of my adorable dc and subtly dropping vague hints about my lovely high earning dh. She says I should go just to prove to myself how far I've come since those dark days, and part of me is tempted, however a bigger part of me just feels so 'meh' about the whole thing and I'd just view it as a wasted afternoon plus travel there and back.

Has anyone gone to a reunion and unexpectedly enjoyed it, or should I just leave the past as a distant blur?

OP posts:
EveryDayIsASchoolDay · 15/11/2016 23:44

I wouldn't go. It would sound really arsey going on about the size of DH's wallet Smile
Just get him to take you out for a nice champagne afternoon tea or something and thank heavens that you dodged a bullet Smile

StiginaGrump · 15/11/2016 23:33

I didn't go for Purple's reason, I would have got shit teacher nun rage too.

PurpleWithRed · 15/11/2016 23:31

I gave in to my curiosity and went to my school reunion. As I walked through the doors into the assembly hall I got the rage - it hammered home the crap teaching, the supercilious nuns, the fact I didn't really have any friends there for the last few years, the subtle bullying, and that I hadn't stayed in touch with anyone for very good reasons.

Don't bother.

Cocochoco · 15/11/2016 23:31

I went to mine and loved it. Pretty much everyone was open and honest and pleased to see each other. I had some really wonderful conversations and wish I had realised that a lot of my schoolmates were good people at the time (I hated school).

It had been 25 years so maybe enough time had passed that there was no sense of competition. I'd have been horrified at anyone boasting about a high-earning husband.

I've been back in touch with quite a few people since then, which has been really nice.

heron98 · 15/11/2016 23:27

Is it just me but I actually can't remember anyone I was at school with Blush, and I only left in 2001. I'm Facebook friends with people I was close to but never see them in real life although they are all still local. I'd struggle to name anyone else.

Mamatallica · 15/11/2016 23:24

Urgh, I'd hate that. If you're not up for it, don't go. I wonder if my school has reunions? As a girl's grammar school they probably do, they won't find me online though as I've moved away and changed my name Grin

MrHannahSnell · 15/11/2016 23:22

Don't go. I was persuaded to go to mine against my better judgement and it revived a hell of a lot of unpleasant memories that I thought I'd forgotten. Stay away and stay happy is my advice.

Ellisandra · 15/11/2016 23:16

I would feel ashamed to be dropping hints about having a high earning husband.
Is that something to be proud of?
Of course it isn't.
Dear god, ask your friend why the fuck she puts a value on you according to what your husband earns?
Hello 1950...

Awwlookatmybabyspider · 15/11/2016 23:10

Ha ha. The post it.
Who knows you might even get brought home in helicopter as well.
You never know your luck In a big city, as they say. Grin

chipsandpeas · 15/11/2016 18:54

id rather stab needles in my eyes than go to a school renunion, i didnt like half the people when i was at school and still wont like them based on what i sometimes see on faebook from the few people from school i am friends with

TheProblemOfSusan · 14/11/2016 22:52

"inimitable" should have been "did a number on". Apparently my phone left school better educated than me.

TheProblemOfSusan · 14/11/2016 22:50

Can't abide school reunions. It's not the girls particularly - some of them were fine and I'm still friendly - it's the bloody "oh wasn't it such a great school" bollocks. The older I get the more I realise what a number that place did inimitable mental health in the name of education and I couldn't bear to be told how wonderful it was.

elQuintoConyo · 14/11/2016 22:32

Although... You could go along and tell them you invented the Post-it Grin

BlackNo1 · 14/11/2016 22:30

I didn't go to my school reunion as it involved a trek (possible flight) and I didn't think it was worth going. Then there was another reunion which would have involved an even longer flight. Again, I wasn't eager to justify the effort and expense.

No regrets.

I'm a bit Hmm at your friend. Do you think you need to prove anything to yourself?
Go if you want to, not because others tell you to.

Of course if only school reunions could be as enticing as old flames Cusack and Driver, loving it up in Grosse Pointe Blank...

SocksRock · 14/11/2016 22:29

I wouldn't go. Couldn't be arsed to make the effort for 98% of the people I went to school with. The other 2% I'm still in touch with anyway...

DragonRojo · 14/11/2016 22:22

Thank you for the explanation! Smile I can sleep now. In answer to your question, I would not go.

Woodacorn · 14/11/2016 22:17

Is there a Facebook reunion party page? Friend everyone. Have a nosey at their statuses. Make sure your own status is suitably informative about your current lifestyle. Once you have seen all you want to on FB unfriend/hide/block them. Don't go to the reunion.

WhatAPigsEar · 14/11/2016 22:16

I felt the same way about my school reunion. The only school friend I was still in touch with convinced me to go. TBH most of the girls stuck with their old groups and were as cliquey as I remembered. Yeah I swanned in looking my best with nice clothes, & tales of my exciting career but it was all pretty pointless. Apart from the karma of seeing how drab and grumpy some of the 'cool kids' had become.
Have a nice day out with proper friends instead! Thanks

SaucyJack · 14/11/2016 22:11

Don't bother. How long has it been?

I'm sorry to piss on your chips, but someone you haven't seen for 25 years is not going to give that much of a shite about your teeth or your income bracket.

You won't get your big moment. Real life isn't like the movies.

Blumkin · 14/11/2016 22:11

Dragon - it was co ed, Grin originally a boys school, but then they opened up a few girls houses.

OP posts:
Floggingmolly · 14/11/2016 22:09

How will showing off in front of people you haven't seen for years (and presumably actively chose not to remain in contact with) prove how far you've come? And to what purpose?
If you need their validation you might be in for a bit of a land when they couldn't care less.
Dropping hints about your high earning DH sounds ridiculously needy.

soundsystem · 14/11/2016 22:09

I didn't go to mine. I'm in touch with those I want to be in touch with, and not particularly interested in the others (nor they in me, I wouldn't think!). I had an ok time at school, neither loved it not hated it, but spent most of my time with non-school friends, so didn't particularly feel I had anything to prove. The people who went seemed to be ones who hadn't really moved on/done much since...


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Blumkin · 14/11/2016 22:09

I don't think I'll go, it was just my friends insistence that made me question it.

went to mine, and found it tedious and cliquey and I went to one and realised why I am not in touch with many school friends any more. that's how I think I'd end up feeling, I've had no desire to mingle with these people during the last 20 odd years, so why would I now force myself to be jolly around them for a whole afternoon?

The nosey side of me would like to go just to see who who I remember and how everyone has turned out. that is what facebook is for, no?

OP posts:
DragonRojo · 14/11/2016 22:06

Completely off subject, but "rugby matches"? Did girls use to play rugby at boarding school?

nurseinwonderland · 14/11/2016 22:03

Didn't go to mine. Was invited via a group chat on FB. The first three people who responded were people who couldn't say a nice word to me at school.
I'm still friendly with my "best" friends from school, we see each other a few times a year. They all went, they didn't really understand my reasons. In the end I was on holiday when it took place so it wasn't an issue.
I keep in touch with the people that matter.

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