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To think I am pregnant despite negative tests?

31 replies

mummyrunnerbean · 31/10/2016 08:42

DP and I are semi-trying for DC2 - as in not actively trying to prevent. For the last three weeks or so I have felt pregnant. Sore boobs, mild nausea, mild cramping, utterly exhausted, 'full' feeling in lower abdomen. AF has not turned up for about eight weeks but I do have very irregular periods so that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Tests have all been negative.

I'd sort of decided it's all in my head, but then this morning (apologies for slight tmi) woke up to find that for the first time since I stopped breastfeeding DS1 in June, I've leaked slightly into my nighty. Things have been dry as a bone for months - stopped being able to hand express anything by July, and now I'm getting what looks like colostrum Hmm.

But test is still negative.

WIBU to book a GP appointment to ask for a blood test? Then if I'm really not pregnant ask them to work out what the heck is going on? Or am I being a bit bonkers and wishful thinking?

OP posts:
OllyBJolly · 12/11/2016 22:00


I was sure I was pregnant, despite several negative tests. Went to GP who said i probably was as I'd been pregnant before and could recognise symptoms. As it happened, I was expecting twins which alters hormone levels and this can result in false negatives.

Wishing you a happy , healthy pregnancy!

Fairybella · 12/11/2016 22:01

Oh yay congratulations... so lovely to hear

Cguk81 · 12/11/2016 22:01

Aww congratulations, your photo made me smile Smile

mummyrunnerbean · 13/11/2016 09:05

Thanks so much all! I still can't quite believe it. Not least because I did actually go to the gp after I first posted, who agreed that I probably wasn't, and referred me for thyroid function tests. Meant to go and see her for the results tomorrow so that'll be a fun appointment!

Actually have no idea how far along I am. Going by lmp/ how long I've been 'feeling' pregnant about 8-10 weeks. But I do have very irregular cycles so tbh could be anything. Will have to find out at the first scan I think. Need to go and register with the midwives this week!

Olly twins! Shock I hadn't even thought of that... I mean it would be lovely, but DH and I were just discussing how we'd manage fine with 2 DC in the 2-bedroom flat we're in the process of buying. But three?!

OP posts:
ConvincingLiar · 13/11/2016 09:08


alloutofnameideas · 13/11/2016 09:20

Congratulations!! My only late positive was my twin pregnancy. Didn't get a positive until 6 weeks

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