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To ask what is the creepiest/scariest thing your kids have ever said to you?

88 replies

Badger84 · 24/10/2016 12:47

Being Halloween soon and all - I will start. My nana used to live with us before she died and her room was always knows as "nana's room" after she died the room was changed into a storage room. DD who was only 1 when my nan died (now nearly 3) came downstairs to say "who is that lady upstairs in the spare room" I asked what she meant and she said the one sitting on the bed. There is no bed in the spare room now. It took me several weeks to pluck up the courage to go into that room!

What are your experiences? 😱😱😱😱

OP posts:
ProfessorPickles · 25/10/2016 00:16

3yo DS turned to me today, completely out of the blue, and said "mummy, when I was a baby I didn't have no arms", after correcting his atrocious grammar I was left feeling puzzled Grin

Agerbilatemycardigan · 25/10/2016 00:25

DD2 once told me that she missed her family. When I pointed out that she couldn't miss us as she saw us every day. She said "No, my other family"

She went on to say that she missed her wife and kids from when she was a man called Brian. She even described their house and their dog. This continued for about 18 months or so and then just stopped. When I mentioned it to her years later when she was grown up, she couldn't remember any of it.

SuperFlyHigh · 25/10/2016 11:24

we had this thread a year ago - where has that one gone? epic!

rainbowstardrops · 25/10/2016 11:43

My DS as a toddler/young boy used to often say, 'In my other life .....' It used to terrify my brother!

I used to be a nanny in a Victorian house and the baby used to sit in his high chair at the table looking towards the stairs and laughing. Freaked me out!

timelytess · 25/10/2016 11:56

tess demons? Scared now what do you mean?

I don't know. I can only tell you my experience. I saw those things when I was alone (usually) in the dark. I was scared of them. They didn't do me any harm though. When I was a young mother and babies in prams were being attacked by teenagers stubbing cigarettes on them (1980s trend, not worth reviving) I thought if teenagers approached me and my baby I'd call on the demons for support! I am autistic, its possible I don't have all the filters other people have.

Far more logical is the psychological thing of seeing 'eyes'. That's known and recorded. But the eyes are still scary when you're a small child and don't want to be watched by faceless eyes in the dark.

I didn't make my baby sleep alone, though, and now, nor does hers.

Niklepic · 25/10/2016 12:07

DD2 (3) said to me "When I was a big girl my grandmother killed me and then you were my mummy". Don't know where she got that from but she repeated it seems few times.

DS always used to wave goodbye 'to the man on the stairs' in my brother's house.

IToldYouIWasFreaky · 25/10/2016 12:11

When DS was tiny, he seemed to read my mind and say exactly what I was thinking. Freaked me out!

DS does that all the time. I'll be thinking something and he'll just say it! But it's just me and him at home and we're quite similar in personality so I'm sure it's just the same thing ocurring to us both at the same time and he's just quicker to say it.

CheshireChat · 25/10/2016 12:27

DS and the two cats we had at the time used to STARE at something in the doorway, occasionally crying/ hissing at nothing.

We do know that the previous tenant died in the house but still. Even now I tend to sit so that I can watch the door.

CheshireChat · 25/10/2016 12:29

And my dying gran said to an empty room I've given you blood before and you will have more. Freaked my mum out to no end.

notfromstepford · 25/10/2016 12:37

Loving this thread!
DS was 3 and when driving past what are now commercial buildings but used to be houses, stopped what he was talking about and said out of the blue
"Mummy - that used to be where I lived when I was a little girl. It used to be my house and I lived there but I died and now I'm a boy and I live with you."
He then carried on with what he was talking about before that.
That was a bit weird.

scampimom · 25/10/2016 12:40

"Mummy, I'm going to eat your EYES" announced my live-in miniature demon recently.

She also has a habit of saying "Here it comes!" (usually a crocodile or monster). She was saying this loudly and repeatedly on a car journey a while back, so I said, "It's sleepy time now, darling, shhh". So she carried on saying it in a whisper. From the dark, behind us. Creepiest damn thing I've ever heard in my life. "Heeeer it coooooooomessssss". Spooky wee sod.

Clawdy · 25/10/2016 12:43

DS was about seven, and very poorly one night. He was in our bed, trying to sleep, and he suddenly sat up, stared at me with a look of horror on his face, and said "I've got no name."

mysteriousbat · 25/10/2016 13:09

When dd was about 2.5 we were out in the garden and she pointed up to her bedroom window and sai "girl" i was a bit creeped out and said where is a girl? And she pointed back at the window and repeated it. This house was pretty creepy anyway as things happened. Once i dropped her to nursery and came home and heard a noise. Went to her bedroom and her in the night garden book which had been on her shelf was opened to the back page which played a tune.
Also came home one day to a bathroom tile in the middle of the bathroom floor. It hadnt fallen off the wall and i had never seen it before!

Dionysuss · 25/10/2016 16:29

A few years ago we went on a tour at a national trust type house. DD2 (she would have been 4) was trailing behind the group and I asked what she was doing. She said she was stroking the cat that was following us. Near the end she asked the tour guide where the cat had gone. Tour guide looks very bemused and says that his gone for dinner. She then whispers to me that there are no cats, the currant family living there have Great Danes that are not cat friendly. But previous generations used to have lots of cats. Sometimes during the night people can hear ghost cats scratching at doors, she even showed me the marks on door frames where the old scratches had been glossed over.

Mcchickenbb41 · 25/10/2016 16:55

SEBASHOCKED this made me laugh out loud a lot !!! My dd has started to walk in my bedroom and just stare at me in the night. Anyway loads happens around dd but she talks a lot about my dad who she has never met. He died when I was pregnant with her. She says grandad xxxx walks through house. Grandad xxxx plays my toys and the weirdest one grandad xxxx ghost. The other day was scary ghost in tree ... Take me to blue house she's three btw. Loads of stuff has happened would take me ages to type out. I did on another thread then my phone died as I was posting and lost the lot. It doesn't scare me all this it brings me comfort

expatinscotland · 25/10/2016 17:01

Freaky deaky

Faithless · 25/10/2016 17:03

DS about 4 at the time, once woke in the night crying his eyes out and said to me, "Where's Jack?" (his and also his friend's name) so I said, you mean Jack Friend? He's gone home, it's night time. So he shouted back in a really manic way, "No, Jack Faithless, where's Jack faithless gone?" I said, "you're Jack Faithless" . He starting sobbing saying " no I'm not he's gone" then in a split second was wide awake and back to his normal self. V creepy. He did suffer from night terrors (which was also scary) so it was probably something to do with that. He's 17 now and still likes to hear that story.

Mcchickenbb41 · 25/10/2016 17:04

Another thing she does is put a wooden Angel ornament next to his picture

sassolino · 25/10/2016 18:10

When my younger one was about 3, a friend took him and me out of town by car. She was driving through an area where we've never been, when my son piped in "This is where I walked with my baby". It was the most bizarre remark: a. we've never been there, b. we don't have a baby. He's the baby of the family.
In fact, when he was younger, some of his remarks made me think of the past lives and reincarnation.

mummyofmoomoos · 25/10/2016 18:15

I hadn't really had any spooky oddness with my three, (14, 5, 4on thursday) until youngest had a huge febrile seizure (aged 3) left him with brain scarring and three different types of seizure. Since then he's having conversations with people I can't see, can tell you what your thinking, waves at a lady he sees going past our front room window- we can't see her, and things stop off surfaces near him when hasn't touched them. I have mentioned to his neurologist and specialist about odd goings on, was given a long explanation about humans not using their brains to their full extent, Ds's brain finding new pathways around scar tissue and odd phenomena reported by other parents being quite normal. Bit ooky!

Mcchickenbb41 · 25/10/2016 18:36

That's really fascinating mummyofmoomoos

rainbowstardrops · 25/10/2016 19:02

I can totally understand that when children are ill or have temperatures that they can hallucinate because I know how a temperature can affect a child but all the standard, everyday things really does make me wonder.

Usernameinvalid16 · 25/10/2016 19:49

My dd is 2 and keeps coming into my room every morning and standing at the side of my bed just staring at me. A few times i've woken up and she's stroking my hair with a weird smile on her face, its really freaky. She also likes to push my door open and stand there (in the dark) whispering 'mummmmy'

chocolatecakemakesmefat · 25/10/2016 20:02

Ds aged 3 (nearly 4) went on for months about the man outside his window it really freaked me out as his bedroom faced the back garden and I was convinced there was someone out there , turns out it was his reflection GrinGrinGrin

Damnpeskykids · 25/10/2016 20:33

My ds who is 3 keeps seeing my mum (she passed away in August) tonight we had another woo moment, he was in the bath & said "look there's grandma!" So I said where, he pointed up to the wall, asked what she said to him, he replied "it's a secret!" Confused he's "seen" her about 3 times in the bathroom and once when OH was driving him home from nursery he was pointing out the window & turning his head to where he said - OH said there was no-one on the pavement or road at all! Freaked him a little as he's anti-woo stuff, but makes me happy she's checking in on him! Halo

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