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Pregnant and DH left me alone for the night.

27 replies

summerskittles91 · 24/10/2016 10:58

So last week I was admitted into hospital for hypermesis and extreme dehydration. DH knew how serious it was.

Saturday (I was back home from hospital) - (as I live with inlaws) they all went to stay the night in another city at my sister in laws parents. DH was meant to stay back with me. He went out at 6:30pm and came back at 2:00am.

He couldn't understand why id be so upset that he left me alone. his only way to make up for it was to have sex with me the following afternoon and like an idiot i went along with it because i can't deal with another argument and now i just feel stupid for letting myself down. I don't really know why I'm posting here I just feel so down. I'm 17 weeks pregnant and I haven't been depressed before so I don't know if I am but i just constantly feel down, all i want to do is sleep and the extreme pregnancy sickness is really getting me down. it's affecting mine and DH's relationship as well with my inlaws who i live with. I don't really know what to do. I know AIBU to have sex with him for the sake of not dealing with another argument but how do i explain to him he is BU for having left me for the night.

OP posts:
Mummyoflittledragon · 24/10/2016 12:53

So it sounds as if your mil was concerned about you, which is good. What's it like living with his family? And if things get bad, could you go back to your parents?

I don't think you should be keeping the hospital visit from your parents and the lack of support from your dh. If you need to move back in with your parents at any stage, I think it would be useful for them to know how your dh is treating you.

He sounds like a man child not wanting to leave his parents.

redskytonight · 24/10/2016 12:59

Mummy I'm presuming the living with DH's family is the norm in the OP's culture - as evidenced by the fact that his brother's family lives there too.

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