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to ask you for help with a divorce and password problem?

4 replies

ferriswheel · 05/10/2016 22:03

My h and I are not in a good way. The divorce proceedings have begun and I am trying to get my paperwork tied in a bow.

I can't figure out my google account password. I am sure it was him that set it, and of course don't want to ask. Does anyone know how I can find it out on my own? Who I can email to find it out?


OP posts:
Trills · 05/10/2016 22:24

I just can't see how Google would be able to tell the difference between

"this is a person who is locked out because their ex set up their password"


"this is a person who is maliciously trying to get into their ex's account"

I don't know how the computer can tell that

Arfarfanarf · 05/10/2016 22:21

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Arfarfanarf · 05/10/2016 22:20

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Trills · 05/10/2016 22:19

If I get locked out, I can get a password reset link emailed to my backup email address.

But if he set it up, that'll most likely be his email address.

Realistically there's not likely to be any way for you to prove that you are the "owner" of the account.

Because how could Google know that you are the owner?

I assume you've found this page already?

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