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To think that designer clothes and splashing the cash is no longer "cool"?

8 replies

LucyLot · 01/10/2016 20:32

I don't know if it is just me who thinks this or if it is a general trend happening at the moment.

Five or ten years ago I feel that people I worked with and general acquaintances all wanted designer bags and shoes, wearing designer clothes was incredibly aspirational and splashing the cash was a genuine way of "showing off".

Now it seems as though people I know who are more wealthy or middle class now wouldn't be seen dead in a pair of louboutins or carrying a £1,000 designer bag, as it's considered more tacky and crass. Has anyone else noticed this? I feel like now people compare to be more and more frugal and wear coats until they wear out etc.

OP posts:
LucyLot · 01/10/2016 20:42

I'm in my 20s too so don't necessarily think it's an age thing.

OP posts:
NicknameUsed · 01/10/2016 20:37

"Has anyone else noticed this?"

No. I never notice if people are wearing/carrying designer brands. I don't think any of my friends or colleagues have that kind of money to splash out on designer stuff anyway.

Inyournightdress · 01/10/2016 20:37

I haven't noticed that within my social circles and I consider myself terribly middle class.

Puppymouse · 01/10/2016 20:36

This resonates so much with me. In my case it was having DD combined with buying a horse that just changed where my money went. I still love buying clothes but most are second hand off eBay and my last Mulberry bag was sold this year. I am nowhere near as vain as I used to be.

Passmethecrisps · 01/10/2016 20:35

I think it is much more socially acceptable to make do and mend than it was for a wee while. I still think there will always be a culture of showing off but I tend to be dubious when I see colleagues with high end goods as fakes are so easy to come by. It takes the value off the genuine article.

I feel now I would rather spend money on a very high quality item which was craft made and will last a long time.

HerFaceIsaMapOfTheWorld · 01/10/2016 20:35

tbh op I am in my 20s and I do like designer shoes and bags, with clothes I am happy with topshop. I suppose it is an age thing.

Mimicat44 · 01/10/2016 20:34

I think maybe it seems less desirable as I associate that kind of stuff with tacky celebrities like the Kardashians or people off TOWIE which is something I definitely don't aspire to be like

Oysterbabe · 01/10/2016 20:34

I just think that's what happens as you get older, you don't care about material things as much.

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