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People who won't accept that the toilet door is locked.

67 replies

ClaudiaWankleman · 12/09/2016 08:52

Happened to me twice yesterday. First time just after lunch in a restaurant. I have just settled down on the seat when I hear the parent and child outside the door.

'Is this one open?' Rattles the door of the cubicle next to me loudly. Clearly not.
'This one?' Rattles my door loudly. No it fucking isn't, leave me alone.
'Are you sure?' Rattles my door again. Fuck off, I've had two glasses of wine and need a wee. Look at the red sign on the lock.
DC continued kicking the cubicle door next to me. A very nervous trip to the toilet, I was terrified that the door would burst open (silly, I know).

Then a few hours later, we had 45 minutes to spare and sat outside a Costa in the sun. Lovely, so relaxing. I nipped into the toilet before we left. One of those unisex/ disabled toilets.

I hear one person come in and rattle the door (terrifying as it only locks by pulling the handle up so more precarious than the previous incident). They give up. Thirty seconds later they try again. Fuck off, I had a big lunch and I've only been in here a minute (they must've almost followed me through the door to the toilet!). Then someone else comes in and I hear the conversation.
'I think there's someone in there.'
'Oh really?'
'Yeah look.' Rattles my door to show that it won't open.

If they think it's going to make me hurry up they've got another think coming. If anything it just makes my arsehole seize up.

AIBU here? Bore off.

OP posts:
DieSchottin93 · 12/09/2016 22:34

I once forgot to press the lock button on one of those slidey trains toilet doors Blush it opened mid-pee I was on my period as well argh Took me a couple of years to work up the courage to use such a toilet again and I still try and avoid them if possible Blush

balletcats · 12/09/2016 21:42

I once unlocked a train door which slid slowly open revealing an irate lady with her knickers around her ankles. Her husband was smirking at her for the rest of the journey!

SnowBallsAreHere · 12/09/2016 21:04

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Topseyt · 12/09/2016 20:59

Actually, I might also consider going with "OY, let me take a shit in peace".

Haddocksfunkychick · 12/09/2016 20:53

At work we have a lady in our office who will follow you directly into the ladies that has only one toilet and stand right outside the door, sniffing (yes really) and coughing. There's five other women on our floor and we try to time going when she is on the phone or out of the office.

OR she follows you in, stands outside the cubicle and has a very loud conversation on her phone to one of her mates Confused

SheDoneAlreadyDoneHadHerses · 12/09/2016 19:52

I'm taking to shouting this.....

People who won't accept that the toilet door is locked.
DeadGood · 12/09/2016 18:56

wasonthelist you're right.

I do hate those train loos that have a button instead of a mechanical lock. I am always terrified the button won't work or the electrics will fail and that huge rounded door will slide open, revealing me to all and sundry...

Topseyt · 12/09/2016 15:37

I love some of these responses. Grin

I am making a mental note of some of them for the next time this happens to me.

Think I might go with calling out loudly that "I am doing a shit / taking a dump" to start with. Not in my home town though. Too much chance of coming face to face with someone I know if they didn't bugger off. In a nearby larger city, as it would be much more anonymous.

ClaudiaWankleman · 12/09/2016 15:12

Arf I don't want to shout out. It's embarrassing!

You can check if a toilet is engaged without rattling the door. I can't be the only silent pusher. Rattling the door even once is bad manners IMO - do these people rattle door to open them in their own homes? Of course not. They just want to pressure the occupant.

OP posts:
RachelRagged · 12/09/2016 15:08


Arfarfanarf · 12/09/2016 15:07

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

edwinbear · 12/09/2016 14:20

The day we were due to travel back from Dubai last month ds was really ill with a stomach bug. We were sat in reception waiting to check out and I'd gone to find him some water, when I got back he'd disappeared into the loo to be ill. I went dashing into the Ladies (where he would usually go), and I could hear him retching and crying, so knocked on the door, asking if he was OK, could he let me in etc etc. The door didn't open, I carried on talking through the door until a slightly irritated lady came out of the cubicle and I realised the Ladies backed directly onto the Gents and it was him in the Gents cubicle I could hear. I felt both shame and terror at not being able to get to him, in equal measures.

TeaAndToast2016 · 12/09/2016 14:13

I was at a festival a few months ago and went to use one of the loos that was unlocked, opened it up and there was a man standing their going for a wee! Blush Now I'm really cautious when opening unlocked doors in case I am ever faced with something like that again.

allthecarbs · 12/09/2016 13:52

I was just thinking about this yesterday.
Sat on the loo in a cafe and someone tries the door asking if anyone is.
"Yes it's occupied!" I shout.
So they keep on rattling the door handle asking if anyone is in. Yes of course someone is in you daft bat, the door is locked and toilets don't tend to shout back!

WaitrosePigeon · 12/09/2016 13:49

Then in those ultra special circumstances my comment isn't applicable Smile

wasonthelist · 12/09/2016 13:43

All people have to do is look at the lock which will be red or say engaged!

Except in some places they don't work and have been replaced by a bolt with no indicator.

WaitrosePigeon · 12/09/2016 13:39

This drives me nuts.

All people have to do is look at the lock which will be red or say engaged!

Just fucking look!

Alconleigh · 12/09/2016 13:38

We have loo doors at work which rest in the closed position. You can tell if they are occupied by whether the little bar is white or red. I think it's obvious but do have to help people fairly frequently by pointing out that they are queuing for a row of empty loos. Rattlers deserve punishment though.

wasonthelist · 12/09/2016 13:29

It is a bit your fault though for not knocking

The twice it's hapoened to me was -

The single toilet in a coffee shop. Woman using it had simply failed to use the easy to understand/work lock - thick door and noisy fan so not sure knockjng would have helped.
On a train where the bloke (with his dog) hadn't pressed the button with the huge sign next to it that says "press this button to lock the door"

Not sure why I should knock the door on an apparently empty bog each time?

ToastDemon · 12/09/2016 13:15

I had a really irritating incident of this nature in the Middle East. Went to use the loo in an Indian restaurant. Couldn't see from the lock if it was occupied or not so tried it once, not roughly. It was indeed locked so I waited.
Local woman then piles out in a rage, and starts abusing the staff member! So I quickly said oh, that was me trying the toilet, she gave me a filthy look and stalked off.
I then went in, had been peeing literally a few seconds when a girl of about 9 or 10, a member of this woman's party, comes and tries the door. On finding it locked she proceeded to rattle in violently and wail hysterically. Meanwhile I did my best stern Brit "This toilet is OCCUPIED, and you will HAVE to WAIT" thing.
It was the sheer hypocrisy that really annoyed me. Her mum/aunt whatever had a hissy fit at me trying the door yet she got to have a noisy tantrum when it was my turn.

DeadGood · 12/09/2016 12:57

"People who despite being functioning adults, can't operate bog doors thereby giving you zero chance and then think it's your fault you opened the door and saw them in action"

It is a bit your fault though for not knocking...

I used to work in an office with only one loo on each floor. There was a working lock that showed red if occupied. Used to hate it when people would rattle the handle - FFS, check the display! Then gently push the door open. You are not five! Why be so brutish ??

But the worst were the people who, upon finding it occupied, would WAIT OUTSIDE THE CUBICLE. No. Go back to your desk and come back in 3 minutes. Do not put us both in the awkward situation of coming face-to-face in the toilet door. Ugh!

DeadGood · 12/09/2016 12:53

See this useful article


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powershowerforanhour · 12/09/2016 12:38

OTOH, for a happier loo moment- I love the sisterly solidarity that comes from handing or being handed loo roll under the partition by a complete stranger when one of you has failed to notice that your cubicle has run out.

Cellardoor23 · 12/09/2016 12:33

I had a similar experience but it was with a baby changing/toilet in JL. The woman stood right in front of the door, so when I opened it I couldn't get the pram out. Why?! No one is going to jump in front of you. Really gave me the rage.

OnionKnight · 12/09/2016 12:28

Oh sweet Jesus this thread brings back a painful memory.

Years ago I was using the disabled loo at work (yes I'm disabled) and someone tried to open the door but obviously I'd locked it, they then proceeded to unlock the door using a key, I shouted that it was occupied but the door was really thick so she didn't hear me. Turns out that it was a cleaner and she wanted to clean the loo, I complained about her and she got a bollocking.

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