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To ask your opinion on these childrens' futures?

19 replies

teafortoads · 26/08/2016 19:38

Topsy and Tim
Charlie and Lola
Peppa and George Pig
any others I cannot currently think of

Genuinely wondering what their futures hold? Who will go to the good and who will go to the bad and why?

OP posts:
rosesarered9 · 26/08/2016 21:22

I wonder if Strawberry's dad in Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom will be superseded as mayor by someone else (as he is, according to Wikipedia and common sense, based on Boris Johnson)?

ghostyslovesheep · 26/08/2016 20:47

Charlie will come out of the closet and breed sausage dogs with his husband

Lola will become Edina monsoon

teafortoads · 26/08/2016 20:36

Love these! I do genuinely wonder (stupid brain that will not switch off ever yet never remembers anything remotely useful). No to pulled pork! I can see Lola being a reality television whinge bag. Charlie is a definite accountant. Nannie Plum and that dirty old elf? Surely not?!

OP posts:
Witchend · 26/08/2016 20:32

Peppa! Autocorrect!

Witchend · 26/08/2016 20:31

Pepper makes a good bacon sandwich. Grin Read that how you like Wink

EdmundCleverClogs · 26/08/2016 20:28

Peppa will end up as a journo for the Daily Mail. She will carry her entitled, selfish attitude, with a side of talking incessant crap with her, her whole life.

George will be a footballer, and will carry on with crying over any slight put against him.

JudyCoolibar · 26/08/2016 20:24

Rosie and Jim - happy memories. Generally known as Dozy and Dim in our house.

2kids2dogsnosense · 26/08/2016 20:17

Peppa and George both end up at McDonalds (not in a good way - assuming there is good way to end up at McDonalds); Topsy marries Tony Welch and gets buried alive under the piles of cr@p in her mothers house when she pops in for a cup of gin tea one day; Tim is too busy counting fairy penguins in the antipodes to notice.

Lola becomes a fashionable dentist to the stars; Charlie ends up under a bridge drinking Carlsberg special brew.

Rosie and Jim (remember them?) go door-to-door selling clothes pegs and threatening people who won't buy their lucky heather.

LunaLoveg00d · 26/08/2016 20:13

Lola will end up on one of those dreadful reality shows like Towie or the Geordie one with her friend Lotta, playing on her reputation for being an awkward little madam who must have her own way.

Charlie emigrates to New Zealand to get away from her.

NickiFury · 26/08/2016 20:12

Peppa and George - Pulled Pork, seeing as it is so trendy at the moment and I can't see that dying down any time soon.

LizzieVereker · 26/08/2016 20:09

Peppa gets a scholarship to a highly selective private school and attains outstanding A level grades a year early. She breezes into Cambridge to read Natural Sciences. Suddenly, she realises that there is NOTHING natural about her world of smugness and talking animals, and goes into a (curly) tailspin of chaos and trauma.

Unfortunately, around this time Mummy and Daddy Pig, secure in the knowledge that their curious mix of neglect and helicopter parenting has got one piglet into Oxbridge, stop paying attention and start going on child free cruises.

Consequently, George does OK in his GCSES and but then royally mucks up his first year of A Levels. He ends up doing an apprenticeship in early years education , which he loves. It also helps him to understand his oddball family. In fact George is the only one who survives his first 18 years without therapy, gin or Prozac.

I may be projecting a bit.

PinkPearls20 · 26/08/2016 20:03
TheTroubleWithAngels · 26/08/2016 19:56

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QuietNinjaTardis · 26/08/2016 19:54

George pig will become a paeleontologist and peppa will become a spoilt socialite with a penchant for dirty situations muddy puddles and her parents will carry being the same old stupid dimwads who let their daughter get away with everything!

Welshmaenad · 26/08/2016 19:50

Tim will enter the priesthood.

Tipsy will go off the rails with drink and drugs, a bit like Jennnnnaaaayyyy in Forrest Gump and will occasionally mortifying him by turning up hungover with one shoe at church when he's trying to hold Sung Eucharist.

TeenAndTween · 26/08/2016 19:48

Charlie will become an accountant.
Lola will be something undefinable in creative arts or advertising.

TheTroubleWithAngels · 26/08/2016 19:46

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Lunar1 · 26/08/2016 19:45

No idea, but nanny plum has to end up with the wise old elf!

ollieplimsoles · 26/08/2016 19:41

I would love to know what happens to Bing when he grows up. Does he move away to live with all the other adult versions of his kind so Flop and the others can look after new 'kids'?

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