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To spike the milk?

35 replies

PeachBellini123 · 23/08/2016 13:10

Due to a dairy intolerance I buy almond milk to have at work, which is kept in the office fridge. Have realised over the past couple of weeks it has been going down very quickly. I caught a colleague using it and did say 'oh can't you use the office milk?' They looked a bit guilty but not sure if they've stopped using mine. And I think it must be more than one person.

Would it be really bad if I spiked the milk to teach them a lesson? Having my name on it hasn't helped.

It would be something safe to consume but taste bad...

OP posts:
ChocolateBudgeCake · 23/08/2016 18:53

If they pour it and find it green then wouldn't they just chuck it away? I would buy an alternative bottle like a slim fast or ready made formula and decant into that.

Plus an email round to everyone.

RaptorInaPorkPieHat · 23/08/2016 18:52

would it be really bad to swap it for Milk of Magnesia?

Oopsiedaiseyy · 23/08/2016 18:40

Where I used to work, my milk would always go missing and I was always tempted to add salt to it!

I think you should add the dye pp mentioned - if the thief complains just say that u like the taste of the dye Grin

FairyDogMother11 · 23/08/2016 16:12

I had this with my no added sugar squash (I'm diabetic). Work only supplies sugary squash so I took in my own, labelled it, do not use etc - and everyone knows about my condition - and yet I still come in after a day off and it's been used up! I have to keep one of those mini drop ones in my bag if I want squash now but it's stupid I've had to resort to that!

PeachBellini123 · 23/08/2016 16:00

I love all your ideas Brew I think putting it in a baby bottle/plastic bottle is the way to go...and maybe leave a bit in the cartoon with some salt in Wink

OP posts:
BewtySkoolDropowt · 23/08/2016 15:30

Put some white or magnolia paint in the carton, watered down.

And then as others say, put the milk in a baby bottle.

missm0use · 23/08/2016 15:12

Spike it with Salt - won't show up as being a different colour or being any different until they taken a drink.

Really bad that someone has been using your stuff especially when you've pointed out that it's due to a medical reason!

acasualobserver · 23/08/2016 14:56

Put a sticker on it saying "I've spat in this".

Be careful - someone would be bound to add, "So have we."

DirtyDripSpout · 23/08/2016 14:51

I recommend putting it in a baby's bottle. People are less likely to borrow it from there.

SapphireStrange · 23/08/2016 14:41

So I bought a new one and stuck a note on it saying "I might have pissed in this"

Grin You should do this, OP. Definitely.

maddiemookins16mum · 23/08/2016 14:38

This happened to me all the time (with normal green top milk). I used to put it in a red top carton, it worked well, suddenly people weren't so keen thinking it was skimmed (and would pinch someone elses).
I also put Humphrey signs arouund the kitchen.

Germgirl · 23/08/2016 14:37

People used to steal my line cordial at work, a bit going missing wouldn't have bothered me greatly but when the entire bottle vanished I was very pissed off. So I bought a new one and stuck a note on it saying "I might have pissed in this"
It didn't go missing anymore after that.
I think you should put a drop of green colouring in it.

BeMorePanda · 23/08/2016 14:33

Put a sticker on it saying "I've spat in this".

Then on the other side of the box put a sticker that says "And I've licked it too"

BobbinThreadbare123 · 23/08/2016 14:28

A couple of drops of pure capsaicin should do the trick......

To spike the milk?
toadgirl · 23/08/2016 14:16

However, they complained to management, who decided that as the victims had got together it was classed as entrapment and they very nearly got fired. Nothing was done to the thief at all


Next time they should call in the police (theft is theft). The management obviously has no balls - the thief probably ate them too Grin.

Sillybillypoopoomummy · 23/08/2016 14:11

We had this at an office related to my work. A group of people who were having their food nicked got together and spiked it with one of those dyes that are invisible in the food but stain your mouth and teeth yellow. The perpetrator was duly identified... Grin.

However, they complained to management, who decided that as the victims had got together it was classed as entrapment and they very nearly got fired. Nothing was done to the thief at all Shock.

PersianCatLady · 23/08/2016 14:10

Can't you put a note on the fridge saying something like -
"Please could people not use OP's almond milk as I it is the only thing that I can drink as I seriously allergic to cows' milk"

NuggetofPurestGreen · 23/08/2016 14:07

I know someone at work who did the labelling it breast milk thing and it still got stolen!!! Confused

toadgirl · 23/08/2016 14:07


To spike the milk?
SawdustInMyHair · 23/08/2016 14:05

I love this idea of dying it, although I guess it wouldn't show up in coffee (maybe tea, though). And it might put the thief off.

VladmirsPoutine · 23/08/2016 14:01

This sort of thing makes me irrationally angry.

Spike it by all means. I'd also invest in a nondescript container.

Stormtreader · 23/08/2016 13:59

Colour it bright blue, then go around the office and ask people why their tea is blue...Itll be hard for them to style that one out.


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badg3r · 23/08/2016 13:53

Send an email round the office asking people to stop stealing your mixture of almond and breast milk. Because it takes a long time to express enough for your week's drinks as it is.

icantthinkofamnusername · 23/08/2016 13:51

Label it as Breast milk.

MissClarke86 · 23/08/2016 13:51

Green food colouring is the best idea, you can still use it but they'll think it's gone off and won't dare admit they've used it so won't pull you up on it.

Win win!

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