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To find this article about MN hilarious?

30 replies

QueenoftheAndals · 20/08/2016 20:40

I know this article is few years old but why are people always so surprised that, shock horror, mothers have sex?? Do they just expect us to exchange knitting patterns and talk about the contents of nappies?

Additionally there's this Mumsnet Madness Twitter account, which exists to poke fun at us silly mothers. Obviously some threads on here can be ridiculous but why does MN get singled out?

OP posts:
sleeponeday · 21/08/2016 00:02

I think the thing that tickled me most on that thread was his pronouncement that he wasn't remotely sexist, some of his best friends were women, but, "the problem with over-educated modern mothers is they have babies after having careers, right, and then they treat motherhood as a job, which it's not..." and then he explained that he'd been "lucky enough" to go to Cambridge where he met an unusual number of clever women so, um, us lesser ladies should take his word for it. And then he scoffed at idiots wasting time on MN, despite also claiming that all the Independent office had been positively agog reading MN for days. And so it went on. And on. And on.

Wasn't surprised that he wanted it deleted. He did not come across well.

Velvetdarkness · 20/08/2016 23:29

I'm struggling to understand what's seedy about ttc? Or even just having sex for fun? Or are we simply not supposed to talk about or enjoy it?
What a sexist dick.

MooPointCowsOpinion · 20/08/2016 23:09

Seedy underbelly? That implies we have something to be ashamed of. Women having sex after having a child, Jesus fucking christ, call an exorcist.

Written by a man who idolises his own mummy too much and hasn't managed to find a woman who could bare to live with him yet perhaps?

SpookyPotato · 20/08/2016 23:01

It bugs me when people assume it's all snobby, lentil weaving perfectionists when it really isn't.. A comedian posted on facebook about giving his daughter chocolate milk as a one off treat with the hashtag #don'ttellmumsnet. I was thinking you have us all wrong, most of us can take the piss out of ourselves very well and can have pretty slack standards. It's a total mix and a proper laugh, so it annoys me when people think it's all pearl clutchers!

SanityClause · 20/08/2016 22:59

I think the actual thread title was something about pouring baby gravy on eggs (arf) so maybe that's another recipe for them?

QueenoftheAndals · 20/08/2016 22:51

Well the Mumsnet Madness Twitter account will be in conniptions at that recipe!

OP posts:
SanityClause · 20/08/2016 22:49

Hmm, yes, I guess TTC quiche would be made with egg white mucous.

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 20/08/2016 22:22

I wonder what sort of threads would appear on Tom Peck's MN?

My tapestry kit has yarn missing - AIBU to complain to John Lewis?

Style and Beauty - My 7-year-old said 'Darn' today - what pearls are best for clutching?

Health - I am pregnant - how did that happen?

SalemSaberhagen · 20/08/2016 22:17

TTC quiche? Sounds appetising Sanity!

SanityClause · 20/08/2016 22:15

It was pretty off, actually, as after penis beaker, loads of journalists started scouring MN for anything a bit rooooood, and there was a TTC quiche called Just Shagging, who had quite funny thread titles, so he decided to use those in his article.

Which was shit, considering the whole thread was about women supporting each other in TTC, using a bit of humour.

The Tom Peck thread was very funny, though. He seemed to assume that all women lose the ability to think once they have given birth (if he thought we ever had it). He really deserved what he got.

Crunchymum · 20/08/2016 22:06

I only signed up as MN was universally reviled on another website. Made me curious..... so I signed up and decided I like it here much more!!

sleeponeday · 20/08/2016 22:00

It was in Chat. Which is a shame, because it should have been moved to Classics. He had his arse so comprehensively handed to him, and it was so very, very deserved. Grin

myownprivateidaho · 20/08/2016 21:48

Anyone fancy posting a link to the Tom Peck thread? Am not finding it in search...

EverySongbirdSays · 20/08/2016 21:46

That article is so weird, so when a woman becomes a mother she should lose all interest in sex?

"A sea of filth?"

Pleas what archaic ideal of rose tinted idea of "female conversation" did he have?

Hand wringing over what to make for mens supper?

MammaTJ · 20/08/2016 21:44

It got a lot of bemused attention all over the place.

It got bemused attention on here too!

EmpressOfTheSevenOceans · 20/08/2016 21:43

Poor Tom Peck, he was completely out of his depth.

alltouchedout · 20/08/2016 21:37

I read about the penis beaker on fetlife! It got a lot of bemused attention all over the place.

Egosumquisum · 20/08/2016 21:30

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

HoneyDragon · 20/08/2016 21:29

He lost the moral high ground quite quickly.

To find this article about MN hilarious?
Noonesfool · 20/08/2016 21:29

eternal morning glory

HoneyDragon · 20/08/2016 21:28

I wouldn't drink out of it even if it did offer eternal glory

NeedACleverNN · 20/08/2016 21:26

Why does every page that is dedicated to mn, feature the penis beaker like its some holy grail?!


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Noonesfool · 20/08/2016 21:25

But Honey it's ever so great what the menz help by 'splaining stuffs.

My silly head gets all in a tizz otherwise.

NeedACleverNN · 20/08/2016 21:25

Damn. Wish I had seen that Honey

HoneyDragon · 20/08/2016 21:25

Him and his Pit of Stupid.

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