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To not understand why some people have the TV on all day long

89 replies

Autumnsunshinebaby · 18/08/2016 17:34

This is certainly not a dig, I am genuinely interested in why people do it. Perhaps I just have the attention span of a knat or rubbish channels, but I can never find anything to watch. Help me understand!

OP posts:
GinandTits · 18/08/2016 19:37

This thread was done about 3 weeks ago and the answer is the same: because everyone is different and prefers different things?!

Grilledaubergines · 18/08/2016 19:41

No different to having the radio on. It's just background noise, not crack addiction.

m0therofdragons · 18/08/2016 19:43

I hated silence when it was just me and dd. Now I have 3 dds and bloody love silence - happens so rarely.

witsender · 18/08/2016 19:44

Yanbu. I hate incessant noise, it really stresses me out. Having the TV on behind the kids etc would do my head in. We don't have a TV any more, but when we did it only went on when specifically requested, and then turned off when not being used.

I sometimes listen to music during the day, and dh and I do during the evening when the kids are in bed.

WaitrosePigeon · 18/08/2016 19:44

This thread was done about 3 weeks ago and the answer is the same: because everyone is different and prefers different things?!


Clankboing · 18/08/2016 19:49

I'm in hospital and other peoples tvs drive me mad. Too loud and then they walk out leaving it on with the curtains closed. I sneak in and turn it off. If i choose to put on my tv (theres 2 programmes i like each week) i cant hear my own programme!

Bluechip · 18/08/2016 20:00

I have the radio on a lot of the time when I'm home alone. It eases anxiety and motivates me as gives me the time and makes me realise things are going on. It also means I tend to know what's going on in the world. If I need quiet to focus on something I'll turn it off. I'd struggle with tv on all the time though as I'd find it too distracting - would want to be looking at the pictures instead of doing the washing up/ironing etc. I love tv but like watching drama and docs I can pay attention to so would end up with no ironing done or missing key things in my face programmes if I used tv instead of radio.

If people come round I switch the radio to music rather than speech but would still probably leave it on if it's a mate round for a cuppa.

Bluechip · 18/08/2016 20:01

*fave not face

lemonsandelderflowers · 18/08/2016 20:02

For some people it is their only hobby and they can't comprehend not having it on, it's like not breathing.

I don't have a TV (am considering getting one.)

The noise annoys me.

WhatamessIgotinto · 18/08/2016 20:09

Why do people need background noise?

In don't think people do need background noise. Gottagetmoving, I think perhaps it's just a matter of preference, not a 'problem with silence'. Nothing more complicated than that.

I usually have the radio on most of the time, just because I like it. My friend never does, because she doesn't. Quite simple.

LemonRedwood · 18/08/2016 20:10

Sparkle It's not a class thing. Some posters just like to try to start arguments.

twinkletash · 18/08/2016 20:55

Background noise and company! My DP works 10 hour shifts and our DC is only 3 months old so I like the noise, and especially at night the light when I'm alone until 2/3am when he gets home from work

BonnieF · 18/08/2016 21:06

I'm a complete news & sport junkie, so the radio is always on in the kitchen, tuned to either R4 or 5Live, depending on what's on.

If there is live sport on, the TV is showing that. If not, it is generally left on BBC news or Sky news in the background if no-one is actually watching it.

Sugarandsalt · 18/08/2016 21:08

I can't bear it on all the time either. Or the radio.

I've been staying with my parents and my in-laws for the last few weeks. Both sets have either tv or radio on constantly, down low, which they don't seem to listen to at all. And they chatter incessantly over it too. I've been going for long long walks just to get some silence but it's due to rain non-stop the next few days so don't know what I'll do then!

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