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To think working full time and dog ownership are not compatible?

28 replies

tiredofnoise · 18/08/2016 12:50

My neighbours a few doors down are lovely but they have a little terrier dog which yaps and yaps and yaps from the moment they leave the house until the moment they arrive home. They both seem to work long hours and over the last few weeks I haven't seen anyone in the house during the day until very late.

The dog just sits at the front window barking. I'm a good few doors down and I can hear it (unless I play the TV or music loudly, which in itself is antisocial!) It's spoiling my time off!

AIBU to think that working full time and dog ownership (when making no provision like a dog sitter/walker) is just not compatible? What can I do about the noise? They're nice people, I don't want to fall out with them or get them into trouble but the barking is really really doing my head in! (I also feel sorry for the dog being on its own for so long and wonder what it does about doing its business?!)

Why do people get dogs then leave them alone all day, most days?!

Sorry for the rant, I'm annoyed because I want to sit in my garden and read in peace but I can't because of the yapping!

OP posts:
Ifiwasabadger · 18/08/2016 18:45


This is why I have a cat.

phlebasconsidered · 18/08/2016 18:56

I work 4 days a week as a teacher. My dog is beautiful, well adjusted and happy. Over the three days I have off he has a 5 to 10 like run every day. The days I work he has a thirty min trot before I go to work, then the in laws pop in at lunch and take him for another walk. I take him for another when i get home, or a swim.He has tons of toys and comfy chairs to lounge on.

I was sent home from school sick last term and approached the house quietly at early afternoon to find him splayed over the beanbag, much as the picture, only sleeping. He sleeps the day away and plays when we get home. Dogs are crepuscular naturally and a happy dog will sleep much of the day anyway. Working does not have to preclude dog keeping if you work things out.

To think working full time and dog ownership are not compatible?
littledrummergirl · 18/08/2016 19:05

Yabu to say that working full time is in compatable with having a dog. Dh works night's, I work days. My boss brings her dog to work. There are other options.
Yanbu to say that this dog shouldn't be being left alone.

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