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Is life easier in some ways for people who speak RP?

84 replies

user1466795981 · 12/08/2016 12:42

I have an older (retired) male friend/acquaintance who lives in a provincial town.

He is convinced he is called 'sir' in shops etc and addressed more courteously as he speaks in this way and not in the local/regional accent.

The merits of being attractive have recently been discussed. Is speaking 'RP' an advantage?

OP posts:
cressetmama · 12/08/2016 16:05

Neutral BBC news reader is the modern equivalent to RP. Old time RP sounds incredibly affected now.

derxa · 12/08/2016 16:09

Several of my children have attended SLT and were initially assessed by the same fairly posh speech therapist who when giving me a summary of issues commented "how lovely that they don't have a accent That's bloody appalling. I was a SALT and we are trained not to make value judgements like this Angry

amicissimma · 12/08/2016 16:12

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Lilmisskittykat · 12/08/2016 16:13

I thought it was right posh !

DesolateWaist · 12/08/2016 16:18

RP is NOT standard southern.
This is RP:

derxa · 12/08/2016 16:28
This is a good explanation of the shift in the RP accent.

witsender · 12/08/2016 16:29

Rp/Fiona Bruce is fairly standard to me...doesn't sound posh, just neutral.

LarrytheCucumber · 12/08/2016 16:35

Depends where you live. I visit Hull regularly and any kind of southern accent marks you out as 'Not from round 'ere'. Had the same problem when DM lived in County Durham.

Scribblegirl · 12/08/2016 17:09

FullTimeYummy DP doesn't let me talk to builders on account of the fact that we never get such a good rate when I do. He's a Brummie. I can never decide if it's sexism or classism/"accentism" in force with that one!!

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