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To go for this house

27 replies

LifeInJeneral · 11/08/2016 14:48

I need some advice because I feel as though my judgement may be clouded (heart over head perhaps)..I've posted before about how I've had a tough time,my partner went to prison 6 months ago, just after the birth of our first child. He is appealing as was wrongly convicted but that's another story. Obviously without his income and being on maternity leave money is very tight. Since then my landlord has informed me he is selling my home so I need to find somewhere to live (the good news never stops for me). I have an overdraft but don't want to get into any more debt so I am putting in an application for the housing association as this would mean no deposit or fees. In the meantime.I spotted an affordable housing scheme property close to where I am now, it's a gorgeous big new build with a big garden for the dog. It's so beautiful I could cry imagining living there and bringing up my son there. It's would be a 5 year tenancy so no risk of being sold again before DP comes home. It is at 80% of private market rate with reduced fees, so rent is just over £400 per month as is the deposit plus £170 admin fee. I will get about £500 deposit back from here so would cover most of it but depending on when property is finished building there may have to be slight overlap with rent. My heart is saying "Yes yes a thousand times yes" but my head (more specifically my DP) is saying wait to get on the housing list and it will save the deposit and admin fees. I'm so torn, AIBU to go for it knowing I could save money but end up in a not great house?

OP posts:
x2boys · 11/08/2016 16:56

How does it work i ask as i,m in council and we for all the council and housing association houses in my area there is a central bidding system regarding your dp my husband was charged with assault last yr the police were appalling they deliberately withheld evidence despite the defence asking for it on several occssions they only went down one line of questioning if they had gone down another it would have been apparent their witness was telling a pack if lie s the CPs eventually had to accept my husband was telling the truth in the first day of the trial and resolve it before the trial as they knew their witness was totally unreliable so i know it can happen good luck

AndNowItsSeven · 11/08/2016 17:00

Have you considered your Dp may not be able to live with you and your child if his conviction is not quashed?

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