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re Nanny Leaving Issue

39 replies

MelCookie · 10/08/2016 14:23

Our nanny told me on 18 July that she's leaving to return home, but indicated that she'd be available until end September (no leaving date agreed).

We have now found a replacement nanny available to start in third week of September.

We have offered departing nanny her full hours for September, but condensed into the first three weeks (we do this sometimes in school hols - e.g. work full days this week and have next week off). She won't lose out financially but is kicking up a stink saying she wants to be with us until 30 Sep.

We can't afford to lose the other nanny, who seems perfect, or pay for two nannies!

AIBU?? .

OP posts:
DrinkFeckArseGirls · 10/08/2016 15:33

In that case tell her you are giving her notice earlier, dont expect extra hours, pay what's due and the last weeks money spend on extra childcare you need.

DrinkFeckArseGirls · 10/08/2016 15:33

Inthibk her problem is she doesnt want to do longer days.

diddl · 10/08/2016 15:42

Don't you only need current nanny for first two wks of Sept?

Nanny0gg · 10/08/2016 16:17

Is it that you are increasing her hours for the first three weeks and that isn't convenient?
So she's still only getting paid for what she works, but 4 weeks in a three week period?

You then pay one week extra?

Orwellschild · 10/08/2016 16:20

Is it maybe because she is packing everything up to move, and therefore wants to work get usual hours so she can sort any admin / moving things out at her own pace? Just a thought.

AndNowItsSeven · 10/08/2016 16:22

Of course you are being unreasonable , end of Sept is the 30th. You will need to pay extra if you want her to do more hours for the first three weeks.

AnchorDownDeepBreath · 10/08/2016 16:35

Was she expecting overtime in September then? And whilst she'll be getting a full months wage, it'll be less than she'd expected if she'd worked additional hours for you before your son started school?

MelCookie · 10/08/2016 16:46

Thanks for all your replies. Perhaps I haven't explained the situation clearly enough, in which my fault! We need the extra hours, nanny is perfectly happy to condense hours (which we have done throughout the contract)

Issue is pretty much resolved - she's miffed because we've found someone new so quickly and feels we're moving on very quickly. She's not worried about the money or hours.

OP posts:
DrinkFeckArseGirls · 10/08/2016 17:22

🙄 at your nanny then!!! What are you supposed to do?! Have no childcare why you quietly rock in the corner crying and clutching onto her photos?

DrinkFeckArseGirls · 10/08/2016 17:24

Why - while

AnotherPrickInTheWall · 10/08/2016 17:27

I'd just pay the old nanny for the whole month; hardly worth splitting hairs over it; you can obviously afford to pay for the extra hours you suggested were built into her last few weeks of employment.
You are in effect going to pay for an extra weeks worth of help in September.
Why is the current nanny leaving? You say to go " home" but she lives out and pays rent for her flat/lodgings. I'm a bit confused.

RichardBucket · 10/08/2016 18:09

She sounds a bit immature! She leaves and wanted you to be in mourning for an appropriate amount of time?! Glad it's all sorted.

MelCookie · 11/08/2016 11:35

Grin at crying and clutching her photo.
She's from overseas, hence leaving to go home.

OP posts:
Doggity · 11/08/2016 11:42

Just tell her the new nanny is probably only your rebound childcare. It'll make her feel better. Grin

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