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DH just spilled my wine, should I LTB?

25 replies

Champagneformyrealfriends · 07/08/2016 23:12


DH has been working all day and got home late-I'm on Mat leave. Poured the last of my naice wine to enjoy because he was having an after work lager. His turn to feed DD, but because he's tired and I'm nice, I offered to feed her so he could chill out.

Got downstairs and he's knocked my wine over-it was the last of a nice bottle. Should I kill him, or just LTB?

OP posts:
Champagneformyrealfriends · 08/08/2016 07:30

Proffesor it's not really a wine cellar, more space on top of the fridge Grin

Rudymentary he threw it to the dog?!

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ProfessorPreciseaBug · 08/08/2016 06:36

Who is responsible for the wine cellar in your household?
If it is you as the wine drinker... you have been neglecting your duties to have got down to the last bottle..

SendMyLoveToYourNewLUHuvahh · 08/08/2016 06:24

He threw it to the dog?!

The insult! I love those crisps.

Rudymentary · 08/08/2016 06:04

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

MissElizaBennettsBookmark · 07/08/2016 23:46


You don't need that kind of negativity in your life...

(Make sure he replaces the wine first though)

WorraLiberty · 07/08/2016 23:36

If my DH went anywhere near my feet I'd break his face.

John4703 · 07/08/2016 23:31

Champagneformyrealfriends Sun 07-Aug-16 23:24:13
John he hates feet, so number 5 would be a punishment grin
We only have one child so feeding her every night wouldn't be a great hardship really.
I'm still leaning toward killing him.

Just kill him but make sure it is a slow and painful death and that you enjoy watching him (the wine spiller) writhe in agony

(I just can't get the bit about him hating feet, I love to kiss my wife's feet,)

Champagneformyrealfriends · 07/08/2016 23:25

Worra I have gin. He actually said, "I've spilled your wine, but you have some gin."

Gin doesn't cut it-I wanted my wine Sad

OP posts:
Champagneformyrealfriends · 07/08/2016 23:24

John he hates feet, so number 5 would be a punishment Grin

We only have one child so feeding her every night wouldn't be a great hardship really.

I'm still leaning toward killing him.

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WorraLiberty · 07/08/2016 23:23

Do you not have an emergency wine supply?

I always think it's better to be safe than sober.

Champagneformyrealfriends · 07/08/2016 23:22

Butterfly I never thought of that! Though I think killing him would have more impact.

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John4703 · 07/08/2016 23:22

As a man I suggest from experience

  1. He goes to the shop and gets 12 bottles of that wine
  2. He does all the ironing for the next 500 years
  3. He buys you a beautiful necklace
  4. He feeds every child of your's every night
  5. He kisses your feet as often as they want kissed

Actually number 5 sounds like fun :-)
Idliketobeabutterfly · 07/08/2016 23:20

Pour his alcohol down sink

Champagneformyrealfriends · 07/08/2016 23:19

Worra he'll need more than wine Grin

OP posts:
WorraLiberty · 07/08/2016 23:19

He's going to need wine to get him through the first 10 minutes

So win-win really Grin Wine

Champagneformyrealfriends · 07/08/2016 23:17

Worra you sadist! I must learn from you Grin

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Champagneformyrealfriends · 07/08/2016 23:17

Brie you have a point there....

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WorraLiberty · 07/08/2016 23:17

Don't kill him too quickly.

He needs to suffer for this.

Perhaps make him watch 6 hours of Loose Women first.

MyKingdomForBrie · 07/08/2016 23:16

New bottle, immediately! Kill him and your only supply chain is cut..

Champagneformyrealfriends · 07/08/2016 23:16

I like that, Purple. But I might just kill him anyway.

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PurpleWithRed · 07/08/2016 23:15

He does all night feeds forever, or he dies. Let him choose.

Champagneformyrealfriends · 07/08/2016 23:15

Killing him seems to be winning. Poor DH.

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UmbongoUnchained · 07/08/2016 23:14

Drown him in it.

LurkyLurkerMcLurkface · 07/08/2016 23:13

Kill. Only appropriate response.

MyJuneName · 07/08/2016 23:13

Send him the shop for more wine first.
Then LTB

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