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To think that if he wants to see me, he'll firm up a plan?

7 replies

Squintforillusionoffitness · 21/07/2016 22:07

Disclaimer: he is shy and inexperienced. Hasn't historically (with me) taken charge of plans for dates.

Guy from past has got back in touch to ask if I want to do something, saying he "will be around" over the next few weeks before he starts new job. I do think this is genuinely him being shy and not just really shit. So I expressed enthusiasm about meeting in the near future and said when I'd be available from. I am not going to suggest a place, time or date. He was the last one to message albeit not with any kind of question, just a bland (but enthusiastic) agreement that we should indeed do something.

Aibu to not reply and think if he wants to see me enough, he can at least suggest some options...?

OP posts:
MiscellaneousAssortment · 21/07/2016 22:18

A couple of times before?! Lordy! How much thought could possibly be put into this!

Assuming you've not been forever mulling this over I'd text him to say your home again, and up for meeting, then leave him to reply.

Squintforillusionoffitness · 21/07/2016 22:17

I did, yes, just before I went away! Consensus at the time was mixed. I forgot about it and now hmm-ing again! Blush

OP posts:
mum2Bomg · 21/07/2016 22:16

Let him know he just needs to tell you the date, place and time and you'll be there - at least then he knows what's expected and if he doesn't do anything then that's that.

Squintforillusionoffitness · 21/07/2016 22:16

I do know what you mean by the way. But equally by virtue of the fact he has got in touch after a long time, I would be more excited and responsive if he did the leg-work re arrangements iykwim? I think it's a bit lazy not to. But seeking other opinions too. There is a chance he now thinks I'm not interested i guess after lack of reply?

OP posts:
Onesieisthequeensselfie · 21/07/2016 22:14

Have you posted about this a couple of times before?

Squintforillusionoffitness · 21/07/2016 22:14

In fairness, I was going away for ten days the day it was suggested and have just returned this evening! We also live about 100 miles from each other currently so I feel like it requires forward planning!

OP posts:
Bottomchops · 21/07/2016 22:12

I couldn't be arsed with all the dilly dallying. I'd want to meet up pronto and see if there was anything in it. I'd probably hit him with the day, time and venue and cracking on with it. If he couldn't organise himself to meet then I would leave it.

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