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Why are cyclists so angry?

148 replies

YoJesse · 19/07/2016 08:31


It's only Tuesday and already I've had 'get out of the road' and 'wake up you dozy cow' thrown at me. But I should count myself lucky because yesterday a cyclist shouted I'm gonna stab you in the fucking neck' at a bloke he almost ran over!

Shouldn't all the endorphins make them really happy? It's worse than road rage round here.

Moving very soon to somewhere more rural so hoping cyclists will be more your 'call the midwife, big wicker baskets filled with flowers' types than your 'neck stabbing' types.

OP posts:
RB68 · 20/07/2016 17:19

I live in the countryside, we have single or 1.5 lane rds with passing places. I am sick of turning blind corners to be faced with cyclists going faster then me in Pelatons and then getting arsy with me for using the rd at all. If you can't see round the bend on a single track rd single file keep left full stop end of. I can see a cyclist going straight over my bonnet and roof one day and last weekend that nearly happened so it can't be that far away. And yes of course they are all lycra'd up

ppeatfruit · 20/07/2016 17:20

That's true whatsthat but as dh says "Is it worth dying in the right?" Grin

ppeatfruit · 20/07/2016 17:22

RB68 I blame the Tour de France for the cycling mania especially in peletons Grin.

StarryIllusion · 20/07/2016 17:24

You'd be surprised how grumpy a numb fanjo and a sweaty butt crack can make you.

Badbadbunny · 20/07/2016 17:25

At the end of day, there are idiotic pedestrians, idiotic cyclists and idiotic motorists.

My pet hate are cyclists going way too fast on dual use footpaths, cycle tracks and canal towpaths. They just expect everyone else to scatter to make way for them. On a narrow cycle path last year, there was a group of cyclists going at high speed that didn't go into single file and didn't make any attempt to slow down for me and my family cycling in the opposite direction - we all ended up coming off into the shrubs at the side and none of them stopped. Absolute arrogant dickheads.

littleprincesssara · 20/07/2016 17:39

I've been very careful in all my posts in pointing out that illegal/dangerous cyclists are a very small minority, and in praising safe cyclists. Yet there are still comments marginalising my concerns and saying I am missing the point. Even comments saying flat out that cyclists are not dangerous to pedestrians, and that pedestrians are equally dangerous to cyclists!

I understand where it's coming from, but cyclists who get defensive are missing the point imo. That anger is misplaced and should be directed at the illegal cyclists because they are the ones giving you all a bad name!

Maybe if more good cyclists stood up for good cycling practise and made clear to others in the cycling community that illegal and aggressive cycling is unacceptable, it would counter the negative perceptions? Rather than going "big deal not THAT many people die!" Marginalising avoidable innocent deaths doesn't exactly help counter those perceptions...

For me it's not cars vs bikes it's pedestrians vs things that can hit pedestrians. Obviously a car is much larger and more powerful than a bike, but I've never seen a car driving on a pavement and I see bikes on pavements multiple times a day. Danger is relative.

whatsthatcomingoverthehill · 20/07/2016 19:04

And yet 98% of the time a pedestrian is hurt by a vehicle on a pavement it is by a car.

And cyclists can be killed in collisions with pedestrians. I don't know the exact proportions of who comes off worst in such collisions. Maybe its 50/50 maybe its 70/30, but whatever the precise figures it is a risk to the cyclist too (though miniscule compared to accidents with a car). And it sounds a lot like you expect cyclists to take responsibility for other peoples actions they have no control over. (Though if you knew anything about cycling you would be well aware that there are lots of attempts to educate people about cycling through pedestrian crossings. And fellow cyclists do also try to have a word with people who do, though they often get abuse in return, because twats who cycle through crossings don't generally take advice very well.)

I've hit pedestrians twice. Both times they stepped out straight in front of me. Do you feel you need to stand up for 'good pedestrian practice' simply because other people can be idiots?

littleprincesssara · 20/07/2016 19:17

Thanks for proving my point.

Disgusting that people defend illegal and dangerous behaviour.

whatsthatcomingoverthehill · 20/07/2016 19:23

Who is defending it? You keep saying it but it's not true.

littleprincesssara · 20/07/2016 19:27

I really don't understand why you hate disabled people so much but there's obviously no point in arguing with you. Fine, you're absolutely right, all cyclists are perfect angels and anyone they murder deserved to die. Happy?

littleprincesssara · 20/07/2016 19:30

Obviously I should just accept the fact that I am not allowed outside of my own tiny bedsit, because cyclists refuse to give up pavements! How could I be so unreasonable in expecting people to abide by the laws of the country and not endanger people's lives on a daily basis!

whatsthatcomingoverthehill · 20/07/2016 19:33

I'm genuinely confused now. You seem to be arguing with someone else because I don't see where you're getting any of that from what I've said.

ShotsFired · 20/07/2016 21:13


Why are cyclists so angry?
ppeatfruit · 21/07/2016 12:05
AdjustableWench · 21/07/2016 15:06

I'm only angry when a car driver does something stupid that puts me at risk. Otherwise I'm pretty relaxed.

I once had a pedestrian walk into my bike on a clearly marked cycle path. I'd stopped because I could see she was texting and not looking where she was going, and she didn't respond when I rang my bell and called out to her (I didn't scream at her; just called to her to be careful). She was walking along the cycle path towards me, utterly unaware of her surroundings. There was nowhere for me to go, so I just had to stop, and she walked right into my front wheel, despite my warnings. Luckily no one was hurt. I do wonder whether screaming abuse would have made her look up sooner, but it's not something I like to do.

ppeatfruit · 22/07/2016 15:10

Maybe she was deaf Adjustable Not looking at her surroundings is bonkers though.

Breadwidow · 22/07/2016 15:20

OP are you a fellow cyclist, pedestrian or driver? As a cyclist in London I occasionally get abuse from other cylists because I am not quite as quick as them and like to obey the rule in terms of not jumping lights . . . its only occasional though and I have to say I get more stick from drivers (again not all) . . . so I have to respond to scarednoob

The ones in London are often horrific. Weaving aggressively around all sides of the cars, piling up at the front of the traffic lights so about 2 cars at a time get through, bashing off wing mirrors, sailing through pedestrian crossings - I saw one ignore a pedestrian crossing on Fleet Street the other day and made 2 ladies jump back so quickly they both fell over; he just carried on - swearing and being arrogant. You're not saving the planet love, you're just lengthening the traffic jams all over it.

we pile up at the front of traffic lights because that is what is safest - we need to pull ahead of the cars . . . its particularly helpful to avoid getting mashed into the wall by another vehicle turning left when you are going straight on . . . its allowed and that is why cycle boxes exist at junctions (and hence why one of my biggest bug bears is cars in the bloody cycle box who then beep and rev their engine when I squeeze in front of them)

I get that is annoying when cyclists jump light which is why I don't do but cycling does not cause traffic jams . . . if half the cars in London were swapped for bikes, well we'd have far fewer traffic jams and much less pollution.

ThatGingerOne · 22/07/2016 15:27

I got hit by a car a few months back when cycling and I can tell you the potty mouthing comes easy Grin

I think its because when you're cycling the wind is so loud that when you see a car suddenly right next to you it does sh#t you up or some drivers just don't think to look for cyclists haha!

I know I had a pretty had cycle rage when a driving instructor just pulled out from the kerb and nearly hit me. I just punched the side window and swore at him [he was close enough for me to do that haha!]

He drove pretty far back from me the rest of the way down the road. No idea why Halo

amarmai · 22/07/2016 18:21

Sorry to read a car got you. Ginger. I hope you are fully recovered. And yes after being hit by a car ,we do feel angry!

purplevase4 · 22/07/2016 18:54

I'm going to bring a lighthearted touch to this thread. I recently did a charity bike ride with work and the group was very male dominated. I do wish male cyclists would wear a bit more. I didn't know where to look!

However, it's interesting that cyclists rave about the cycle-friendly Netherlands and hate British drivers. The only time I have seen a hit and run incident was in the Netherlands when a driver came round a corner far too quickly, fortunately missed me, and hit a lady behind me, and didn't stop! Dutch drivers are really kind, but that one was an arse of the highest order and far worse than anything I've encountered in the UK.

purplevase4 · 22/07/2016 18:54

Fortunately the lady was ok bar a few bruises.

YoJesse · 22/07/2016 20:20

Thanks for the lighthearted purplevase!

It all got a bit heated.

breadwidow I am a pedestrian. Was totally pissed off with the route to work and having an early morning rant Grin

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ppeatfruit · 23/07/2016 10:44

purplevase I was frightened by the cyclists in Amsterdam (as a pedestrian). They do seem to rule the roost which is of course good for the environment, the air in the centre was so fresh because there were very few cars. But I don't know why they have to go so fast.

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