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To not want my DF to sleep the night when he comes up here to work?

27 replies

crunchymummy · 05/07/2016 21:50

Hey, my DF lives three hours away but sometimes he has to visit a work site close to our house. My DS is five months and we co-sleep in the spare bedroom normally. My DF has recently been coming around (three nights over the space of a week) and staying around, he normally arrives around eight pm, has a shower at ten (whilst DS is asleep so this can sometimes wake him up) and then wakes up and goes to work before we are all awake around seven am... I love my DF and do not want to make him feel unwelcome but it is just not working for us as last night when he was here, me, DP and DS tried to sleep all in our bed and there was no room, it was too hot and DP was snoring and hard to wake. I ended up having to take DS and go downstairs to sleep, it was uncomfortable for me and DS. (I know that I should have just made DP go downstairs) however - AIBU to ask if DF does not sleep for a while?

OP posts:
NightSun · 07/07/2016 09:18

Tell him you can't put him up at the moment as you're using the spare room. Just be honest! He's your dad, he'd understand. Surely he wouldn't want you to be having a rough night because of him? I suspect he doesn't realise you use the spare room.

We have a similar issue, I'm fed up on moving DS out of his room for guests, so now I offer them the sofa bed in lounge or a camp bed in our office. I've filled DS room with baby stuff and refer to it as his room not the guest room (which it used to be).

Offer to help your dad find a hotel and stand firm.

2nds · 07/07/2016 09:24

Maybe limit his overnight stays to one night a week?

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