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To be annoyed at the thought of more guests

29 replies

NightSun · 01/07/2016 15:15

DH has invited a couple and their 2 young children (age 3 and 7) for a weekend. Initially I agreed because he said they would probably book a hotel, however they are apparently staying with us!

We have a 3-bed house (all ensuite) but one bedroom is our office, no space for a bed. We will have to give them our bedroom and sleep in DS' room (he's almost 12months and wakes 3-4x night and his room is very cramped, no space for a family of 4). Our clothes etc will have to go upstairs in the office.

DH says he will 'help as much as he can' with the preparations but of course it mainly falls to me to clean, make up beds, prepare food, empty wardrobes etc as I work part time. I've only met this couple once, years ago, and have never met their kids.

What really pisses me off is they haven't even confirmed the date they are arriving Angry DH has asked and thru said they'll get back to him ASAP.
I'm about to start a new job and could do without all this.

AIBU to want to cancel, and to feel angry?

OP posts:
Shizzlestix · 01/07/2016 19:58

I would want them to stay in a hotel. It's going to be a pita, frankly, to have them at home.

Optimist1 · 01/07/2016 20:16

I'm with Dragon on this one - if I'd been invited to bring my family to stay for a weekend and found that the hosts had vacated their bedroom and gone to all the trouble you describe I'd be mortified and feel very uncomfortable.

MrsSchulman · 01/07/2016 20:29

Me too! I would feel awful if someone said 'come and stay at ours' then I was in their bedroom with my dc whilst they were crammed in their child's room.

If people invite you to stay, you are either close friends (or family) that you just crack on and it's all good or you assume they have the space to accommodate you.

RunRabbitRunRabbit · 01/07/2016 20:35

They can't stay with you. DH was stupid. Make him fix the stupid.

Is that hard for you for some reason?

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