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Leaving presents for teachers in school...

5 replies

LolaCrapola · 30/06/2016 21:50

One of the mums in school has taken it upon herself to organise a leaving present for one of the teachers who is leaving - I was happy to chuck in a fiver - saves me the hassle of thinking about it. If I'm really honest I wouldn't have bothered but DD has been happy in her class.

Any how she is now asking for more money to get flowers as well - AND on top of that collecting to get a present for a child who is leaving the class!

AIBU? Am I being tight? Or is a fiver enough?

OP posts:
KC225 · 01/07/2016 19:29

Fiver is more than enough. I think £150 for a spa day us a bit over the top, seriously I don't think you need flowers on top of that as well.

LolaCrapola · 01/07/2016 19:14

Well what bothered me was that she started a group on Facebook and added the parents so it's all public - she bought a spa day that cos £150 for the teacher which I think is more than enough!

Perhaps I'm being miserable ....but some people just don't have money to spare...

OP posts:
KoalaDownUnder · 01/07/2016 03:31

Also, I think this way of collecting is a bit rude.

I prefer the 'put as much as you want into a communal envelope, anonymously' method.

Less pressure, less presumption about other people's finances.

KoalaDownUnder · 01/07/2016 03:24

It's plenty.

People just go overboard with these things.

VioletBam · 01/07/2016 01:42

A fiver's enough. It's best to buy them vouchers anyway when a collection has been done...then the teacher can get something they want.

Just say Oh sorry I've not got anything spare at the moment.

And give her a couple of pounds for the child leaving.

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