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to think that keeping my neighbour's drive tidy is not my responsibility.

21 replies

LifeIsGoodish · 24/06/2016 21:45

There are no fences between plots at the front of our houses, and never likely to be because of certain restrictions in the deeds.

When we moved in, our front garden was only a sad bit of lawn. I have gradually been planting a mixture of shrubs, perennials and self-seeders.

The next door neighbours have a brick driveway that runs next to our front garden and then right next to our house. We generally have a good relationship and they are always fine about access. Whenever we have work done and our workmen need access via their drive we give them a bottle or two of nice wine in thanks.

The problem is that my self-seeding plants are seeding between the bricks of the neighbours' drive, and they object to this.

AIBU to think that this is not our problem?

OP posts:
ABCAlwaysBeCunting · 25/06/2016 11:15

If you do end up weeding his drive for him, OP, please come back and start an AIBU in a couple of years' time about how you want to stop having to do it but you feel guilty and you don't want your neighbour to be angry.

Everyone can tell you YANBU then. Grin

LifeIsGoodish · 25/06/2016 10:58

Sometimes I deadhead, sometimes not. I want them to reseed after all.

OP posts:
LifeIsGoodish · 25/06/2016 10:57

I keep having to uproot apple trees, laburnum and ivy that come over from various neighbours in my back garden, and while I might huff away to myself, it has never occurred to me to expect the neighbours to do anything about it.

OP posts:
LifeIsGoodish · 25/06/2016 10:53

Campanula and nigella - very clearly from my garden. Though, oddly, only the blue campanulas have migrated, the white ones appear to have stayed put.

But the dandelions aren't ours - dh attacks them with a vengeance in our lawn I sort of like them.

And the grass? Could be from anywhere, including their lawn.

It is mostly campanula and nigella.

OP posts:
ThatsMyStapler · 25/06/2016 10:44

'saw this and thought of you'....

Cheap answer?

to think that keeping my neighbour's drive tidy is not my responsibility.
TheSpottedZebra · 25/06/2016 10:43

They're both really invasive! Do you dead head ?

ABCAlwaysBeCunting · 25/06/2016 10:43

The thing is, if you do their driveway once, they will expect you to do it for all eternity and that seems pretty odd and unreasonable to me.

My neighbour's tree drops seeds in my garden which have to be pulled out all the time. Do I expect him to come and do it? No.

bertsdinner · 25/06/2016 10:30

I dont think its your problem or fault, but if they are good neighbours I would be inclined, for the sake of peace, to sort the plants out.
My neighbour always moans about a hedge that overhangs a bit, drops leaves, etc. Part of me wants to tell her to just suck it up, but she takes in parcels, waters plants while im away and is nice to the cat ( even when he did an enormous dump in her flower bed), so I just sort it.

LifeIsGoodish · 25/06/2016 10:30

Campanula and nigella - very clearly from my garden. Though, oddly, only the blue campanulas have migrated, the white ones appear to have stayed put.

But the dandelions aren't ours - dh attacks them with a vengeance in our lawn I sort of like them.

And the grass? Could be from anywhere, including their lawn.

It is mostly campanula and nigella.

OP posts:
Pearlman · 25/06/2016 10:24

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

TheSpottedZebra · 25/06/2016 10:22

Is it def your plants though or is it common weeds that are showing up ? As some things do self seed like arse holes. So if you had one of them, then yes, you could and perhaps should do something about it, something like dead head the plants.

ABCAlwaysBeCunting · 25/06/2016 10:17

What? How is the OP's problem? If it wasn't your seeds it would be others, so no, I would refuse any demands that I weed someone else's driveway.

LifeIsGoodish · 25/06/2016 09:56

Thanks for your replies.

You could say that this is Referendum-related, as I'm an immigrant (so were neighbours, but about 1000y ago and 200y ago, so possibly acceptably English by now?) and is it not a perfect example of Little Britain doing a bit of 'cultiver notre jardin'?

OP posts:
MrsMook · 24/06/2016 23:41

If it's your problem then it's my council's fault that I have dandelions in my lawn from the seeds blowing in from their grass verges and the park Grin

You're innocent. Something's going to seed itself in anyway!

blueturtle6 · 24/06/2016 23:23

Cakeninja. Maybe this plant is EU variety and therefore maybe subject yo deportation in future. 😉

Floralnomad · 24/06/2016 22:40

Not your problem , this is a common problem with block paving it's probably nothing to do with you it's just weeds - we have a block paved drive and the middle of it looks like a weedy lawn at the moment I really must deal with it - or I could tell next doors gardener that they are their weeds and get her to do it .

TheSpottedZebra · 24/06/2016 22:35

Are they def your plants and not weeds? If so, yes it would be nice for you to sort it.

CakeNinja · 24/06/2016 22:33

YABU for starting a non referendum related thread Grin

exexpat · 24/06/2016 21:55

If it wasn't your self-seeding plants it would surely be other weeds? I don't think there is such a thing as a self-weeding/weed-free brick drive, you always need to do some work to maintain them, so it is their responsibility, whether the airborne seeds are from your plants or the usual dandelions, moss etc.

Jedimum1 · 24/06/2016 21:52

I think they are your plants in between their bricks, so yes, I think you should spray over the bricks some of that "weed spray" to avoid the plants growing there. What if the roots and seeding in between the bricks make the whole structure weak over time? Ok, exaggerating but it's their wall and if your plants are going all over it, I'd say it's your responsibility to cut them. Said in the nicest way Grin

Sorebigtoes · 24/06/2016 21:49

YANBU. Not your problem. Suggest pouring boiling water on them, will kill the plants without using commercial weedkiller.

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