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Cat or dog for young family?

18 replies

mumtomaxwell · 24/06/2016 13:33

Posting for traffic (and light relief from referendum stuff!)
We'd like a pet. Both DH and I have always had cats but sadly lost our recently. Our 3 children are aged 3-8. DH works shifts and I work 3 days a week.

Can't decide between a dog or a cat so looking for advice... I like the idea of a dog making me shift my lazy arse but need to know the reality of dog ownership.

OP posts:
Wolfiefan · 24/06/2016 16:33

Or two.
Two is better!!

Wolfiefan · 24/06/2016 16:33

I would say cat too. You can't leave a dog all day. The maximum would be about 4 hours (as a settled adult dog)
I'm not sure I would want a tiny kitten with a 3 year old. Kittens do scratch and bite. They require neutering and have to be kept inside until all that is done. Perhaps a slightly older cat?

scrogmog · 24/06/2016 16:30

Male cat. I say male coz in my experience, female cats are mardy arses. All my male cats have been very cuddly and love strokes, so you get the cuddles without the commitments a dog requires.

MrsMarigold · 24/06/2016 16:27

We have a cat she is like a celebrity among DCs friends, she is very chilled and they like to sleep with her.

hellsbellsmelons · 24/06/2016 16:21

I'm with Regina Grin

YumBountyChoc · 24/06/2016 15:53

We have a cat with our almost 1 year old DD. They're not the best of friends but it works because cat hides all day and comes out after DD is in bed. We live in a flat so a cat is much better suited to us anyway. She's proper cuddly as well, comes and gets on our knee when we watch tv, loves a brush and is very vocal - it's like having an extra person around.

I'd love a dog but currently it's just not plausible. Good luck with a new moggy.

mumtomaxwell · 24/06/2016 15:47

I'm persuaded to stick with what we know :)

The drizzly cold mornings don't do it for me! Nor picking up poo for that matter...

OP posts:
cozietoesie · 24/06/2016 14:33

0600 on a cold drizzly winter morning.

The cat uses its tray, has a quick nosh and then goes back to bed/out of the cat flap (curfew permitting).

The dog is bouncing up and down in a corner waiting for the (long) walk in the cold drizzle. (Which, depending on breed, could just be its appetiser for the long lunchtime walk, the long evening walk, the prior-to-bedtime walk.)

I guess it depends on your location, lifestyle and other commitments. Smile

FoxesOnSocks · 24/06/2016 14:30

Properly best to look at if your life suits a cat or a dog. You don't want to get a pet and make then them unhappy.

Dogs will be unhappy if they are regularly left alone for long periods, cats are better suited to these circumstances.

Birdsgottafly · 24/06/2016 14:25

I'll second what Auti says, I don't notice having my Cats in terms of the 'work', but as said, I had to rehome my dog.

Cats can be just as cuddly and good company as a dog.

I find that dogs make walking more interesting, but I've done Castles etc, which a dog cuts you off from doing.

Auti · 24/06/2016 14:22

I'm a dog person but at the moment we have a cat due to pressures of parenting and work.

I simply don't have the time or energy for a dog currently.

Birdsgottafly · 24/06/2016 14:21

To deal with, unless you get a 'toy' breed. Then there's just hair and dog dirt.

Dogs are slightly more expensive, overall. They're feeding and sleeping arrangements can be more complex.

Have you any dog breeds in mind? they vary a lot.

Birdsgottafly · 24/06/2016 14:19

I loved having dogs. I've had to rehome mine, because of ill health.

I went camping and walking, so my dog fitted in with my lifestyle.

I wasn't working when I got my first German Shepherd and later on my teens, would help.

They need walking daily, regardless of the weather and your children being ill, in clubs, it snowing etc.

There's mud and dog hair

ReginaBlitz · 24/06/2016 14:09

Neither... They are both cunts.

DollyBarton · 24/06/2016 14:01

1000 times, cat. From personal experience.

Claireshh · 24/06/2016 14:00

I have 12 week old puppy. He is incredibly loving, very cute and we all adore him. However, it is really hard work. Juggling the needs of the children whilst caring for a demanding puppy has been much harder than I anticipated.

ghostyslovesheep · 24/06/2016 13:59

who will look after the dog when you are both at work?

I vote cat - I have 5! then are very loving but quiet low maintenance

Junosmum · 24/06/2016 13:42


You know cats. Dogs are wonderful but are very needy and a huge commitment. Cats are more independent.Dogs also cost more.

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