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To make triangular scones

34 replies

PreAdvent13610 · 15/05/2016 19:06

DH has volunteered me to do the catering at a works open day. No problem, I do a reasonable amount of this.
However, they are advertising cream teas. I always make scone rounds, scored into six. Hence the end result is triangular. Less faffing, lighter results. Is this acceptable to other people?
There will be other cakes, savoury cream tea and free from stuff. I would like to avoid being in a situation where I'm back on here going 'they can make their own fecking scones'.

OP posts:
ToastByTheCoast · 15/05/2016 21:28

They will be lovely whatever shape whey are but you ARE asking so....for plain scones to go with jam and cream I would expect round....but two cheese scones I have had in tea shops recently have been triangles. One particularly lovely teashop near us serves triangular cheese scones, warm and dusted with paprika or cayenne. They are amazing!

You are having cheese rounds and plain triangles (are they plain or with fruit), so initially I would be a bit confused and have to try a few of each to acclimatise Grin.

So you may find you even sell more due to the novelty value!

ThroughThinkandThing · 15/05/2016 21:36

I'd buy any shape you make them in, provided there is no sugar in them!

HouseOfBiscuits · 15/05/2016 21:42

I'd love to eat triangular scones. Quirky is good!

SealSong · 15/05/2016 21:42

Thanks, OP. That looks like it makes loads of scones!

RNBrie · 15/05/2016 21:47

I love coming across triangular scones. It's like finding a four leaf clover or a kitkat with no biscuit. I had no idea how they were made and figured they were crafted by leprechauns or something equally magical.

Will be trying your recipe at the weekend op!

LastFirstEverything · 15/05/2016 22:40

My Gran and Nana both made triangular scones- amazing. I think they're the best shape for a scone, and especially if they're a bit bigger than standard ones!

Also, thank you for the recipe OP, I will try this next week sometime. I normally make scones with an egg in, so am pleased to try a 'tried and tested' type of recipe without the egg. I shall, of course, make them triangular.

Good luck with the cream tea OP!

OhGodWhatTheHellNow · 15/05/2016 23:15

It's how my mum made them.

I now want scones Sad

Liiinooo · 15/05/2016 23:38

I have never heard of a triangular scone but now I have my mouth is watering. I want the scones, the sweet ones and the savoury ones. I want them all. I want them now. But I have no flour...or bicarb......

Stares wistfully out of the window at the closed minimart across the scones for me tonight.

VioletSunshine · 15/05/2016 23:51

It depends, are they triangular "skons" or "skowns"? Grin

Seriously though, unless they've specified you need to make them a certain way, triangle scones will still be just as yummy. If they are savoury ones at that, there's definitely room for shapes other than round.

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