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To be seething he got away with it *trigger warning*

27 replies

NotAnotherNameChangeAgain · 08/05/2016 19:59

I'm so angry.
I probably shouldn't be posting for anonymits reasons but I don't care.
A few years ago I had to run away from my job as a Nanny having been witness to Dad Boss severely physically abusing his child. (Welt maresults, hand prints and bruises on child hours later) I had been working for the family for a while, whilst I suspected abuse before this had been the first time I'd have concrete proof.
I left immediately and called the police, who upon seeing the marks on the child for themselves arrested the Dad.
I have no heard from the family since that night and after being interviewed by the police (and the RSPCC for good measure) heard very little.
I heard that other staff members came forward, there were some reports of further physical abuse, sexual abuse and extensive verbal abuse. There are 3 children.
I heard that a social worker had been assigned to their case.

It took a long long time but I managed to put it mostly behind me. Confident that SS were on the case and that the mother could perhaps now escape with the kids. It took me a while to shake off the fear that the Dad (who is extremely wealthy) was going to send someone after me.

Since then I've been trying to get on with it and have been honest about the almost 2 year gap in my CV despite some parents at interview being less than supportive (1 parent told me I "overreacted" by calling the police and should have just talked to the parents)

I have just found out that the parents are together and have emigrated with their family to a mansion in an exotic location (I've been there. It's heaven). Despite photp evidence from myself and the arresting officers and numerous statements from a variety of witnesses - he got away with it.
He now lives with his children in paradise.

I loved those children with all my heart.
AIBU to be beside myself with anger?

OP posts:
BlueCheeseandcrackers · 08/05/2016 21:36

It is against the law if you leave a mark - which you say he did.

NotAnotherNameChangeAgain · 08/05/2016 21:12

I still have the original reference number at home. I'm going to follow up when I get back (I'm in Egypt at the moment)

It must have been the NSPCC but it was a while ago so I'm afraid I can't be certain. I spoke to an extremely friendly lady who was an officer of some kind and she took a LOT more detail from me about the incident, the history and a profile of the Dad etc.

I can only presume he hired a very good lawyer and they managed to wiggle through with reasonable force?
It's not against the law to hit your own child

OP posts:
BeYourselfUnlessUCanBeAUnicorn · 08/05/2016 21:03

I remember this too. How awful he has been allowed to get away with this.

I don't understand how tbh. Several staff members said the same thing, sounds like there was a lot of different types of abuse, why we're the children not taken in to care!

Can you phone SS and ask? I would, out of concern, that you witnessed what was going on and are very concerned for their welfare not they are still with him and in another country.

ExtraHotLatteToGo · 08/05/2016 20:49

I'd report them to the agencies where they live now.

I'd follow it up with the police here. I don't know what you're entitled to know, but something surely.

Poor kids 🙁

ImperialBlether · 08/05/2016 20:44

I've reported abuse to the NSPCC and had to outline my concerns. They passed it on to a social worker though I was never told the outcome. I wouldn't call it an interview, but they were thorough.

makingmiracles · 08/05/2016 20:40

The nspcc don't actually do anything though afaik, they are simply a middleman. When abuse is reported all they do is report it to children services.

LineyReborn · 08/05/2016 20:30

Perhaps you can chase up the NSPCC. It's about time they did something.

Lightbulbon · 08/05/2016 20:24

If the child didn't corroborate the abuse there is nothing the police or ss can do.

It's likely the dad scared them into silence.

It's a real loophole in our system.

The kids will wise up to him when they are older though.

Oly5 · 08/05/2016 20:20

can you try the police,social services and NSPCC again?
maybe they can share info with the other country
bless you for trying to help those poor kids

Ringadingdingdong22 · 08/05/2016 20:20

Bloody hell that's awful. Those poor children. What a cunt. I'd be raging too.

Pineapplemilkshake · 08/05/2016 20:19

I presume you meant NSPCC. They don't interview people.

NotAnotherNameChangeAgain · 08/05/2016 20:17

It was a charity protecting children. Another staff member contacted them so that there would be pressure coming from all sides.

OP posts:
NotAnotherNameChangeAgain · 08/05/2016 20:16

I DO hope. Obviously!

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LineyReborn · 08/05/2016 20:16

Why would you have been interviewed by the RSPCC? And if that's a typo for NSPCC, same question really.

NotAnotherNameChangeAgain · 08/05/2016 20:16

I think I did post about it around the time actually. Under a different name.
I was desperate for support back then.

I have little knowledge about SS in the country they're in. I'd post which it is but I'm not sure where I stand legally about posting too much info.

I'don't hope he gets his recompense via his children when they're older but I'm not so sure. He's a shower them in love (after he's laid into them) type

OP posts:
Griphook · 08/05/2016 20:12

I remember you posting about this ages ago, just goes to show what money can buy! Poor children

hobybabo · 08/05/2016 20:12


This is sad to read Sad

SnookieSnooks · 08/05/2016 20:12

YANBU. It sounds like the Dad got around social services. Among my friends and family, there are a lot of bad experiences with social services. One of my friends (a grandparent) spent months begging social services to help her grandchildren and daughter. They ignored her and in the end the Dad beat up her daughter in front of the kids. They still ignored her.... In fact my DP is being taken to court by our local council due to the fact that social services have told lie after lie. eg claimed to have done stuff but have no documentary evidence.

PortiaCastis · 08/05/2016 20:12

Dont really know what to say. Poor children how sad

OddBoots · 08/05/2016 20:11

I think I remember you posting about this before quite some time ago. I am sorry to hear he has got away with it. Is the place they are living a place that would take child abuse seriously?

Skittlesss · 08/05/2016 20:08

That's so sad :( those poor children.

NotAnotherNameChangeAgain · 08/05/2016 20:08

Sorry, I don't mean to be rude.
I'm so angry.
Not surprised. But angry

OP posts:
NotAnotherNameChangeAgain · 08/05/2016 20:07

Feel free to search me and read my previous threads. Not my first time posting, not my first time mentioning this. But thanks

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MumOnTheRunCatchingUp · 08/05/2016 20:05

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MammaTJ · 08/05/2016 20:04

You did your best, it is others who failed them!

I don't think he will 'get away with it' though. The children will remember and make their own judgements and that can be harsher than prison!


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