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AIBU to hide this friends' posts on Facebook

37 replies

Cornishclio · 29/04/2016 18:42

A friend of mine is constantly posting photos of her and her DH having meals out, sometimes alone, sometimes with friends or going walking at National Trust places. It is every day almost as they are retired. I find it quite tedious so have hidden her posts and am seeing her this evening and I know the first thing she will ask is have I seen her Facebook photos. Do other people do that? It just seems like constant bragging and not at all interesting after the first 100 photos of them with a glass of wine in their hand. AIBU?

OP posts:
AriaTloak · 29/04/2016 23:32

FB is inherently narcissistic, nobody posts anything on there except in the hope of getting likes for it.*
That's a load of bullshit if I've ever seen it. I post pictures of inane shit in my life because my family like to see it, and I like to see the boring shit they get up to.

So fuck you, and fuck your "likes" !

CandyCrusher · 29/04/2016 23:36

I post pictures of inane shit in my life because my family like to see it, and I like to see the boring shit they get up to.

Me too. I'm actually one of those who LIKE seeing what people have had for their dinner, or where they're visiting as I like to see what others are doing. Smile
All the banal shit people get worked up over I actually love as I'm interested in people!

gandalf456 · 29/04/2016 23:40

I just say I am not on it much

Lighteningirll · 30/04/2016 07:16

The minutiae of other people's lives is incredibly dull you clearly have the wrong people on your friends lists. It's the minutiae I find fascinating I have friends all over the world (I'm a gamer) of all ages/sexual orientation/political leanings and other than the nasty left wing British poster/anything racist or homophobic it's all interesting.

leelu66 · 30/04/2016 08:23

other than the nasty left wing British poster

Hmm yeah because right wingers are known for their caring natures

fanjoforthemammaries7850 · 30/04/2016 08:33

This thread is proof that whatever one does it will piss someone off somewhere.

fanjoforthemammaries7850 · 30/04/2016 08:34

Actually MN is proof of that Grin

987flowers · 30/04/2016 08:38

I post the boring crap referred to on here. I do not do it for likes (that comment says more about the person who wrote it!) But to keep a record of what I've done and to share with family who live away. I really enjoy getting an update of what I did last year and in previous years. I am more than happy to be unfollowed by anyone I bore or defriended!

Just unfollow her OP and the problem is solved!

Pagwatch · 30/04/2016 08:53

It's not difficult.
You've unfollowed her so you don't see her stuff. All you need to do is look at her timeline before you meet if you don't want her to know.

Other than that I agree with EatShitDerek.

lljkk · 30/04/2016 09:30

I have unfollowed a few for "boring" reasons.

The mysteries of what appears on my FB news wall is so bizarre that I don't expect to see much of anything from any individual.

mrgrouper · 30/04/2016 09:50

I do not think you are unreasonable at all.
It is YOUR Facebook page. You want to see things you find interesting or amusing.
If there is an oversharer clogging up your news feed then unfollow.
I also hate people who do stuff like that. Incessant bragging is very unattractive.

cavedescreux · 30/04/2016 09:55

It doesn't sound that you like her. Perhaps you should quietly withdraw from the friendship if seeing her photos enrages you. I hide when people overdo the politics or share too many memes. But then I tend to like (or at least recall fondly) those I'm friends with!

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