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Do you say 'bye byes' or 'nigh nighs'?

79 replies

Pixienott0005 · 24/04/2016 11:55

When referring to a baby going to sleep, which do you say.

OP posts:
useyourimagination · 24/04/2016 14:15

When the DC were little it was just 'bedtime' or 'night night'. Now they are considerably older (think teenagers who now set their own bedtime and just roll their eyes at us) we use the phrase "time for XX to go to her sidings". We are a transport orientated family.

Lunar1 · 24/04/2016 14:17

Have we been invaded by netmums huns? It's love you, night night in our house.

JasperDamerel · 24/04/2016 14:20

I don't believe in using baby talk so I aim to improve the DC's vocabulary and familiarly with great literature by telling them that it is time for nature's soft nurse, or sore labour's bath, or the season of all natures.
Once they are a bit older I plan on introducing them to other languages and using appropriate quotations from Goethe, Tolstoy and Proust.

MagicalMrsMistoffelees · 24/04/2016 14:22

Good night, sleep tight, see you in the morning and I love you very much.

thecatfromjapan · 24/04/2016 14:23

I used to ironically add on the 'flights of angels' thing from Hamlet until I realised that the scene in which it is used in Robocop was flashing before my eyes each time. Eeek!

Lol @ JasperDemerel.

Pedestriana · 24/04/2016 14:23

I once met a grown woman who referred to going to bed as
"going sleepy bo-bo's" ; it was just her and her boyfriend, no DC's.

We have bedtime in our house. If I'm talking to a babysitter or to anyone else, I say DD's bedtime is at X o'clock. If I'm talking to my DD when putting her to bed I say "night night" or "goodnight".

Pedestriana · 24/04/2016 14:24

Jasper - love it!

TheSolitaryWanderer · 24/04/2016 14:25

Last winter I fell asleep on the floor in front of the fire because I was completely knackered.
I woke up in bed, DH was away and DS had carried me upstairs and put me in bed, because that's where I should be.
He probably said 'night night' because that's the phrase I use.

ChardonnayKnickertonSmythe · 24/04/2016 14:25

How old are your DCs jasper?

Because you might be too late, surely everybody knows for the the best exposure to Tolstoy the months in the womb are invaluable.

Oysterbabe · 24/04/2016 14:26

How old was DS?!

TheSolitaryWanderer · 24/04/2016 14:27

22 with Asperger's so he likes things to be in the right place. Including me.

UmbongoUnchained · 24/04/2016 14:28

We say "sleeps now. Oyasumi. Big love"

thecatfromjapan · 24/04/2016 14:28

Mind you, I laugh but ... when I was a bit PFB with the Adored First Born Infant, we did collect (and use) bed-time song-tapes in various languages and from various historical periods.

Scary. I blame it on the hormones.

ProfYaffle · 24/04/2016 14:30

My Mum always used to say 'up the jolly dancers' Confused

GreatFuckability · 24/04/2016 14:31

i just say goodnight, love you. like a normal person.

TheSolitaryWanderer · 24/04/2016 14:33

Was she from the NW/ Lancashire?

seagreengirl · 24/04/2016 14:34

There are some po faced people on this thread.

TheSolitaryWanderer · 24/04/2016 14:35

Mumsnet is not known for its tweeness. Smile

summerdreams · 24/04/2016 14:40

Maybe it because my son doesn't sleep much but night night I don't think he 'gets' because he never bloody sleeps he says it to other people in the evening time but never to me and bye bye is what he says when he is going to do something naughty and wants me to stay where I am. Hmm

summerdreams · 24/04/2016 14:42

Pmsl thesolitarywonderer

WorraLiberty · 24/04/2016 14:48

I'm just wondering whether the OP has gone tat tats, bye byes or night nights?

Either way they've fucked off off.

meffhead · 24/04/2016 14:50

DS 6 is disabled and speech limited so here it is Nigh nigh as that's what he can say ... We also have an Obbie as opposed to a dummy as that's what DD5 called it when she was a baby ( only disabled DS had an Obbie as he had no suck reflex... Nurse gave him it) everything else is normal ..... I think !


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ProfYaffle · 24/04/2016 14:51

Solitary - yes she was/is

glueandstick · 24/04/2016 14:53

We've started playing the audio book of 'go the fuck to sleep' read by Morgan freeman. Mainly for my amusement

oliviaclottedcream · 24/04/2016 15:12

Night, night or nighty-night. Sleepysleeps??? For crying out loud!!!

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