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Cyclists should use cycle lanes where they exist

78 replies

TychosNose · 14/04/2016 13:00

Apologies if this sounds like I'm cyclist bashing. I don't mean to.

A road a regularly drive down has a completely separate cycle path which is along the footpath, separated from the road by a grass verge, but every single day I have to hover behind cyclists who insist on riding along the road rather than on the cycle lane (I'm driving a car obv.)

I have no idea why they do this. It's safer for them on the cycle lane surely?

It would also be faster because there are traffic lights on the road but not on the cycle lane (unless they jump the red light ... ).

Aibu to suggest they should be fined for using the road when there is a perfectly adequate, dedicated, safe, probably expensive cycle path?

OP posts:
TychosNose · 14/04/2016 14:32

well there's a hedge at the side of this cycle path so totally different situation.

OP posts:
TychosNose · 14/04/2016 14:42

travellingloon my journey is held up significantly by cyclists I can assure you. I wouldn't dream of swearing at a cyclist simply for using the road.

I think some people on this thread are taking out their anger at other car drivers on me. I really am a considerate driver. Much more than most where I live. In fact I have been abused myself by arseholes in great big cars who have been annoyed at me for not unsafely overtaking cyclists thus trapping the big car behind me while I wait for a sufficient gap in the oncoming traffic for me to overtake the cyclist safely.

Yes Bert that's exactly the same

OP posts:
herecomethepotatoes · 14/04/2016 15:00

"Your choice of car is absolutely up to you, but I can't quite see why the increased tax gives you more right than most? "

It clearly doesn't. My (pethaps badly made) point justifying cyclists on the road.

Sorry you found it rude OP but you haven't posted anything contrary.

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