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Allergic reaction

26 replies

SurroMummy13 · 09/04/2016 07:00

This may 'out' me but I'll risk it.

AIBU to think this is out of hand?

Back story, my daughter has been at this nursery just over a year and loves it. She's had allergic reactions before and atm in trying to figure out what causes them as its not just one thing.

I went to pick up my daughter from nursery yesterday and when I got upstairs and the most senior (not old, just the highest ranking) nursery teacher lets call her MrsT, had my daughter near the front desk.

And said to me that my daughter had just took an allergic reaction to something and she doesn't know what. Her arms was all red, had a scratch on her arm and my daughter was saying "mummy look,miss hurting"

Obviously I looked shocked as she's never taken a reaction like that before, I held my daughter arm and asked MrsT what she's been near and how long has she been like this, and why didn't the call me.

At this point MrsT started laughing hysterically and said 'its just paint, she was painting and got it up her arms'

Obviously relieved but AIBU to think that this is out of hand? I think MrsT meant it light heartedly, but still.

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SurroMummy13 · 09/04/2016 19:44

I think I'll let it go, put a pin in it per se.

I'll keep a log of it and if something remotely like this happens in future then I'll be moving my daughter and putting in a complaint.

Also will mention it when she's in again to say that it made me extremely uncomfortable. I expect an apology though.

Before anyone slates me - I'm reluctant to move her as it's taken her a long time to come out of her shell, she's got a group of friends and really thriving in there. So I'm reluctant to move her and uproot her to start again elsewhere, then again to move to primary school in September next year.

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