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to be sad about the Landrover buggy.

15 replies

BlackBagTheBorderBinLiner · 17/03/2016 21:42

I'm sorting out the house and have finally got round to the buggy. It was a wonderful Landrover ATP (All Terrain Pram) - even the name was great.

They don't make them any more any I've been Googling reviews. They were so lightweight and I felt smugly superior to the complicated systems my friends had. AIBU to be sad about decluttering this triumph of engineering?
Should I keep it for the imaginary grand children?

OP posts:
BlackBagTheBorderBinLiner · 19/03/2016 21:21

I'm trying to convince myself, no more 'keep it' comments please.

OP posts:
BlackBagTheBorderBinLiner · 19/03/2016 21:20

Fugly! It's certainly a long wheel base, with the framed raincover it looks like a biome at the Eden Project.

I'm going to pass on the love and except cash in lieu of undying gratitude puts imaginary grandchild on hover contraption, gazes at wheeled pram in museum

Funny how objects give you a physical memory, where the poppers are, the click of the frame.... I have photos do not need the actual thing!

OP posts:
ProcrastinatorGeneral · 18/03/2016 20:13

It's a fugly beast isn't it?

I have an SEN pushchair, I can throw no stones


TeaPleaseLouise · 18/03/2016 19:35

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Littlef00t · 18/03/2016 19:31

Sell it and pass on the love!

summerdreams · 17/03/2016 22:13

No actually the websites just been left and it says discontinued its a ghost site Blush

summerdreams · 17/03/2016 22:10

Ive just had a look and they are £399 to buy from landrover brand new so there is definately still a market for them. I can't believe I've never heard of them I now want one Grin

WhyCantIuseTheNameIWant · 17/03/2016 22:06

Keep it if you have the space.

BlackBagTheBorderBinLiner · 17/03/2016 22:05

Apologies for all the typos, clearly too emotional Grin

OP posts:
BlackBagTheBorderBinLiner · 17/03/2016 22:03

At one point we had two Blush

The black one which Marks & Spencer briefly sold with the pram bit did six kids between three of three of use and was even then passed on.

This one is the proper Landrover one, quick release wheels. It's even got a flight bag. might hide it back in attic for future generations

OP posts:
TheSecondOfHerName · 17/03/2016 22:03

I had one for my twins. Bought it second-hand, and when a part broke, we were able to get it repaired. They don't make them like that anymore.

PoppieD · 17/03/2016 22:00

I now want one! Have just googled and they look amazing!! Still a market on eBay!

MrsGannicus · 17/03/2016 21:57

We had one too. Was so sad to give it away. Had forgotten about it until now and feel sad all over again! Was a great buggy!

CruCru · 17/03/2016 21:47

Oh Gosh, we have one of those.

SohowdoIdothis · 17/03/2016 21:45

Brilliant bit of kit, ours went through about six families after us, still out there, especially if you were into the outdoors. ours was a gift from landrover bright red and one of the first made.

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