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Not to post pictures of my chocs on facebook and just scoff them instead

61 replies

TheoriginalLEM · 06/03/2016 16:23

neither did i post the picture of my breakfast in bed that didn't happen together with pictures of the whole family snuggled in bed because i was grumping because i wanted to read my book finished off with "feeling blessed" Envy

Do these people have their trays of breakfasts with half a rose/daffodil in an egg cup, balancing on their bed before they even wiped the sleep out of their eyes simply for the reason of putting them on facebook!

OP posts:
green18 · 06/03/2016 21:56

Sometimes I think people have lost the capacity to enjoy the moment with the people you are sharing it with. It wouldn't occur to me to line up cards and flowers and post on FB. It's a personal thing between me and my children. What difference does it make what others think of it my children and the gifts they bought? It's like they need approval from everyone else. Sad.

Chocolatteaddict1 · 06/03/2016 20:01

Oh yes -

"I'm so pissed off right now, how dare you!"

"Aw you ok Hun?"

"I've inboxed you"


Sallystyle · 06/03/2016 19:57

FFS this again.

I'm with Usual

I only friend people I care about, I'm glad to see them happy and I like seeing their gifts. They didn't post because they are boasting or because they like others to feel miserable Hmm I guess they thought they would use FB the way it is intended to be used, to share things.

TheoriginalLEM · 06/03/2016 19:53

There is only one thing that irks me more than facebook boasting. That is the passive aggressive or self pitying cryptic messages that are fishing for "hope you're ok hun" comments and PMs.

OP posts:
usual · 06/03/2016 19:52

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MammaTJ · 06/03/2016 19:50

9 year old DS made me a bowl of crunchie nut cornflakes (the best he can manage, not being able to use the 'hot stuff'. DD age 10 made me a mug of tea.

DP made lunch for all of us, snack type feast! DD was desperate to do dinner for me, so DP bought a selection of ready meals that he knows I like, so she could take my order and 'cook' it for me.

I got a couple of boxes of chocs, lovely cards in their very best handwriting.

I have had a lovely day but I do not feel compelled to make my friends on FB who are less fortunate feel miserable!

One of my friends has made me chuckle with her DS's efforts though, he told her he wanted to buy her a game he clearly wants for his X-box, but she had not given him enough money, so he got her flowers and chocs! He wanted to cook dinner, so he did a burnt ham toastie! She was chuffed that he tried though, and that was worth boasting about on FB as it was heartwarming! Nice to see she had a good day!

bluespiral · 06/03/2016 19:49


I've had a lovely day - breakfast in bed, card, handmade card from school, chocolates, flowers and taken out for tea.

I haven't posted anything about mothers day on FB though. I think it's a bit boring/cliched and it must be hard for people who've lost their mums to scroll through it all.

thebestfurchinchilla · 06/03/2016 19:45

YANBU My sentiments entirely! Just been on FB for the first time today and it's littered with photos of lined up presents and gifts like a photo shoot! This has been done by normally sane women who I call friends. ... wth? Why not just enjoy ? Why have to boast?

TheoriginalLEM · 06/03/2016 19:43

" usual Sun 06-Mar-16 17:48:53

I'm glad I'm not FB friends with some of the miserable fuckers on this thread"

But how do you KNOW...............................??

OP posts:
Penfold007 · 06/03/2016 19:10

Mothers Day went a little pear shaped at Chez Penfold, we all ended up in Burger King. Cue much giggling by DCs as they posted on Facebook about how they were spoiling mum.

AndYourBirdCanSing · 06/03/2016 19:06

Oh I share the odd petition too

AndYourBirdCanSing · 06/03/2016 19:05

I don't post on main facebook to be honest- I'm on there mostly for private groups and school info

I used to post annoying stuff when mine were babies but I blame the hormones Hmm

hmcAsWas · 06/03/2016 19:01

Clear conscience on that one usual -I do think carefully before posting any old tripe on facebook so on the few occasions I post something, its generally a bit different or mildly entertaining

usual · 06/03/2016 18:58

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AndYourBirdCanSing · 06/03/2016 18:53

Usual it's not about not liking people to be happy. It's about failing to see why people feel the need to post every minute detail. Or boast.

You should just copy and paste your miserable fucker comments actually as you always like to post them on facebook threads. Save you time.

usual · 06/03/2016 18:49

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usual · 06/03/2016 18:47

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hmcAsWas · 06/03/2016 18:46

"I'm glad I'm not FB friends with some of the miserable fuckers on this thread"

Likewise, I bet your facebook statuses are one long yawn fest

usual · 06/03/2016 18:45

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CallousAndStrange · 06/03/2016 18:44

Ugh at 'feeling blessed'. Makes my insides squirm whenever I read that. Especially as what it should read is 'feeling smug'.

Chocolatteaddict1 · 06/03/2016 18:43

usual your that facebooker that checks in to every where (even hospital) and post posts what you have eaten for tea arnt you? Grin

sharonthewaspandthewineywall · 06/03/2016 18:32

Yup- all conceited bullshit


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usual · 06/03/2016 18:26

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AndYourBirdCanSing · 06/03/2016 18:23

Oh I do dislike facebook boasting. And a lot of it is boasting. But I don't understand the need for half the stuff people put on facebook to be honest- it's like the 'date night' couples with numerous check in updates and photos- I want to post 'get off your bloody phone and enjoy it then!' If that makes me a miserable git so be it Grin

usual · 06/03/2016 18:23

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