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To ask how you get all the household jobs done in the school holidays?

77 replies

Supportingeachother1983 · 18/02/2016 15:32

How on earth do people get everything done in the school holidays? Just the basics like preparing meals, washing up, laundry, hoovering, cleaning loos, emptying rubbish etc? I have been taking DC (2 and 6) out in the mornings to soft play etc but then feel like I need to lie in a dark room for the rest of the afternoon lol. I try and get the jobs done but I feel done in and the kids want my attention (constantly). So today I tried doing all the jobs in the morning but the kids watched TV all morning and then trashed the place while I was cleaning up from lunch and making a slow cooker meal so I have only just finished everything and now it's too late to take them anywhere! I've thought about alternating days in and days out, would that work? Or lower my expectations of what the kids do in the holiday. I could nip them to the park for a bit now. But that's 4 hours of TV, 2 hours of eating and trashing the place another hour of TV and a trip to the park in the freezing cold. It doesn't feel a great day for them? What do others do? I notice on other threads some people say they don't do much household chores but I can't imagine not keeping the loos clean and having no clean clothes for my kids to wear, a sticky floor etc. unless everyone else has cleaners?? I feel shattered this week and my oldest just said she can't wait to go back to school!! I feel a bit sad that she just said that!

OP posts:
WaitrosePigeon · 19/02/2016 19:19

Totally understand.

Lower your expectations and just do things as you get along.

Minimising toys and clutter really does help. I did it last weekend and the mess has improved greatly.

bakingaddict · 19/02/2016 18:56

Its easier now for me as my PIL are retired so they take the kids a lot but if I'm entertaining the kids on half term then DH picks up the slack. I'll cook meals and feed everyone but the cleaning dishes and picking up toys is left for him

nanetterose · 19/02/2016 10:46

As silly as it may sound 'a little and often' is really the best way.

Do not accumulate clutter at all. After supper, always put things away.

Have a selection of wicker baskets for smaller children's toys & bung them in of an evening.

Work out what you'd really like in your home , keep those things then discard the rest.

I've moved countries a few times. Having to start over ( a few times) taught me that we really need very little.

My children are 17. 12 & 7 now - those early years are (by far) the most draining and unrelenting.

Earlyday · 19/02/2016 09:28

I work out of the house 5 days a week so I find the holidays easy even when I take annual leave and am off all day with my children. I get more done on those days than I do on the days I working - even if we got out a few places during the day.

redhat · 19/02/2016 09:28

I get the DCs to do the household jobs. It's good for them Wink

This morning they have tidied the kitchen, loaded and unloaded the dishwasher. Sorted the clean washing and put it away, brought down the dirty laundry and fed the animals. They're about to go and collect sticks and bring in a couple of barrows of wood for the furnace.

Ive been working faffing about on MN

Notso · 19/02/2016 09:19

My daily toilet cleaning doesn't involve bleach. Just a wipe with a bit of spray cleaner on toilet roll round the flush, seat and under the seat and round the rim. Then chuck a jug of hot water round the pan. I only use bleach if it stops looking white under the water.

ShamefulPlaceMarker · 19/02/2016 08:41

My priorities are wrong! I spent most of wednesday morning paining a dining room table, whilst surrounded in piles of clean clothes which need putting away, dirty dishes and toys! I still haven't washed the paint pots and brushes from when my dd was being 'crafty' on tuesday! :/
We went out all day yesterday, so the house is still a tip.
BUT..... I will blitz clothes and dishes this morning, go out for afternoon. Then chuck dc in bath later on and clean the bathroom. The only time I ever clean the bathroom is when they're in the bath, so every other day.

Tanith · 19/02/2016 08:06

Childminder here (smiles indulgently at the thread Smile)

Some jobs are essentially daily and I'd put cleaning the loo and mopping the floors in that category.
I train all the kids to tidy up after themselves - it's their playroom. Protests of "I didn't do that!" are met with "Neither did I Smile".

Wipe as we go, tidy as we go and a big splurge in the evening/weekend. Timed. Anything over that time gets left until next time.

I did find Flylady incredibly helpful, by the way. Oh, and I don't iron, for example. Folded as they come off the line or out of the drier. Life is too short!

Shall I collect my halo on the way out? Grin

HPsauciness · 19/02/2016 05:04

Surely there's a middle way to be found between daily loo cleaning and once a month!

nooka · 19/02/2016 04:55

In our house during the holidays we make the kids do the cleaning while we are at work. They are teenagers though Grin

CheshireDing · 19/02/2016 04:43

I have a 4 and a 2 year old and DC3 here soon, standards are certainly not as high as when I was a single adult ! Grin

Main things we do - they have to put toys away/tidy whatever they have been playing with before we have lunch/go out etc (they are pretty good at this).

They always shut the toilet seat and flush after going.

After a meal I will say "ok you go and play now whilst I just tidy up" - quick wipe around table and kitchen and fill dishwasher etc.

At bathtime their toys are put away before they go upstairs and they have to help tidy their bedrooms before bath. The Robotvac is switched on to clean the crumbs I have spent all day sweeping on to the floor !

In the week I only wash things which don't need ironing - socks, underwear and fleeces, towels etc.

I only dust when the sun shines on something and I realise how bad it looks !

The house looks "acceptable" Grin

CheshireDing · 19/02/2016 04:43

I have a 4 and a 2 year old and DC3 here soon, standards are certainly not as high as when I was a single adult ! Grin

Main things we do - they have to put toys away/tidy whatever they have been playing with before we have lunch/go out etc (they are pretty good at this).

They always shut the toilet seat and flush after going.

After a meal I will say "ok you go and play now whilst I just tidy up" - quick wipe around table and kitchen and fill dishwasher etc.

At bathtime their toys are put away before they go upstairs and they have to help tidy their bedrooms before bath. The Robotvac is switched on to clean the crumbs I have spent all day sweeping on to the floor !

In the week I only wash things which don't need ironing - socks, underwear and fleeces, towels etc.

I only dust when the sun shines on something and I realise how bad it looks !

The house looks "acceptable" Grin

CheshireDing · 19/02/2016 04:43

I have a 4 and a 2 year old and DC3 here soon, standards are certainly not as high as when I was a single adult ! Grin

Main things we do - they have to put toys away/tidy whatever they have been playing with before we have lunch/go out etc (they are pretty good at this).

They always shut the toilet seat and flush after going.

After a meal I will say "ok you go and play now whilst I just tidy up" - quick wipe around table and kitchen and fill dishwasher etc.

At bathtime their toys are put away before they go upstairs and they have to help tidy their bedrooms before bath. The Robotvac is switched on to clean the crumbs I have spent all day sweeping on to the floor !

In the week I only wash things which don't need ironing - socks, underwear and fleeces, towels etc.

I only dust when the sun shines on something and I realise how bad it looks !

The house looks "acceptable" Grin

jamdonut · 19/02/2016 00:01

Always been lacksadaisical in the household chores department. DH much better at cleaning than me. I
When kids were younger, only the really essential stuff got done on a daily basis.
Now they are grown up/ living at Uni , I find I have more time to do stuff, during school hols, when I m at home.
Don't sweat it, I say.
My house is not filthy, but it is "lived in" !

RedOnHerHedd · 18/02/2016 23:52

DSs 11 and 7 play outside of its not raining. But I manage to get it all done. I clean my toilet daily too, but I don't make a journey upstairs to do it, I do it after having a wee, quick wipe down and scrub with bleach takes 2 mins. Then I clean the sink as I'm washing my hands. We clean the bath and shower after each use so that doesn't take up much time. I'll Hoover and mop the floors downstairs daily, usually in the mornings, and use the water to then mop the bathroom floor and flush the water away, or if I do top to bottom and start with the bathroom floor, I throw the bleach water out the back pathway to stop any green stuff growing.

I dust every other day.

I think as they get older they entertain themselves a bit more. It's definitely harder work when they're younger. An ideal half term for my boys is either playing outside with their friends or if it's raining having a friend come over.

OhGodWhatTheHellNow · 18/02/2016 23:20

I'm getting ads for Dettol now...

OhGodWhatTheHellNow · 18/02/2016 23:19


PrimalLass · 18/02/2016 23:11

I have low standards.

OhGodWhatTheHellNow · 18/02/2016 22:48

What disappointed said, we have three loos and a septic tank, bleaching them daily would be mad, they get done when they need it.

Sure my house is a bit untidy in parts but it's a long way from squalid, I also spend time feeding the heating (fires and it's a bloody big house), shifting ash, shifting fuel, opening flues, closing flues, opening windows as chimney blocked, sweeping said bloody chimney, faffing around again with the coal, but if the dcs were in school the fires wouldn't be lit and I would sit in a coat. Nothing makes dust like an open fire, I would go stark staring bonkers if I worried about a bit of mess.

Anyway that's my excuse Smile

celeste83 · 18/02/2016 22:41

Fair enough but just because poo doesn't hang around long just by flushing the loo the dirt and germs from the poo gets spread around. I'm not anti germs anywhere else in the house but poo contain ecoli and other unfriendly germs. After a few days and certainly a week even a lightly used loo only poo'd in a few times a week the germs will multiply to quite a level. Some places need to be cleaned regularly and toilets are one of those places in my book. Lovely topic btw lol.

shutupandshop · 18/02/2016 22:39

Dishwasher gets put on 2/3 times a day, load of washing/drying/hanging up. Wipe over things when notice needed. Cleaner every 2 weeks

Jollyphonics · 18/02/2016 22:33

I do the basics during the day - food preparation, wiping kitchen table after meals, loading dishwasher etc - which doesn't take long. Everything else I do in the evening after they've gone to bed.


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DisappointedOne · 18/02/2016 22:25

Just by the very nature of what toilets are used for once a month just seems not enough. I'm sure parents would be up in arms if school toilets were only cleaned once a month for example.

36 4 and 5 year old children use 3 toilets at DD's school. If they all go twice per day that's 24 times per toilet per day.

3 people use 4 toilets at home. Well, minus time away from the house. Wee isn't really an issue as its sterile on exit and gets flushed immediately. Poo doesn't get left for any time either. But still. Let's assume we all use the loo 4 times per day. That's 12 per day across 4 loos, or 3 each. Not much really. And completely different to 4 and 5 year olds, many of whom haven't got the hang of aiming, wiping or flushing!

I'm not adding cleaning chemicals or bleach to the water supply for the sake of it.

LilacAndLovely · 18/02/2016 22:23

Once a month does seem pretty grim to me.

Tbh I think it makes a difference if you have boys or girls though. It's not a matter of them being well trained, more one of aim which you can't really teach them...

Caramelslice · 18/02/2016 22:20

Hmmm. You have my sympathy. Personally I find this unbearable. We are lucky enough to have an elderly relative in the countryside who's keen for company, so we go there every school holiday. We do big walks and daytrips and then I cook nice family meals. Somehow they don't trash that house as much as ours. And there's not as many chores I'm keen to do. In the meantime I pay a cleaner to do our house while we're away so we get back to school week feeling on top of things. I

I am aware that being able to take most holidays off, having a cleaner and a relative in the country is very spoilt. Truth is I'm massively overdrawn and organise several aspects of my life quite badly!

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