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To ask if you tip in cafes???

46 replies

altctrldel · 06/02/2016 23:11

Went a local place today that has craft stalls, a food shop, petting farm etc. Also there is a cafe- reason I went to take a friend for lunch.

Had lunch, and friend insisted on paying. Eventually after a debate she paid and I left a 15% tip.

Friend said she never tips in cafes, only restaurants

I was a bit Hmm

Who is the weirdo?

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RaskolnikovsGarret · 07/02/2016 14:56

We always tip in cafés and restaurants unless there is a good reason not to. I feel it's very rude not to, and am shocked by the number of posters who don't. Although I am down South now, my Northern family always tipped. And we were/are by no means very well off.

RaskolnikovsGarret · 07/02/2016 14:57

I don't know anyone who doesn't tip either, either in the South or North.

MadamDeathstare · 07/02/2016 15:00

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frikadela01 · 07/02/2016 15:00

RaskolnikovsGarret can i ask what else you tip for? And what you find it rude not to?

Genuinely not being goad it's just like I said in my previous post I really struggle to understand why some people deserve extra money yet others don't. I get it in the states because the servers there don't make minimum wage but over here they do.

frikadela01 · 07/02/2016 15:01

Why not what.

MadamDeathstare · 07/02/2016 15:05

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CremeEggThief · 07/02/2016 15:06

Nope, unless I have a bit of copper to get rid of. I only tip in restaurants and round up to the next pound for taxi journeys.

londonrach · 07/02/2016 15:08

certainly not for cake and a drink. Usually if you want to theres a box on the till for cafes.

MadamDeathstare · 07/02/2016 15:13

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RaskolnikovsGarret · 07/02/2016 16:32

I tip taxi drivers, hair dressers, pizza delivery people, doormen, but not others. I don't expect to be tipped for my job as it is not the norm, and there is no expectation of it.

OzzieFem · 07/02/2016 17:00

We have minimum wage rules in Oz, so no, I don't tip anyone. We have to pay a goods and services tax here ( I think you have VAT in UK). I can understand the tipping in the US ($1 - 2 per hour, disgusting), I always thought the minimum wage in US was $5 - 7 though?

MadamDeathstare · 07/02/2016 17:24

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AppleSetsSail · 07/02/2016 17:31

What is the distinction between a cafe and restaurant as it relates to tipping?

I always tip in restaurants because I'd feel like an asshole otherwise.

I have seen enough posts on MN regarding this very matter to have been convinced that it's fairly arbitrary and therefore unfair as to who is tipped and who is not, so I kind of understand the opposition. That said, I will continue tipping.

AppleSetsSail · 07/02/2016 17:33

Nope, unless I have a bit of copper to get rid of.

Oh, the waiters must love this.

choccyp1g · 07/02/2016 17:42

My principle is pretty much if you pay at the start you don't tip, but I do sometimes put the odd change into the tip box on the counter. When DS was small and messy I always put 50p to a pound in for a £5 snack.
I wonder if staff in say Starbucks, notice less tips now people pay with cards and phone apps ?

Orda1 · 07/02/2016 17:45

Most lunch places don't have table service, I'm thinking John Lewis cafe type thing?

CremeEggThief · 07/02/2016 17:59

If you must know, Apple, I am talking about 3 or 4 pence in copper in the tips box, although I need every penny I can get, living on £745 a month.

OddBoots · 07/02/2016 18:12

Those that draw the distinction between cafes and restaurants, how do you feel about meals in 'order at the bar' pubs, do you tip then?

SirChenjin · 07/02/2016 18:15

Only if it's table service and only if the service has been really good. I've waitressed in my student days and tips are the things that make up wages to a decent amount - which really ticked me off then and ticks me off now.

MadamDeathstare · 07/02/2016 19:06

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altctrldel · 07/02/2016 19:47

Its like a casual restaurant. You que up, wait for a seat and someone comes and takes your order. I wouldnt pay in the like of mcds/starbucks (although i do sometimes throw my change in the cup they leave on the counter in cafe nero) because theres not really any service- but someone who comes to your table, tAkes your order and brings it you i just think its different

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