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To refuse to eat Iceland chicken

38 replies

SpecialLittleLady · 14/01/2016 14:06

I bought a bag of frozen sliced chicken because a friend said it was good for quick lunches on weight watchers. I tried it today and it is vile, it has a really odd soft consistency with almost a smooth texture. My husband would go mad if I threw out a big bag of chicken but I really don't think I can face feeding this to anyone let alone eating it myself Sad

OP posts:
CallieTorres · 15/01/2016 14:56

take it back

SaggingTits · 15/01/2016 11:28

I tried it once, was vile. Tried feeding it to the dog who gave it a cautious sniff then moved away. Bin it.

Whoknewitcouldbeso · 15/01/2016 09:17

I kno rxactly the consistency you describe and it is indeed vile.

I suggest boxing it up and sending it to the orange one.

Figmentofmyimagination · 15/01/2016 09:14

This kind of chicken tends to be imported from Thailand where it is processed and then transported to the uk in large vacuum packed slabs. It goes to 'chicken-based' restaurant chains, Chinese takeaways and to form products like the one you bought.

SpecialLittleLady · 14/01/2016 20:49

No I'm not scared of my husband he would just mock me for buying such utter crap and then be irritated that I waisted £5 on it. I did try your give it you the cats but they turned their nose up at it which says it sll really. I think a friend with dogs will be getting a little visit very soon. Thanks everyone I was thinking I had gone mad but it really is the poorest excuse for chicken I have ever seen.

OP posts:
MrsJayy · 14/01/2016 19:46

Yeah if you dont like it just bin it.

seasidesally · 14/01/2016 19:43

put it out for Mr Fox

ftmsoon · 14/01/2016 19:27

I once bought their cook from frozen diced chicken breast, it was horrendous and I'm afraid I did bin it as I couldn't face eating it again!

Notso · 14/01/2016 17:05

You shouldn't have to eat something you don't like just to avoid upsetting your husband. Let him eat it if he is so concerned about waste.

MrsJayy · 14/01/2016 17:02

She doesnt sound scared of her husband atall he is probably 1 of these folk who dont like wasting food

MrsJayy · 14/01/2016 16:59

The frozen is reformed its ok in a stew or a curry i have used it but wouldnt eat it plain its rank.

MumOnTheRunCatchingUp · 14/01/2016 16:58

You sound scared of your husband! Bigger problem than a bag of chicken!

x2boys · 14/01/2016 16:55

I think Iceland food is generally cheap and nasty anyway but an you not put it in a curry ?

WitchWay · 14/01/2016 15:44

do you have cats? they'd love it Smile

littlemermaid80 · 14/01/2016 15:40

I'm totally with you!! Iceland chicken is VILE. Bought a packet of chicken breasts once and couldn't believe how horrid it was.

IfItsGoodEnough4ShirleyBassey · 14/01/2016 14:48

Actually if you're doing WW then presumably you're not up for DIY KFC, but you could do it for your DH as a treat. Or keep it frozen until you visit someone with a dog.

IfItsGoodEnough4ShirleyBassey · 14/01/2016 14:46

Do you have a cat?
Or a deep fat fryer to DIY KFC?

Janeymoo50 · 14/01/2016 14:42

Oh and Iceland Pizzas are totally yummy (and far cheaper than branded ones), especially the Italian stone baked thin ones.

LagunaBubbles · 14/01/2016 14:40

I think the one you get in Aldi is ok.

MitzyLeFrouf · 14/01/2016 14:38

Pass it on to a friend or neighbour with a dog who'd happily scoff the lot.

That way you get rid of it without wasting it.

seafoodeatit · 14/01/2016 14:37

I wouldn't eat it, I too would either only cook enough for OH or just throw it out and never buy it again.

Summerisle1 · 14/01/2016 14:35

It's cheap for a reason so not only would I not buy it, I'd also not eat it. But then I don't have a husband who dream of 'going mad' if I chose to dispose of it. Not that I like wasting food, it has to be said.


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Catphrase · 14/01/2016 14:32

I buy their breaded chicken goujons. Honestly they are the nicest I've ever had. Much much nicer than m and s or waitrose!!

That sandwich cooked meat looks grim though!

MitzyLeFrouf · 14/01/2016 14:29

Those bags of frozen meat look putrid.

MarvellousCake · 14/01/2016 14:24

I would throw it out.

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