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To turn off mamma Mia

65 replies

TangledUpInGin · 09/01/2016 19:11

After 8 minutes due to it being utter shit?

OP posts:
Cavaradossi · 12/01/2016 10:01

I think it's the law on MN to be incredibly snotty about it. I hate those kind of films but what's with the competitive snottiness. Don't like it? Don't watch it! It doesn't make you superior for not liking it!

I think the snottiness - which I fully share, I admit - is in part down to Mamma Mia being hailed as some kind of great film for wimmin-y togetherness, where we all lie about in groups singing and being free-spirited and overdosing on wine and snacks in an unthreatening 'all girls together' way. It's promoted as 'what women want' from a film, and someone is out there right now trying to figure out how to replicate it at the box office.

I only like slow-moving French new wave films and screwball comedies, but I can usually see what other people like in more popular films, even if I don't like them myself eg The Shawshank Redemption has a feelgood ending, romcoms are good in that you can go and see one being pretty sure that no one will be violently murdered before the end of the credits, etc etc. I have to admit I can't with Mamma Mia. I genuinely don't get the appeal at all. The bits I've seen have the same effect on me as Great Auntie Nuala hitting the karaoke machine half-cut at a wedding.

Admittedly, I have never seen the whole film - who is actually the bride-to-be's father, or is that beside the point? And does she actually marry that annoying youth from The History Boys?

ChristmasZombie · 11/01/2016 11:08

Haha, I love it!
Yes, it's utter shite. Yes, the storyline is dreadful. Yes, the singing is...questionable.
But it's just so fun!

LiviaDrusillaAugusta · 11/01/2016 10:46

I think it's the law on MN to be incredibly snotty about it. I hate those kind of films but what's with the competitive snottiness. Don't like it? Don't watch it! It doesn't make you superior for not liking it!

I would sooner stick pins in my eyes than watch some of the shit discussed on MN but I don't consider myself a better person for not watching it than those who do.

Katedotness1963 · 11/01/2016 10:42

8 minutes? That about how much of it I managed.

Cavaradossi · 11/01/2016 08:49

I have a high tolerance for cinematic crap, but this is waaay below my lowest standards. Meryl Streep squeaking free-spiritedly in dungarees and a bunch of guys jumping about in flippers - it makes Love Actually look like Citizen Kane.

And that's not a sentence I ever expected to say...

gruffaloshmuffalo · 11/01/2016 01:22

I've seen a clip and didn't like it, but I turned off Bridesmaids because I thought it was stupid. I didn't even get that far into it.

I like Love Actually though, and love watching The Holiday

mathanxiety · 10/01/2016 03:37

YANBU. I refuse to ever watch this because I am an Abba purist and I can't bear to hear anyone else singing their songs.

Mouthfulofquiz · 10/01/2016 03:15

I think if you've accidentally watched some Mamma Mia, you have to cancel it out by watching a Luther or similar.

KoalaDownUnder · 10/01/2016 03:11

Shock Bridesmaids is hysterical. Grin

And not vomitously sentimental and effing lame, like Love Actually. Wink

knobblyknee · 10/01/2016 03:05

Bridesmaids is one of my fave films and I have an enormous box of unopened thorntons chocolates

Someone with such crap taste in films does not deserve chocolates. Anyway, they make you fat. Give them to meeeee.

Millionsmom · 10/01/2016 03:00

At last, folk with the same views as me!
It's just Jeremy Kyle set to music. When I hear of friends taking their daughters to watch it it makes my mind truly boggle. I can see the convo they have in 10 years time.
Girl: 'Mum, I'm pregnant, but don't cry, it's just like Mana Mia and we love that don't we'.

I do love Abba, but this film makes me very stabbey.

Love actually lasted 10 mins actually before that was switched off.

KoalaDownUnder · 10/01/2016 02:46

Love Actually is another one that makes me embarrassed when I watch it, because it's so godawful.

My toes actually curled up at some points.

DickDewy · 09/01/2016 21:27

Love Actually is the worst film I have ever watched. Or watched half of before I ran out of the room screaming.

Justforthisfred · 09/01/2016 21:23

I love it.

I love 'Love Actually' too.

So shoot me 😁

DickDewy · 09/01/2016 21:23

God, it's SO awful.

Inexplicably, my friend and I took our children to see it at the cinema when it first came out.

No-one could warn us how dreadful it is. We sat looking at each other, open mouthed, whilst all around us women shrieked and squawked.

Redglitter · 09/01/2016 21:21

YANBU it's absolute crap

LindyHemming · 09/01/2016 21:19

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Alisvolatpropiis · 09/01/2016 21:11

I quite enjoy it but fuck me, the plot holes! There are craters on the moon smaller.

FishWithABicycle · 09/01/2016 21:07

I watched the first 10 minutes once and switched it off. Yanbu. I watched a different 10 mins on a different occasion (poss from about two thirds of the way through) and it was just as dire.

YakTriangle · 09/01/2016 20:47

But is it really charmingly scatterbrained and ditzy and adorable to have unprotected sex with three different men in a week, or is it maybe a bit grim and irresponsible? Hmm.

londonrach · 09/01/2016 20:40

Pierce so knows he cant sing if you watch the making of but just goes for it! Love the fact he doesnt take himself seriously. Ok maybe i know this film too well. (Steps away from this thread)

laylabelle · 09/01/2016 20:37

I like the French and Saunders version lol.Used to love this film and saw it a while ago and just seemed awful.Pierces singing however is a highlight :-D


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TheSconeOfStone · 09/01/2016 20:37

YANBU if that's how you feel. I love it. Hate musicals, hate rom-coms but get dragged to see this with mum sis in law and best mate. Bloody loved it. Makes me laugh, makes me cry. I'm ashamed. I'm usually very cynical but this film won me over despite many, many cringe worthy moments. The three older actresses are all amazing in it.

londonrach · 09/01/2016 20:33 to. I lost two grandparents within days and this film helped. Dh and i had it on loop at one point.

ItsOutThere · 09/01/2016 20:32

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