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To not pay to visit Stonehenge as its almost 20

38 replies

DyslexicScientist · 07/12/2015 10:26

We will be driving past tomorrow and I fancy stopping. For an adult with gift aid and the audio guide its about 20 each, this just includes a bus journey and getting closerer to the rocks but you can walk there instead.

Aibu to park in the carpark for free, walk there and download the audio guide? I want to support English monuments but it does seem quite pricey for a hours stop off.

OP posts:
Mehitabel6 · 08/12/2015 07:09

I agree- Avebury is much nicer and free.

FishWithABicycle · 08/12/2015 07:00

I thought it was worth it.
Given that you can't go into the circle at all, the visitor centre room with a very realistic projection of what it would be like to stand in the centre was brilliant - I spent at least 20 minutes just standing there absorbing the atmosphere and would happily have paid at least quarter of the fee just for that. The rest of the visitor centre was also really interesting and the walk around the stones, with the facilitation of the audio guide to help interpret, was great.

You can drive past on a crowded road and catch a glimpse for free but you get what you pay for and I definitely felt I got my money's worth.

Ymmv. If you aren't that interested in what there is to find out more about you may feel differently.

MrsTrentReznor · 08/12/2015 06:20

Of course that was meant to read Cornish!

MrsTrentReznor · 08/12/2015 06:19

Peace I might see if I can talk my DP (nowhere near as much of a hippy as I am...) into going! Xmas Grin
I dragged him all round the corning moors a couple of years ago looking for men an tol and lanyon quoit. He survived. It was awesome. I didn't trust the shewee and fell over having a wee in a bush.. Happy times... Confused

Bambambini · 07/12/2015 21:33

Avebury is much nicer and FREE! Has a nice pub and cafe too. Went to Stonehenge seems such a faff these days.

londonrach · 07/12/2015 20:59

Avebury so much better than stonehenge. Alot more interesting site and free.

BrandNewAndImproved · 07/12/2015 19:43

I've only ever been on the solstices. Great atmosphere being in the middle of the stones when the sun rises!

I wouldn't pay twenty quid to walk around them backwards.

TiggyD · 07/12/2015 19:35

To not pay to visit Stonehenge as its almost 20

I though you were going to say "years old". I was going to post that it looks at least twice that, but won't now.

Go to Avebury/Silbury Hill/ West Kennet Longbarrow.

TalkinPeace · 07/12/2015 17:21

The Winter Solstice is fun because its cold and dark so the brew crew stay away.
Went to the summer one last year - heaving with people who were missing the point completely.

The winter one was really family friendly with all the little kids sitting on one of the recumbent stones so they could see.
Tempted to go again this year.

toffeeboffin · 07/12/2015 16:51

It's dear but worth it, I was very impressed.

SophieTea · 07/12/2015 16:08

West Kennet is currently closed.

You can't touch the stones at Stonehenge because the stones are eroding pretty badly and so the carvings on them are vulnerable.

If you want to go inside the circle (other than at the Summer or Winter solstice), you have to book in advance to go to Stonehenge outside of normal opening hours (first thing in the morning).

If you go in normal hours, you are paying to look at it from the other side of a rope nearby. If you are a member of the NT or similar, you still have to book even if you are then going in for free. You can't guarantee that if you turn up on the day there will be places available.

The Visitors' centre is very good, but if I were paying to go, I'd rather pay the extra and go outside of visiting hours when it was quiet and you get time in the circle itself.

Alternatively, as others have said, just go to Avebury. It is great.

If you are going to Stonehenge, now is an excellent time to go as it is getting close to midwinter.

MrsTrentReznor · 07/12/2015 15:57

I went a few times for summer solstice in the 90's, was great fun and we got to watch the sun rise from inside the circle but I don't know what it's like now.
I went to the old visitors centre too, I remember being fairly unimpressed. (Possibly because of my solstice visits! Grin )
I'm looking forward to seeing the new centre.
I loved Avebury, it only costs you the parking too!

VulcanWoman · 07/12/2015 15:37

I've been wanting to go for a long time but it seems such a trek from the Midlands with no car, there's no organised trips, the train and buses take eons with changes. Sorry to sidetrack.

WoodleyPixie · 07/12/2015 15:37

You don't pay for the car park. I was there literally two weeks ago. Car park was free and the visitor centre was worth the entrance fee alone.

Potatoface2 · 07/12/2015 15:25

just drive by and look at it.....overpriced and cant get up close to your pay for the car park and visitor centre ....waste of money imo

TeenAndTween · 07/12/2015 15:12

Don't go accompanying year 3 in the rain. Smile

But otherwise the new visitor centre is great. I especially liked the circular room with time lapsed images of the henge around the year being projected onto the walls whilst you stand in the middle.

The visitor centre really helps you understand the history and the background. The moving of the road / centre makes the henge itself much more peaceful than it used to be.

talkiinpeace · 07/12/2015 14:22

But once you are standing inside the circle they are SERIOUSLY impressive

MadeMan · 07/12/2015 14:12

"but I didn't think the stones improved as I got closer. They were really exciting to see as we drove past. "

I also think they look much better from a distance when driving past. Get up close and the stones just look like what the builders leave behind after sticking up a block of flats before the landscapers get in.

aginghippy · 07/12/2015 13:55


My advice would be to park near Woodhenge, have a look at Woodhenge and then walk across the fields towards Stonehenge.

Or as above, just go to Avebury.

talkiinpeace · 07/12/2015 12:27

On the Winter Solsice in a couple of weeks they are free and you can get into the stones between 6am and 10 am : its a laugh

Avebury is a better visitor experience (make sure you go to West Kennett too)
Danebury is better views
Badbury has a nice coffee van
Maiden is just massive

Dawndonnaagain · 07/12/2015 12:03

We used to go and picnic there quite regularly when I was young. No charge, no fences, nothing.

ArcheryAnnie · 07/12/2015 12:00

I've road-tested quite a few memberships of things, and can confirm English Heritage membership is very useful. You can take up to six kids in with you free, which really helps when taking DS's mates somewhere! I've got a lot of value out of it.

I was really suspicious of what the new Stonhenge visitor centre was going to be like, but it's great. What they've done is put the stone circle back into the landscape - it's not just a big thing plonked just anywhere, that whole area is full of barrows, monuments, sites, etc.


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Scholes34 · 07/12/2015 11:53

We went a few years ago using our NT membership. The commentary you get with your entry is excellent and makes a few old stones really come to life.

Have a look at what's around you to gauge whether to go for EH or NT membership. I've found EH good for the information they provide to you as part of your entry, NT less so. I do feel with NT that my family membership simply isn't enough for them.

NT properties are a good alternative to motorway service stations if you're making a long journey, want a decent place to stop with good toilets and a picnic area and don't mind a small detour!

MothershipG · 07/12/2015 11:33

I grew up a couple of miles from Stonhenge and my parents still live there.

As a PP said I'm pretty sure that you can't just park and walk to avoid paying, we went last year to look at the new visitor centre, a vast improvement on the old one.

You can't get right up to them any more, we used to be able to climb on them when I was a kid, but I still think they look spectacular, especially when viewed in the context of when and how they were constructed!

80sWaistcoat · 07/12/2015 11:21

I'd go to Avebury instead. Stonehenge looks better from the road. Avebury was weird and interesting. Admittedly it's years since I've been, used to drive past Stonehenge most days.

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