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To be frightened of Vladimir Putin.

90 replies

riverwalk · 24/11/2015 22:16

He seems so unyielding and very war like. Obviously I'm scared of the whole world situation the way it is right now, but Putin has such an uncaring face iyswim. Just scary looking.

OP posts:
suzannecaravaggio · 25/11/2015 09:54

Even so he has man boobs, Stallone has a decade on Putin and he's in better shape

IKnowIAmButWhatAreYou · 25/11/2015 09:55

He's a very nasty piece of work. He's supporting Assad, among other things.

Whereas Turkey is the bastion of Human Rights and Democracy, supporting ISIS for cheaper fuel........

Makes me laugh how he's being painted as the bad guy when his jet was in Turkish airspace for 17 seconds.

Especially interesting when you take into account the reaction of the Turkish Foreign Minister when one of their jets was shot down by the Syrians in 2012 -

"The plane did not show any sign of hostility toward Syria and was shot down about 15 minutes after having momentarily violated Syrian airspace."
"The Syrians knew full well that it was a Turkish military plane and the nature of its mission."

Pot calling kettle.......

suzannecaravaggio · 25/11/2015 09:59

Adjust your humour detectors
We are joking (probably)

raranah · 25/11/2015 10:02

I googled the le of men in Russia is 61 not 45.

Ss looks dreadful IMO, lots of plastic surgery and Vlad is also natural.

suzannecaravaggio · 25/11/2015 10:07

Well excuse my hyperbole
I'm not talking about Stallone's face, its his physique

How do you know Vlad is natural?
He might be jacked up with all sorts of horse hormonesGrinShock

raranah · 25/11/2015 10:22

Ss is slowly mergin into his mum.

I recon his body's been knifed up. Vald is more real, he'd probably give himself a tit job without and she told it.

raranah · 25/11/2015 10:22


noclueses · 25/11/2015 13:28

raranah, are you joking? He had a lot of plastic surgery (Vlad) it's a very ewll known fact - he did need it though, look at his photos from about 8-10yrs ago, he had horrendous under-eye bags. And wrinkles. All this smoothness is due to injections and a face lift. Body-wise he's natural, obv and not bad at all for his age.

DotForShort · 25/11/2015 14:38

Putin is an extraordinarily dangerous leader, and I understand why you may be concerned about him, OP. However, your concerns should have nothing to do with his "uncaring face" or "how scary he looks." His record speaks for itself: authoritarian rule, silencing of opposition voices, widespread human rights abuses and violations of civil liberties. And of course his adventures in empire-building.

For the most part, the people who have been and will continue to be affected by the above are those who live in the Russian Federation (and Ukraine). I don't think you have much to fear if you are in the UK. Putin's involvement in Syria has essentially nothing to do with fighting terrorism and much to do with a desire for greater Russian influence in the region. (I would say that the Western powers have also proved to be depressingly willing to behave in disgraceful ways and to support extremely shady characters in order to consolidate and assert power, so Putin has no monopoly on such behaviour. But that may be a discussion for another day.)

stopfuckingshoutingatme · 25/11/2015 14:45


To be frightened of Vladimir Putin.
MySordidCakeSecret · 25/11/2015 14:49

have you guys seen the picture of him topless and he's wrestling a bear or something.. totally hawt Grin

but in all seriousness.. yes he is a scary man.

MySordidCakeSecret · 25/11/2015 14:52

I imagine he'd have similar sexual preferences to hitler and like a golden shower form his cousin Confused

Panicmode1 · 25/11/2015 14:56

DotforShort has said everything I was going to say. Having lived in Russia many years ago, it wasn't much fun then, but I would not want to live there now under Putin's regime. There is no effective opposition and he is utterly ruthless. Someone I know who is very senior in the security services said that they've never met anyone with such a scary presence, and such cold, heartless eyes - and they've met a lot of 'baddies'!!

Russia is CONSTANTLY invading airspace of various countries - in this instance apparently they were warned many times to leave Turkish airspace and didn't, even if the incursion that led to the plane being shot down was only a few seconds, they had been dancing around in it repeatedly. Their submarines are often in UK waters when they shouldn't be (in fact I think we called on the French this week to help us find a Russian sub off Scotland which shouldn't be there).


MidnightVelvetthe4th · 25/11/2015 14:56

The Russians like strong leaders, he's marketing himself this way plus he's ex KGB.

If you had sex with him, he's be looking past you in the mirror at himself all the time & afterwards would shoot you in the head.

ChipsandGuac · 25/11/2015 15:08

That would be the draw...would you escape his clutches alive?!

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