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in thinking that a slimming group leader who is supposedly following the programme but appears to be gaining weight

129 replies

minifingerz · 20/10/2015 09:48

... undermines the confidence of the group regardless of how good a leader she may be in other ways?

Our slimming group leader has put on several stone over the past few years. She wasn't slim to start with and is now probably obese. She still talks enthusiastically about how she follows the plan and all the tips and strategies she uses to eat more healthily. But she's still getting bigger....

I would have thought it was a policy for group leaders to be losing or maintaining if they profess to be following the programme, otherwise it's damages to confidence of members that the programme is effective and sustainable.

Or am I being unfair? She's very good in every other way.

OP posts:
flyrobynfly43 · 20/10/2015 10:49


Sirzy · 20/10/2015 10:50

Our sw leader is very honest with her weight, not the actual figures of course but when she puts on she tells the group, when she loses she tells us. She is at target and has been for more than 10 years so a very good advert. To me it is her approach and confidence which makes our group work.

We also have a lot of other target members who have been at target for a long time which again shows it works if you keep at it.

flyrobynfly43 · 20/10/2015 10:51

But if it really works, you shouldn't have to be attending this group for years and years, just to maintain your weight.
What kind of life is that?

Done correctly, it shouldn't be constant hard work and monitoring 24/7.

Viviennemary · 20/10/2015 10:54

I agree. A slimming group leader needs to be slim. One I went to the leader was around 5 stones overweight. Then she went on holiday and gained a few pounds but it was all very cheerful. As long as they take your money that's what it's all about. Selling all their fat free, sugar free products and raffles and collections for this that and the other. I know some people find them helpful but they are not for me. The only people it works for are the bank balances of those taking your money.

Sirzy · 20/10/2015 10:55

What going spending an hour a week with people who have become friends? Can't see why that is a problem!

Doesn't mean it is constant hard work and monitoring but for people who have battled with weight it is never going to be a case of reach target and then stop because then weight will go back on.

helenahandbag · 20/10/2015 10:56

Since I was 18 I have had six slimming class leaders (I've moved to new areas a few times) and only two of them were actually slim. My most recent consultant was actually pretty overweight but still sings the praises of SW and how she lost 4st and changed her life. She would talk at length about the SW-friendly recipes she makes and how it's her way of life now but she's bigger than a lot of the class members.

ExConstance · 20/10/2015 10:56

I'm veggie too, all the chicken, chiecken chicken talk and more recently pulled pork got to me in the end, I put the weight back on because I'm weak willed and none too keen on exercise.

flyrobynfly43 · 20/10/2015 11:01

This reminds me of that thread about how obese nurses shouldn't really be performing health checks on patients and how it's wrong to advise advise them to eat more fish and vegetables and cut down on fat when they don't follow the advise themselves.

SomeWeirdPumpkin · 20/10/2015 11:02

Don't studies show that eating sugar free sweet stuff actually makes us fatter because it feeds our sweet tooth? (please don't 'evidence please!!' me, this is just from articles that I have read in passing). It certainly worked that way for me, my sweet tooth was out of control on SW, as was my portion control.

I've cut out refined sugar and move to the 'other side' on the basis that no foods are a 'sin' or syn, however you want to spell it. I think diet clubs are like gyms, good value for money if you use them correctly. I'll only pay WW for 8 months and them it will be free as I'll be at goal.

WorraLiberty · 20/10/2015 11:04

It's completely different imo flyrobynfly

Unless the nurses are actually claiming that they are eating more fish and veg and cutting down on fat themselves.

And of course they wouldn't claim that, because it's no-one else's business.

Unlike this woman who claims to be actively following the same programme that she's promoting.

frigginell · 20/10/2015 11:06

"as a vegetarian, I couldn't join in all the weird wanking over Muller Light..."


MajesticWhine · 20/10/2015 11:06

My mum has this situation, says her SW leader is enormous. I think it could make the group members feel less motivated, so it could be an issue that needs to at least be spoken about honestly in the group, otherwise it becomes the elephant in the room. (sorryGrin)

HorseyCool · 20/10/2015 11:06

If you are in West London I know who you mean and I totally agree!!!

It nearly put me off joining my local group, I did join, followed the plan and lost weight, so it does work.

ihavenonameonhere · 20/10/2015 11:08

I do slimming world. I have about a stone to lose to get to a bmi of 22.

I enjoy it. I don't know many people around here and it's nice to go out once a week and have a chin wag etc. It also keeps me focuses to lose weight. I've been rubbish this week but want to get back on plan as I know I have weigh in.

I tend not to do the alternative stuff but instead just use it as a focus to not eat cake and biscuits and to eat more veg and salad with my meal

Oh and I totally Cheat on oil as fry lite is awful!

Siwi · 20/10/2015 11:08

Do people go for the company or to lose weight?
The weight thing isn't working.
Why not a book club or a rambling group?

Siwi · 20/10/2015 11:10

Obsessing must be unhealthy?

G1veMeStrength · 20/10/2015 11:10

I am crying at the weird wanking and the elephant in the room. I have GOT to log off here and do some work, buts its too funny.


Sirzy · 20/10/2015 11:11

The weight thing works for lots of people. Like any other diet/healthy eating plan though it is only as good as the motivation of the person doing it.

Siwi · 20/10/2015 11:13

It sounds like a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous where the leader is clearly permanently drunk.

HeySoulSister · 20/10/2015 11:13

Anything labelled 'low fat' will be likely to have chemical replacements and be stuffed with sugar. That'll be your average muller light then

WorraLiberty · 20/10/2015 11:14

So how many calories does the average group wanking session burn?

I always suspected there was more to these slimming groups than meets the eye.

And to think my local WW group meets in the local church hall Shock

MmeGuillotine · 20/10/2015 11:26

Ours met in the local church hall too. SCANDALOUS it was.

(I shouldn't Mumsnet when I'm sleep deprived. 'Wanking over Muller Light' sounded SO much better in my head, which is where such filth and depravity should clearly remain from now on.)


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standinginthedoorway · 20/10/2015 11:31

YANBU. This would strike me as strange. You'd think she might at least mention if there is another reason for her weight gain - I don't mean give personal details but simply saying "there is an underlying reason for my weight gain". Otherwise it makes it seem as if the plan doesn't work which would undermine my confidence too.

flyrobynfly43 · 20/10/2015 11:32

it should be

weird wanking over Muller Light

Don't forget the weird bit.
I will never be able to look a muller light in the eye again Grin

WorraLiberty · 20/10/2015 11:36

Yes, because wanking over a Ski yoghurt wouldn't be weird at all Grin

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